What is stopping you from doing bodybuilding?

What is stopping you from doing bodybuilding?
What is stopping you from doing bodybuilding?

Find out what factors affect your psychology and physiology so that you have not yet started working out in the gym and building the body of your dreams. Surely many have come across such a phenomenon as the lack of results after the training. At first glance, it seems that you are doing everything right. The nutritional program is carefully verified, training methods are used that bring results, enough time is allocated for rest, and progress in the classroom is minimal or absent.

It's all about reduced performance. It should be recognized that there are many factors affecting this indicator. The task of the athlete is to identify and eliminate them. Today we will talk about what prevents you from doing bodybuilding. In total, two types of factors can be distinguished: systemic and organ. Let's deal with them separately.

Systemic factors that reduce the performance of the athlete

The athlete bowed his head to the simulator
The athlete bowed his head to the simulator

Imbalance in the hormonal system

The main reasons causing this factor are the athlete's genetic characteristics, his use of doping, as well as the presence of infections in the body. All metabolic processes are disrupted in the body. The only way to find out the correctness of the diagnosis is to take tests for the hormonal profile.

Acid-base imbalance and ionic imbalance

The causes of these disorders can be training with about maximum capabilities, as a result of which a large amount of lactate accumulates in the tissues of the muscles, anemia, as well as a deficiency of bicarbonates.

With the accumulation of lactate in a large amount, muscle tissue becomes highly acidic, which leads to a change in the buffer capacity of the blood. This phenomenon is also called acidosis. Its symptoms include an increase in blood pressure, increased breathing, disturbed heart rhythm, etc. To confirm or deny the presence of this factor of decreased performance, it is necessary to take a blood acidity (pH) test. In this case, the intake of drugs containing iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium can help.

Decreased respiratory capacity of muscle tissue cell structures under stress

Disruption of the transport system of phosphocreatine and electrolytes can lead to this undesirable result. This leads to a decrease in the ability of the muscles to contract. To check the possible presence of this factor, you should take tests for the level of creatine phosphokinase. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you should start taking respiratory enzymes, preparations containing iron and antihypoxants.

Decreased efficiency of energy supply to muscle tissue

Most often this is due to an insufficient amount of energy sources in the muscles, for example, creatine, glycogen, ATP, etc. For this reason, muscles lose their ability to contract at the same rate. To check, you should take tests for the level of general metabolism, glycemic profile, and also do an ECG. Take antihypoxants when confirmed, increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, and also use drugs such as Mildronate.

Acceleration of free radical processes

This can be caused by powerful physical activity and the presence of prooxidants in the body. All this leads to damage to cell membranes and disruption of mitochondrial performance. Antioxidants can help you.

Violation of the processes of blood microcirculation

This factor can be caused by strong physical exertion in combination with various harmful external factors, which can cause damage to blood vessels. To make sure that this factor is present, it is necessary to pass tests for hematocrit, do an ECG, check the leukoformula and blood pH. If the diagnosis is correct, then it is necessary to use drugs that increase blood microcirculation.

Decreased performance of the body's defense mechanisms

High loads can also lead to a drop in immunity. If this happens, then you start to get sick very often. You should already know what to do in this case.

Depression of the central nervous system

And again, the main reason lies in the exorbitant physical exertion. If your nervous system is not working properly, then you should start using psycho-sedative drugs, tranquilizers, etc.

Organ factors that reduce the performance of the athlete

Athlete drinks water
Athlete drinks water

In this group of factors, only four should be noted:

  • Reduced contractility of the myocardium - do an ECG, echo-KG;
  • Respiratory function is impaired - check lung capacity and peak expiratory flow rate;
  • Dysfunction of various organs - check the condition of the liver, kidneys, etc.;
  • Injuries to muscles and ligamentous-articular apparatus - consult a traumatologist.

Also, in conclusion, it is worth recalling that all the medications that were discussed today are best used only after consulting a doctor.

For more information on what interferes with bodybuilding and what the consequences can be if you stop training, see here:

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