The best homemade chocolate wrap recipes

The best homemade chocolate wrap recipes
The best homemade chocolate wrap recipes

What is a chocolate wrap? Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes for chocolate wrap at home: classic, with oils, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, seaweed. Real reviews.

Chocolate body wrap is a multifunctional cosmetic procedure for body care and health improvement, which is carried out with the use of chocolate according to the method of creating a greenhouse effect on the skin surface. Its action is mainly aimed at stimulating blood circulation, replenishing the balance of nutrients and normalizing metabolic processes. But it is not at all limited to these three functions. The whole complex is complemented by a concomitant beneficial effect and helps not only to significantly improve the appearance of the skin, but also to have a beneficial effect on the entire body. This procedure is very popular not only in salons; homemade chocolate wrap is also in wide demand. It is about him that will be discussed in this article. Many recipes have been developed for its implementation, the most popular and effective of which are also in our material.

The benefits of a chocolate wrap

Chocolate wrap
Chocolate wrap

In the photo, the procedure for chocolate wrap

Chocolate wrap is a multifunctional procedure that affects not only the skin, but the entire body. The entire spectrum of beneficial effects is achieved mainly due to the valuable substances contained in the chocolate mixture. However, the wrapping procedure itself also makes its contribution, ensuring the acceleration of the penetration of all substances and provoking increased perspiration and the removal of toxins and excess fluid from sweat.

In general, this procedure is used to combat excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks, flabbiness and uneven skin tone, tissue swelling. In addition, carrying out a chocolate wrap will even help normalize the condition in case of hormonal and neurological disorders, sleep disorders, decreased concentration, performance and stress resistance, as well as with digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

The beauty of this method is the possibility of local treatment of problem areas. So, you can separately wrap the thighs, abdomen, forearm, back or the whole body.

Useful properties of different methods of chocolate body wrap:

  • Isothermal wrapping … The mixture warms up to a comfortable 36-37 degrees. The procedure helps to get rid of excess puffiness by removing fluid, helps to constrict blood vessels and dispose of toxins.
  • Cold wrap … It is produced in formulations cooled to 20-30 degrees. The mixture also narrows blood vessels, stimulates the elimination of decay products, and helps to remove excess fluid. This is a less comfortable procedure, but at the same time it has tonic properties and eliminates rheumatic pains, reduces the symptoms of varicose veins.
  • Hot or thermoactive wrap … It is carried out after heating the chocolate mixture to 38-40 degrees. The advantage of this method is the stimulation of lipolysis, expansion of blood vessels with accelerated blood flow, expansion of skin pores, more intensive elimination of stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Contrast wrap … It is not difficult to guess that this method involves changing temperatures during the procedure. By itself, it is more laborious, and it is rather difficult to carry out the procedure at home. However, after several sessions, we can safely say that, in addition to other beneficial effects, the walls of blood vessels were strengthened, the skin became more elastic and taut, and the volume of fat mass decreased more significantly than after procedures performed in a different way.

General benefits of homemade chocolate wrap:

  • Antioxidant effect … The product has a powerful anti-aging effect, actively fights free radicals that provoke oxidation. After several sessions, fine wrinkles are eliminated, the skin tightens, becomes more elastic and elastic.
  • Additional food … Together with cocoa, when the procedure for chocolate wrapping is carried out correctly, a lot of nutrients enter the soft tissues. Among them, there are enough vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, albumin and globulins, fatty acids and organic acids.
  • Normalization of metabolism … This is a key property for restoring the proper functioning of every cell in soft tissues. Thanks to him, there is an accelerated disposal of extra pounds, cellulite and stretch marks, restoration of the natural shade of the skin and normal structure. The latter is possible due to the restoration of the normal synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are important for maintaining the skin in tone.
  • Cleansing … The procedure also allows you to accelerate the elimination of decay products, toxins and toxins. This improves the general condition and appearance of the body. Chocolate wrap also removes breakouts, acne and dark spots.
  • Moisturizing … With the passage of even a short course of wraps, the water-lipid balance is restored, which allows you to maintain the natural level of moisture in the epidermis. The skin becomes more tender.
  • Anti-stress effect … The benefits of a chocolate wrap are also beneficial for the nervous system. The product used stimulates the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. The procedure increases stability in stressful situations, eliminates depression, normalizes sleep, and relieves muscle tone. All this, of course, has a great effect on overall health and helps in the fight against extra pounds.

