A do-it-yourself model of the solar system can be made from plasticine, papier-mâché, threads, fabric, foam. Detailed master classes with step by step photos will teach you this.
To help children understand how the universe works, we suggest learning how to make a model of the solar system. Craft her and the individual planets with the children to create this visual aid.
How to make a model of the solar system from plasticine?
If the children are small, then use plasticine.

Before making a plasticine model of the solar system, take:
- plasticine of different colors;
- toothpicks;
- plastic knife;
- plastic board.
Follow the instructions:
- Using a plastic knife and a board, the child will cut the plasticine of the desired color, knead it.
- It is necessary to roll the largest ball out of orange or yellow plasticine, which will become the Sun.
- And from brown and orange plasticine you get Mercury. This planet is small.
- Make the same composition of plasticine from these flowers and create a slightly larger circle from them to get Venus.
- Now have the child take red and black plasticine to make a small Mars out of it.
- It will be clear that this is Saturn if the child makes a ring of dark brown mass around the light brown ball.
- To make the planet Jupiter, you need to make a ball out of brown plasticine. It must be wrapped in beige plasticine sausages.
- To make planet Earth, take green and blue plasticine.
- The planet Uranus will turn out from gray-blue plasticine.
- To make Neptune, you need to roll a ball of blue mass.
- Now place the Sun in the middle, stick in the rays from the toothpicks, on the opposite ends of which you need to attach other planets. Matches can be used instead of toothpicks.
For older children, it is advisable to make a model of the solar system on cardboard. This can be brought to the senior group of kindergarten or elementary school, if there is such a task.
- a sheet of thick cardboard;
- blue paper;
- plasticine;
- cocktail tubes;
- scissors;
- felt-tip pens.

- Glue a sheet of blue colored paper to the cardboard. Help your child draw circles using a compass. Then they will need to be circled with a felt-tip pen.
- Roll out of plasticine of the corresponding colors of the planet. Put each on its own axis and sign the names.
- Cut equal lengths from cocktail tubes. Let the child stick them evenly into the yellow circle. The result is the Sun.
- And here's how to make a model of the solar system to make it three-dimensional. Cut circles of different diameters from cardboard. You will need 9 pieces. Now you will need to paint them black, and then glue the stars from white or blue paper.
- Take a metal pin, put circles on it, starting with a large one and ending with a small one. Attach the Sun made of cardboard to the top of the metal pin. From the same material, together with the child, make other planets, let him paint them in the desired color and arrange each on its own axis.
- Now you can rotate the components of the solar system so that your beloved child understands how the universe works.

If you have decorative stones, choose the right color or paint them. Now you need to glue a string to each. And if you take beads, then you just need to thread the threads through the holes made there. Tie the other ends of the ropes on two perpendicular metal axles. In the center, fix them with a wire, you can put on a plastic blank. The sun will be in the middle, the rest of the planets will revolve around it.

Now there is no problem to buy foam balls, so the next model of the solar system will be from them.
Styrofoam Solar System Model

- foam balls of different diameters;
- paints;
- foam sheet;
- fishing line or thread;
- wooden rod;
- hook;
- knife;
- glue;
- two banks;
- scissors;
- a teaspoon;
- wooden stick;
- brush;
- plastic cups.
All foam balls need to stick wooden sticks. For Saturn, cut out a foam ring, use a teaspoon to make this blank smoother.
Have your child color the styrofoam blanks by holding a wooden stick. When the paint is dry, then you need to connect the components of the solar system. Assemble Saturn, attach the rings to it with glue. Cut the threads to varying lengths and glue them onto the foam blanks. Now remove the wooden sticks from these balls, and tie the other end of the strings to the wooden stick at the top.
DIY 3D model of the solar system

You will make such a model of the solar system if you take:
- foam balls;
- paints;
- brushes;
- wooden skewers;
- cardboard;
- scissors.
First you will need to match the size of the balls. In order not to confuse which planet is where, write them down and glue the notes to the skewers.

These wooden sticks need to be inserted into the foam balls. Color these round blanks in the desired color.

Put a semblance of a deep bowl on the cardboard, place the Sun from the foam on top.

Watch a similar step-by-step photo workshop that shows you how to make a model of the solar system of the same type.

Movable model of the solar system - master class and photo
Elements of such a layout can be moved, rotated. Take:
- foam balls of different diameters;
- a sheet of polystyrene with a thickness of 1, 3 cm;
- glue;
- wooden stick 80 cm long;
- a teaspoon;
- a bowl;
- transparent fishing line;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- wooden sticks;
- brush;
- paints.
Here's how to make the planets of the solar system out of Styrofoam. First, you will need to select the correct size balls from this material. Now stick into each wooden skewer and distribute them as shown in the next photo.

To make Saturn's rings, place an inverted bowl on top of a Styrofoam sheet, circle it. Now cut out with a clerical knife, and stepping back 3 cm inward make another slot parallel to the first. Using a teaspoon, smooth the edges of the rings.
Paint the Sun yellow. To make bright spots appear on it, take a foam rubber swab, dip it in orange paint, make a few pokes. You will paint other planets if you first string the corresponding foam blanks on wooden sticks.

Now place the resulting blanks in a jar to dry. While this is happening, paint the wooden stick black as well.

Now cut the fishing lines of different lengths, tie the ends of each to a colored stick. And the lower edges need to be fixed in this way: first you pull out the wooden skewers from the foam balls. Then pour a little glue into this hole, stick the tip of each fishing line tied in a knot.

