Interesting information about the cold and the last planet in the solar system - Neptune. Its distance to the Sun and other information. Neptune is the last planet from the Sun. It is referred to as giant planets. The planet's orbit intersects in several places with Pluto's orbit. The equatorial diameter of the planet is almost equal to the equatorial diameter of Uranus and is 24,764 km, and it is located about 4.55 billion km from the Sun.
The planet receives only 40% of the light from the Sun, which Uranus receives. The upper regions of the troposphere reach a very low atmosphere - it is? 220 ° C. The gases are located a little deeper, but the temperature is constantly increasing. Unfortunately, the mechanism for heating the planet is unknown. Neptune emits much more heat than it receives. This is because its internal heat source produces 161% of the heat it receives from the Sun.
The internal structure of Neptune coincides with the internal structure of Uranus. From the total mass of the planet, its atmosphere is about 15%, and the distance from the atmosphere to the surface is 15% of the distance from the core to the surface.
The structure of Neptune:
- the upper layer of the atmosphere - the upper layer of clouds;
- an atmosphere containing methane, helium and hydrogen;
- mantle - consists of methane ice, ammonia and water;
- core.
Total mass of Neptune's mantle
more than the Earth's mantle by 17, 2 times. According to most scientists, it consists of ammonia, water and other compounds. In accordance with generally accepted terminology in planetary science, the planet's mantle is called icy, despite the fact that it is a very hot and dense liquid. It has high electrical conductivity. At a depth of 6,900 km, conditions are such that methane breaks down into diamond crystals, and they focus on the core. There is such a hypothesis that there is a huge ocean of "diamond liquid" inside the planet. The strongest winds among the planets of the solar system rage in the atmosphere of Neptune, according to some estimates, their speeds can reach 2100 km / h.
Core of the planet
consists of nickel, iron and various silicates. Its weight exceeds the weight of the Earth by 1, 2 times.
Research back in the 80s showed that Neptune has multiple rings (arches or arcs). They are located at a distance of several radii from the center of the planet. The spacecraft has detected a system of circular equatorial rings. At a distance of 65,000 km from the center of Neptune, 3 thick arches were discovered, the length of which is 10 degrees and two of 4 degrees in longitude.
The ring system of this planet contains 2 narrow rings and two wide rings. One of the narrow rings contains three arches or arcs.

The average distance from the Sun to Neptune is 4.55 billion km. The planet makes a complete revolution around the Sun in 165 years. In the summer of 2011, from the date of its opening, it completed the first complete revolution.
Since Neptune has no solid surface, its atmosphere undergoes differential rotation.
To date, 13 satellites of the planet have been studied. The largest satellite was named Triton. It was discovered by W. Lassell 3 weeks after the discovery of Neptune. This satellite has an atmosphere that distinguishes it from other satellites.
The second no less famous satellite of Neptune is the satellite of Nereid. It has an irregular shape and among other satellites - a very high eccentricity of the orbit.