Contraindications and harm of chocolate wrapping

Varicose veins as a contraindication for chocolate wrap
Varicose veins as a contraindication for chocolate wrap

Despite all the delights of the procedure, it does not always bring an extremely useful effect. And this is due not only to the product used, but also to the method of creating the greenhouse effect.

Contraindications for chocolate wrap are as follows:

  • Allergy … For some people who have an individual intolerance to cocoa beans, the procedure can cause red spots, burning and severe itching.
  • Pregnancy and menstruation … It is important to remember that the procedure affects the entire body, therefore, it can provoke a miscarriage and increase bleeding.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels … The procedure can adversely affect the state of health with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic hypertension.
  • Damage to the skin … It is not advisable to apply mixtures and wrap up those places where there are various skin lesions.

Before making a chocolate wrap at home, it is better to consult a doctor if you have any gynecological or infectious diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, after recent operations, in the presence of oncology and diabetes mellitus.

Adding new active ingredients to chocolate formulations, for example, various essential oils, cinnamon, ginger, it is worthwhile to understand that this increases the list of contraindications - from individual intolerance to any of the components to serious disorders of the body.

Homemade Chocolate Wrap Recipes

In salons, the procedure is done using ready-made professional formulations. It is also very simple to carry out a chocolate wrap at home. For this, there are many recipes with the addition of other useful ingredients - essential oils, honey, pepper, ginger, etc. Consider the most popular and effective options.

The classic recipe for chocolate wrap

The classic recipe for chocolate wrap
The classic recipe for chocolate wrap

The simplest version of the composition can be prepared by mixing 250 g of cocoa powder with 300-400 ml of hot water. The amount of liquid depends on the desired consistency. The mixture must be brought to homogeneity, breaking all the lumps.

You can also use milk or cream warmed to a comfortable temperature as a liquid base. According to numerous reviews, chocolate wrap according to the classic recipe with the addition of milk allows you to calm the nervous system well, so it can be done in the evening before bedtime.

Instead of cocoa powder, you can use a dark chocolate bar. Ideally, it should be free of flavorings. At the same time, a high cocoa content is a prerequisite for its use as a basis for wraps. Before the procedure, the product must be melted in a water bath with the addition of a small amount of water, milk or cream.

Any of these three options have many benefits and can be used as a basis for other recipes with additional ingredients.

Chocolate wrap with organic oils

Chocolate wrap with olive oil
Chocolate wrap with olive oil

The use of organic oils for body wraps is very popular. This is due to the fact that no chemicals are used in their production, which means that the final product is pure and as useful as possible. Organic oils help to gently care for the skin and are often able to fully replace skincare products. In combination with cocoa, they are responsible for the normalization of regeneration processes, penetrating deep into tissues, nourishing and moisturizing them.

For homemade chocolate wrap, recipes can include a variety of organic oils, such as:

  • Olive … It is the most affordable, enriches the chocolate composition with a mass of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It is advisable to add it to the water mass with cocoa powder in order to give it plasticity and facilitate application. So, for 250 ml of the base, you need to add 1-2 tbsp. l. oils. As a result of using a recipe with olive oil for a chocolate wrap, the skin receives a shock dose of useful substances, becomes silky and soft. This option is well suited for those with dry and aging skin in need of protection and hydration. Olive oil, together with cocoa, allows you to refresh the integument, relieving them of the stratum corneum and dryness.
  • Coconut … To prepare the mixture, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. cocoa and coconut butter, as well as 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. This amount of ingredients allows you to create a delicate, plastic and very fragrant mass. The recipe will provide protection from external factors, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, and softens tissues. It is very useful for skin prone to irritation, peeling and various kinds of superficial inflammation.
  • Macadamia … Due to its high content of palmitoleic acid, this product accelerates tissue restructuring, making it easier to fight orange peel and stretch marks. For 250 ml of base, it is enough to add 1 tbsp. l to get a noticeable effect. Macadamia oil extract can be combined with other organic oils.

In addition, you can use other organic oils, for example, shea butter, argan, karite.