Paint the Saturn ring or cover it with glue and then sprinkle with glitter. When the blank is dry, place it on a round foam ball of the appropriate color and you can hang the model of the solar system in place.

How to make a papier-mâché solar system model step by step?
You will also make the solar system out of this material. Take:
- 8 balloons;
- brushes;
- acrylic paints;
- primer;
- cardboard;
- paper;
- newspapers;
- water;
- starch;
- varnish;
- scissors;
- a needle;
- sponge.
Inflate the balloons so that they match the model planets at the desired scale. To make glue, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of starch in half a glass of cold water and mix. Pour 400 g of boiling water here, stir.
While the glue is cooling, cut the newspaper strips. Dip them in glue. Now place them in turn on all the balloons to get a pretty impressive layer.

You will only need to stick on three layers, but wait until each previous one is dry. Now you need to leave the blanks so that they dry completely. After that, pierce each with a needle and remove the ball through the small hole.

Then you need to paint each planet with a sponge in its own color. For Saturn, make a ring out of cardboard and color it as well.

When the paint is completely dry, the model of the solar system is ready to use. You will show your child how the Universe works, and he will be able to easily move these planets.

A papier-mâché ball will help you make another layout.

To make one, take:
- paper;
- acrylic paints;
- yellow cardboard;
- Christmas decorations;
- brushes;
- whatman;
- glue gun.
What you will need to cook is indicated in the next photo.

As in the previous workshop, wrap newspapers around the balloon. When they are dry, remove it, and paint the blank yellow. Cut a circle out of whatman paper. If you want it to be denser, then you can stick two or three layers of whatman paper one on top of the other.
Paint the top with blue paint, and when it's dry paint the orbits of the planets. Use Christmas balls as planets, but some of them need to be painted first, and others should be pasted over with orange paper. In the center of the round workpiece, make a slit, draw the rays of the sun around it.

Glue the papier-mâché sun here. Glue some stars. If you want to attach this blank to the ceiling, then pre-tie a strong rope here.

You will now have a star map directly overhead. Waking up, it will be pleasant to observe the planets and the Sun. But the child can play in a different way, rotate this model, like a whirligig.

DIY model of the solar system from yarn
This material will also make a wonderful model of the universe. Here's how to make a Starry Sky from yarn.

- paints;
- whatman;
- yarn of the corresponding colors;
- water;
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- air balloons.
Cover the Whatman paper with blue paint. When it's dry, apply a black layer on top. When it is dry, brush on a thick brush of white paint, then spray over this base. Dilute the glue with water in equal proportions. Now, lubricating the ball with this sticky mass, wind the yarn around it.

Try to cover almost the entire surface. Tie the remaining end of the thread to prevent the yarn from unwinding, and hang the blank to dry. Make all the planets this way.
When they are dry, burst the balls with a needle and remove them. It remains to glue these blanks to the Whatman paper. Don't forget to make rings for the corresponding planets.
How to make a paper model of the solar system?
It will also turn out what was conceived. Here's how to make this type of solar system model. Take:
- cardboard;
- sheets of paper;
- paint;
- brushes;
- liquid soap;
- water;
- cocktail tube;
- scissors;
- white shells of eggs;
- a thread.
First you need to paint the Whatman paper blue. Apply elements of black. Or do it differently, first paint the drawing paper black, then you need to spray it with silver, blue and purple paint.
Draw the orbits of the planets with silver paint on the dried Whatman paper. Now cut circles of different sizes from sheets of paper and paint them.
The central object of the solar system is the sun. Therefore, he needs to pay special attention. First, glue a white paper circle on the layout, then use the facing method to attach the white and orange squares of paper to it. They need to be placed tightly to each other. And with colored gouache you will paint the circles of other planets.

For spots to appear on some surfaces of the planets, you need to pour liquid soap, gouache and water into the container. Now, with the help of a cocktail tube, you will need to blow bubbles over the paper. Paint one of the round blanks blue. From the shell you need to make pieces of ice on this planet Pluto. The rest of the celestial bodies must be given the appropriate color.

To hang the finished model, attach the rope on top, with which you will do this.

DIY fabric solar system model
You can sew a model of the solar system.

These items are durable, because they can be washed.
To make a visual layout, you will need:
- gymnastic hoop;
- black fabric;
- flaps of various colors;
- silver cord or thin braid of this color;
- filler;
- scissors;
- sewing accessories.
Lay the gymnastic hoop over the fabric, cut out a little to fold over and hem. So that you can then remove the fabric from the hoop and wash it, sew a drawstring on the back side, you will thread the rope into it and fasten the material in this way. You can do two-sided work. To do this, cut 2 circles out of black fabric with a margin around the edges, connect them, sweeping a zipper to one and the second circle.
Sew the sun out of shiny fabric. Trim the resulting circle with ruffle. And to make it, you need to cut out the wedges and grind them together. The resulting circle is filled with filler. Make a comet out of shiny fabric as well. But for this, take the silver one.

Sew on a few turns of silver cord or thin tape. You can glue on ready-made sequin stars by buying them in a craft store or in a haberdashery, or by cutting them out of shiny fabric and sewing them on.
To make it also an educational toy, sew the velcro halves to the base. The second pieces of this duct tape will need to be attached to the planets. You can make planets out of papier-mâché. A child from an early age will study the map of the starry sky, will have an idea of the planets.

If you are interested in looking at how others make similar items, then we suggest looking at how to make a model of the solar system from plasticine.

It will be interesting for you to see in action the volumetric model of the Universe, which was described above.