Umi budo - green caviar

Umi budo - green caviar
Umi budo - green caviar

Description of umi budo. What are the taste and aroma characteristics of this alga? Chemical composition, benefits and harms of green caviar. How sea grapes are eaten. Cooking recipes. Note! Sea grapes are beneficial not only for physical and mental health, but also for appearance. So, it helps to eliminate acne on the skin, cleanse it from blackheads, acne and age spots. With its help, the optimal balance of water is maintained in the tissues, which is why the skin does not dry out and the person remains young for much longer.

Contraindications and harm umi budo

Disease gastritis
Disease gastritis

Umi budo can be harmful if you consume too much sea grapes. Moreover, even absolutely healthy people can suffer, since these algae are already considered quite heavy food for the stomach in themselves.

Also, such problems are possible for those who suffer from individual intolerance to sea grapes or an allergic reaction to green berries, fruits, vegetables.

Sea grapes harvested not in ecologically clean areas and grown without strict requirements (warm water, absence of factories and chemical plants nearby) can worsen the state of health. In this case, you can simply poison yourself and harm the kidneys, in which most of the toxins usually settle. Umi budo cannot be called the best food for taking on an empty stomach, because when consumed on an empty stomach, stomach cramps, mild nausea and even diarrhea in people with "weak" gastrointestinal tract organs will be possible.

With caution, you need to use green caviar for people suffering from hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. This is due to the fact that algae have an irritating effect on the walls of these organs.

How to eat green caviar

How sea grapes are eaten
How sea grapes are eaten

About how umi budo is eaten, it is only known that it is mainly consumed raw, pure, or added to various salads, side dishes, soups. Sea grapes subtly complement seafood and a variety of fish, vegetables and fruits, as well as other algae.

Before using it, it is recommended to fill it with cold water and leave it for an hour, this will wash out all the sand and dirt from it. Then you need to drain the liquid and leave the umi budo in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then it can be poured with apple cider vinegar or lime juice, this will give the "eggs" an even more piquant taste. Gourmets suggest seasoning the "berries" with soy sauce or olive oil. They also recommend adding walnuts and pistachios, Himalayan salt, raisins, hot spices, sesame seeds to them.

Sea grape dishes are best served chilled unless otherwise specified in the recipes.

Umi budo recipes

Umi budo salad
Umi budo salad

These algae do not require mandatory heat treatment, which significantly reduces the time for their preparation. But for those who still want to cook hot salads and any side dishes, you can make an exception to the rule and boil sea grapes. At the same time, you do not need to salt the water, since it itself is very salty in taste. An interesting solution is to marinate the seaweed with the addition of pepper, cardamom and other spices.

Here are some recipes with umi budo to help you prepare delicious meals:

  • Korean seaweed … First, prepare the seaweed by boiling them for about 15 minutes in boiled water with the addition of apple cider vinegar to taste, but so that the "eggs" do not burst. At this time, chop the garlic (3 cloves) and the onion (2 pcs.). Sauté them over low heat for 2-3 minutes, combine with ground black pepper, sea salt and Korean carrots (200 g). Then remove the umi budo from the water, put it in a colander, let the liquid drain, divide the branches into small pieces and add them to the other ingredients. Now remember well the resulting mass with clean hands, cover it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a day.
  • Seafood salad … Boil about 200 g each of crabs, lobster, squid, oysters, mussels or shellfish in salted water. Then cut the Chinese cabbage (500 g), lettuce (100 g) and separate the grape "eggs" from the bunches (2 cups). Put all this together and season with olive oil (15 ml) mixed with rice vinegar (1 tablespoon), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), sea salt and pepper to taste. Chop and add two medium tomatoes to the salad if desired, then refrigerate.
  • Garnish … Rinse 400 g of sea grapes and boil in boiling water. Then divide the green caviar into small pieces, pour with apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp. L.) And season with lightly fried onions (1 pc.), Cut into half rings. Then sprinkle the dish with grated carrots (1 pc.), Black pepper to taste, chopped garlic (3 heads) and bay leaves (2 pcs.). Then pour it all over with soy sauce (2 tablespoons), olive oil (3 tablespoons) and set to simmer for 10 minutes. The finished side dish can be served, for example, with rice and steamed cod.
  • Instant pizza … Combine flour (9 tablespoons), two eggs, thick mayonnaise (4 tablespoons) and the same amount of sour cream. Then whisk the mixture and place it in a thin layer in a well-heated frying pan drizzled with vegetable oil. Grease the dough with ketchup on top, sprinkle with tomatoes, peppers, fried onions and mushrooms. Then pour the top layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle with umi budo "eggs" and hard cheese so that it completely covers the dough. Now put the skillet on low heat, cover and grill the pizza until the cheese is melted.

Important! This seaweed makes an excellent green cocktail, for this it needs to be mixed with spinach leaves, green sour apple, cilantro and Chinese cabbage. Then all the ingredients should be whipped with a blender. By the way, their ratio is selected individually, according to your taste.

Interesting facts about umi budo

What does sea grapes look like?
What does sea grapes look like?

This seaweed is called green or sea caviar because it has "berries" that look like eggs, which also burst in the mouth. That is why this ingredient is great for sandwiches, it can be placed on the loaf over the butter.

Umi budo very badly tolerates long-term storage and quickly deteriorates, therefore, in too large quantities, in advance, seaweed is not ordered in restaurants.

Sea grapes are one of the main dishes of the Okinawans, which, it should be noted, live longer than people from other parts of the world. The locals themselves believe that it is the green caviar that they use almost every day to thank for this. "Eggs" grow on twigs, which can be large or small, some of them weigh more than 500 g. When choosing umi budo, you need to watch that the "berries" are dense and elastic, not bursting. If they are damaged, then there will be little benefit from them, since the main set of nutritional value is inside.

What does umi budo look like - look at the video:

Umi budo is a rather exotic ingredient in cooking, but if you still have the opportunity to use it in the kitchen, then you should definitely do it. Absolutely everything contributes to this - ease of preparation, great benefits and exquisite taste.