It is better to wash off any of the products using a shower gel, and then carry out a light massage with a special brush.

Chocolate wrap with essential oils

Chocolate wrap with essential oils
Chocolate wrap with essential oils

The combination of cocoa with essential oils is an excellent solution for fighting cellulite and excess weight, maintaining the elasticity and beauty of the skin, as well as the health of the nervous system.

Usually they are added to the composition, first combined with a base, which can be any organic oil, and even refined sunflower oil. And then they are already combined with the rest of the ingredients. This allows such a valuable product to be evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Chocolate wrap at home can be done with the following essential oils:

  • Sweet orange … It is considered one of the best in the fight against cellulite. Its action allows you to normalize metabolism, restore normal collagen synthesis, cleanse cells of toxins and decay products. As a result of application, the skin is renewed, acquires a healthy shade, becomes more elastic, and its relief is also leveled. To prepare 250-300 ml of chocolate mixture, it is enough to dilute 5-7 drops of the product in 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, and then combine with 150 g of cocoa powder and 80-100 ml of water.
  • Mandarin … It has a good effect on the structure of the skin, therefore it fights well with stretch marks. It is especially good to do a local chocolate wrap with tangerine oil on the belly and sides. Also, if you do not add warming and irritating components, the mixture can be used for applications on the breasts, where women often develop stretch marks after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Number of ingredients - 5 drops of mandarin oil, 20 ml of coconut oil, 50 ml of cocoa butter, 100 g of cocoa powder.
  • Jasmine … In combination with cocoa, this ingredient allows for a good relaxing effect, it easily removes muscle tone. To prepare the composition, you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath, pour in 20 ml of milk, 10 ml of olive oil and 5-7 drops of jasmine oil. If necessary, for a thicker and more plastic consistency, you can add cocoa powder and a little more olive oil.

The benefits can also be enhanced with the addition of other essential oils. For example, lemon oil is used to fight scars and scars, ylang-ylang enhances the rejuvenating effect and protective functions of the skin, bergamot gives freshness, normalizes sebum secretion, fills in fine wrinkles, and cypress eliminates vascular networks, making the appearance more attractive. The listed products can be successfully combined. However, do not forget about possible contraindications, because any essential oil is a highly concentrated product that, if used incorrectly, can lead to burns and allergies.

Chocolate wrap with cinnamon and honey

Chocolate wrap with cinnamon and honey
Chocolate wrap with cinnamon and honey

The aromatic spice - cinnamon powder - deserves special attention. It has a wide range of beneficial effects: it improves well-being, increases muscle tone and is excellent at fighting overweight and cellulite. actively stimulates metabolism and nourishes cells.

Honey has no less benefit. This product is able to improve the health of the body not only when eaten, but also when used externally. It easily moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis, promotes exfoliation of keratinized particles and significantly improves the appearance after 2-3 procedures.

To prepare the mixture, combine 350 g of cocoa powder, 400 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon and 1, 5-2 tbsp. l. natural honey. It is better to apply this mixture locally to problem areas. It is not necessary to make a layer too thick so that the mixture does not drain from under the film. The miraculous composition will not burn, but may cause slight redness. You should not be afraid of such a state. This speaks in favor of the fact that the vessels expanded under the influence of the three ingredients, the blood with nutrients clung to the soft tissues, and the metabolic processes accelerated.

Such procedures can be performed 4-8 times a month with an interval of 3-5 days. In one course of 10 sessions, you can achieve safe weight loss of 2-3 kg. At the same time, the skin is well tightened and looks well-groomed, and the silhouette becomes more refined.

Chocolate wrap with ginger

Chocolate wrap with ginger
Chocolate wrap with ginger

Ginger is an excellent metabolic product. It is added to formulations with chocolate for wrapping to enhance the effect of fighting body fat. The procedure helps to tighten the skin, cleanse it of toxins, dead cells, and make the body more attractive.

To prepare milk (200 ml), combine with ginger powder (100 g) and cocoa (100 ml). We heat the resulting mixture without boiling. Cool to a comfortable temperature before use.

It is impossible to carry out wrapping with such a composition in the usual way. First, you need to strain to remove the cake, and then moisten the bandages in the solution. It is them that need to be distributed over problem areas, and then wrapped in foil. It is also advisable to wear warm clothes to enhance the warming effect. The exposure time is up to half an hour.

