On specialized web resources, there are questions about the differences between physical education and training. Amateurs are often interested in this question. Learn about the main differences. Perhaps, to make everything more understandable for most people, one example should be given. Almost everyone wants to get a quality tan. The most disciplined people will spend a certain amount of time on the tanning process to avoid sunburn. After one or two days, the skin becomes pinkish. Gradually, it begins to turn brown.
If you ask any person what color his skin should be as a result, then almost everyone will say - very dark. But the fact is that this will not happen and its color will remain the same as it was at the end of the first week. This is due to the fact that the body has adapted to the effects of ultraviolet sun rays, and the skin has already acquired the color that can protect it from further sunburn.
The body does not know what you want from it, but it knows what to do with prolonged exposure to sunlight and adapts to this effect. If you want to get a darker skin color, then you should be in the sun for a longer time. A similar mistake is very common among amateur athletes, who do not know exactly what training should be in order to achieve their goal.
The tanning example was given for a reason. The body also adapts to physical activity in a similar way. The main challenge in bodybuilding is the need to correctly calculate the load. This is the main thing in how training differs from physical education. When doing physical education, a person does not have serious tasks, since he just wants to improve his body.
Difference # 1: Adaptation of the body to stress

A fairly large number of amateur athletes perform weekly presses with a working weight of 50 pounds or a little more. At the same time, they do not even try to increase the load, the number of repetitions and approaches, or change the speed of the movement. This is the main reason for the lack of progress in the training session. If you belong to this group of people, then you shouldn't be surprised why there is no progress.
Your body and body have already adapted to this load. When you do 15 reps with the same weight, you will soon be doing just fine. The situation is similar with single repetitions using the maximum working weight. As time goes on, it will become easier for you to work with it. However, singles sets and sets with 20 reps are different types of training, and you won't be able to make progress in one while focusing a lot on the other.
Difference # 2: Beginner Effect

The less experience an athlete has, the more simple and at the same time incorrect his training program will be. In bodybuilding, there is such a thing as the "beginner effect". It manifests itself in people who have just appeared in the gym and have never trained before.
At first, their progress will be very good, but the effectiveness of training sessions will fall rather quickly. This is primarily due to psychology. It is very difficult to force yourself to train more and more, and especially in those cases when you are sure that you give yourself up to this process completely.
Also, beginners often do not pay much attention to proper nutrition, and after all, with intense training, the body requires more calories and protein compounds. It should be remembered that leaving your diet unchanged, it is not possible to increase muscle volume. This requires additional protein compounds that the body does not receive. As a result, the same amount of them is destroyed during the day as you consume with food.
Difference # 3: Drawing up a training program

You should understand that simply doing certain exercises, which can be called physical education, is significantly different from training. For most visitors to the halls, their classes are more like exercises that must be done in the morning. Answering the question - how does training differ from physical education, it must be said that these are the goals that you face.
Training involves such physical activity, when all the elements are selected for a specific task. At the same time, it is important to remember that maximum goals, as a rule, are very distant in time. Rapid progress cannot be counted on. Remember that your tasks will be solved gradually. With an incorrectly designed training program, you will not be able to give the body those loads that should cause its adaptation, which will be accompanied by an increase in muscle mass. In this case, you are not exercising, but exercising. This is how training differs from physical education. On the other hand, for most people, this will be enough.
The composition of a competent training program must necessarily include basic or multi-joint exercises. They should form its basis. They are familiar to most people - squats, presses, and deadlifts. All these movements are basic.
You need to constantly monitor your results, for example, your working weight, the number of approaches and repetitions, etc. At each training session, you should strive to perform at least one more repetition in comparison with the previous training. You can also leave the number of repetitions unchanged, but increase your working weight by at least a couple of pounds.
For such cases, small pancakes have been created, which in most cases remain unclaimed. Of course, each lesson is difficult to do a little more work, but if you have any goals, then this is necessary. Often you want to feel sorry for yourself and squeeze out a little less weight, in the hope of making up for everything in the next lesson. However, everything will repeat itself there, and your progress will be slowed down or even stop altogether.
For training and physical education, see this video: