CT Fletcher or Plush Beard - training program and nutritional guidelines

CT Fletcher or Plush Beard - training program and nutritional guidelines
CT Fletcher or Plush Beard - training program and nutritional guidelines

Thanks to the training methods and motivation of CT Fletcher, millions of athletes achieve their goals. Do you want it too? Find out how a "plush beard" works out. Before moving on to the nutritional program and training rules for CT Fletcher or Plush Beard, you should briefly talk about the athlete himself.

Short biography of CT Fletcher

CT Fletcher at the tournament
CT Fletcher at the tournament

S. T. Fletcher's childhood years passed in Compton, California. It was then one of the most criminal areas in the entire United States. After school, he began to engage in powerlifting and achieved great success in this sport.

The athlete's height is 182 centimeters, and his weight was about 130 kilograms. His life nearly ended tragically in 2005 when he was hospitalized for a heart attack. S. T. always loved fast food and for 20 years practically only ate in fast food restaurants. As a result, this led to serious heart problems.

Fortunately, everything ended well, and Fletcher survived. After the operation, his weight was only 86 kilograms, and doctors forbade him to play sports. However, he was in love with bodybuilding and was unable to resist the urge to exercise. The athlete drew the correct conclusions from what happened to him and revised his nutrition program and daily routine. Today S. T. is one of the most famous video bloggers on the planet.

Training program from CT Fletcher

CT Fletcher training with a barbell
CT Fletcher training with a barbell

All professional athletes make changes to their training program every couple of months. In addition, the composition of the training program is also influenced by the goals that the athlete faces. For this reason, it is impossible to say which program is used by S. T. presently. We can consider the general principles of its construction, and you can use them in the future when creating your complex.

At the same time, if you are just starting out with bodybuilding, then you should not use the programs of the stars. Of course, it will be very useful to familiarize yourself with them, but then it is better to compose your own. Even the full compliance of your classes with the program of the same Arnie will not make you look like him. There are many factors that affect muscle growth.

It should be said that, despite the constant changes in the training program, CT Fletcher always uses one principle of its preparation. A plush beard does a lot of reps with less weight. Fletcher does a lot and can afford special sports supplements. If your financial situation does not allow you to just eat normally, we are not talking about supplements, then there is no point in doing five classes a week.

Since during the week S. T. five classes are recruited, then he can take one muscle group for training every day. One lesson is devoted only to work on the muscles of the chest, the next is aimed at developing the legs, etc. One of Fletcher's classes lasts from two to three hours. The athlete uses supersets in his program to shock the muscles as much as possible. Among other methods of increasing the intensity of training, he also uses high repetitions, trisets and all kinds of combinations of movements. All this allows you to diversify the training process as much as possible and the muscles do not have time to adapt to the load.

How intense the training of an athlete is can only be judged by the roller in which he performs a bench press in a lying position. This exercise was performed for 150 minutes, the total number of repetitions is 400 with 39 sets, and the weight of the sports equipment was 110 kilograms.

Plush Beard Nutrition Rules

CT Fletcher in the gym
CT Fletcher in the gym

After heart problems S. T.began to adhere to standard beliefs about food and he stopped eating fast food. Now he takes a very responsible approach to the composition of his diet and uses only healthy foods. Although, according to him, he still allows himself to eat one hamburger once a year.

To help you understand how Fletcher ate before that accident, you can give an example of his lunch at McDonald's:

  • Big Mac - 4 pcs.
  • French fries - 4 pcs.
  • Milkshake - 2 pcs.
  • Apple pie - 4 pcs.

You can see for yourself that such a diet for two decades will not lead to anything good, which actually happened. Fletcher has repeatedly said that he never followed any principles in formulating his diet. The amount of food consumed by him depended on the feeling of hunger. It will also be interesting to say that the athlete's favorite dish is protein pancakes, which contain about 60 grams of protein compounds, 40-45 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat.

Teddy Beard's diet now mainly consists of foods that contain a large amount of protein compounds. The athlete himself says that his nutrition program can be considered correct by ninety percent. This is due to the fact that S. T. sometimes violates his nutritional program and can use what he wants in any quantity.

As in the case of the training program, it is not possible to say for sure about Fletcher's diet. The athlete himself recommends consuming at least 50 percent of protein compounds, 40% of carbohydrates and only 10% of healthy fats during the day.

If you frequent fast food restaurants, then before opening their doors again, think about what happened to Teddy Beard. You need to eat right and you should remember this. This advice applies not only to athletes, but also to ordinary people. Unhealthy foods may taste better, but if consumed frequently, tragedy can occur. Of course, if you allow yourself to eat one hamburger or big mac during the year, as CT Fletcher does, then nothing bad will happen. But still try to avoid it.