To improve the result, it is enough to do just one procedure per week. In this case, the course can consist of 8-12 procedures.

Chocolate wrap with red pepper

Chocolate wrap with red pepper
Chocolate wrap with red pepper

Red chili peppers are known for their ability to stimulate blood circulation and the sensitivity of nerve endings. It is added to chocolate wrap formulations to boost metabolism and burn fat. The warming effect eliminates joint and muscle pain. The product easily restores oxygen balance, has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates acne, and helps chocolate to rejuvenate the skin.

Chocolate Pepper Wrap Recipes:

  • With milk … The cooking technology is quite simple. Heat 400 ml of milk, add dark chocolate (100 g) and hot pepper (0.5 tsp) chopped on a grater. It is not advisable to add more hot ingredient to speed up the results, as this can lead to irritation and burns. Cool the resulting mixture and soak bandages or fabric with it. We wrap problem areas, wrap with foil.
  • With cinnamon and honey … Ingredients: cocoa powder (100 g), cinnamon (1 tbsp), honey (1 tbsp), red pepper (0.5 tsp), olive oil (2 tbsp). Water or oil can be added to dilute to the desired consistency. This vitamin cocktail has a high nutritional value and acts incredibly quickly. Leads to visible results after 2-3 sessions.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. The course includes 10 procedures, which should be carried out with a break of 3-5 days.

Chocolate seaweed wrap

Chocolate seaweed wrap
Chocolate seaweed wrap

Algae are very often used in various cosmetic products to rejuvenate and tone the skin. They bring a lot of useful substances into the body, stimulate metabolism, protect against free radicals, thereby preventing aging.

For preparation, you need to take a pharmacy spirulina or kelp (200 g), fill it with cold water and leave for 5-6 hours. Then place in a blender, grind into a gruel and combine with cocoa powder (100 g). The resulting viscous homogeneous mixture with the help of bandages is applied to the body and wrapped in a film. It is enough to hold for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Real Reviews of Chocolate Wrap

Real Reviews of Chocolate Wrap
Real Reviews of Chocolate Wrap

Carrying out a chocolate wrap at home not only allows you to achieve an excellent effect in rejuvenation, get rid of extra pounds and the hated orange peel, but also saves money. After all, preparing a healing mixture from cocoa powder, a bar of chocolate or butter is very simple and inexpensive. At the same time, you can pleasantly spend 30-50 minutes in a calm home environment. That is why many women prefer to take care of their bodies on their own. Here are a few reviews of the homemade chocolate wrap.

Polina, 34 years old

I just love cocoa wraps. It seems to me that there is simply no better means for maintaining skin tone and fighting cellulite. Recently, I increasingly use chamomile broth instead of milk. It can be made from regular pharmacy filter bags. At the same time, the skin is soft and without oily deposits. Cellulite is reduced very quickly, thighs and abdomen are toned without sports. But I also try to stick to a healthy diet.

Irina, 36 years old

And I like to do more with paprika and cocoa powder. I also add essential oils of bergamot and orange. Such a pleasant warming effect. The mixture is very delicate to the touch, but it can burn if someone has very sensitive skin. So be careful. Rinse off with warm water, you can use herbal decoction. During the procedure, I usually drink green tea. The effect is not long in coming. The skin heats up, the blood circulates faster. The body fat is gradually reduced. This is especially noticeable on the stomach. The surface becomes smooth and very pleasant to the touch.

Tatiana, 42 years old

From my own experience I can tell you how the chocolate wrap is useful. Firstly, it lifts the mood thanks to the aroma of chocolate. Secondly, it perfectly rejuvenates the skin, helps to reduce the lesions of cellulite, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Thirdly, it actually helps to fight obesity. I have no favorite recipe. I alternate the addition of various essential oils, honey, cinnamon, pepper. What I haven't tried with is algae. We need to fill this gap.

How to make a chocolate wrap at home - watch the video:

Chocolate wrap is a very pleasant procedure, which, in addition to pleasure, allows you to get an incredible cosmetic effect. Among the variety of good recipes, each girl will be able to choose a suitable option for herself and arrange a miniature spa at her home.