Boxing for beginner girls

Boxing for beginner girls
Boxing for beginner girls

Boxing for girls as a way of body shaping, acquiring self-defense skills, developing psycho-emotional stability, choosing a section, common myths, contraindications. Women's boxing is a sport that was banned in most countries for a long time, but at the end of the last century it began to gradually revive. This kind of physical activity was even more developed after 2009, when it was included in the program of the Olympic Games. The specificity of women's boxing is in a sense different from that of men's. First of all, this is increased safety, and secondly, the construction of classes taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the structure of the body of the fairer sex. Every year, an increasing number of girls begin active classes in this type of martial arts. What is the reason for the increase in its popularity - read in this article.

The benefits of boxing for girls

Boxing as self-defense
Boxing as self-defense

Even now, many people consider boxing for girls unacceptable, because this sport is associated with a high risk of severe injuries, therefore it is rude, which is not at all suitable for a fragile female nature. However, when determining the benefits of boxing for women, it is worth looking much deeper. There are several reasons why ladies start attending boxing training. Let's describe them in more detail.

Improving your figure in boxing training

Boxing requires a fairly large expenditure of energy. That there are only warm-ups. Many girls note that there is nothing more difficult than this stage in each lesson, which contributes to the active burning of fat. Already after the first 2-4 weeks, a significant weight loss is noted, the waist becomes thinner, a beautiful shoulder line is formed, the legs become more slender, and posture improves. Body shaping, muscle tone increase occurs much faster than in fitness or dancing classes. Constant attending workouts allows you to consolidate the effect, i.e. to maintain excellent physical shape, keep the figure in perfect condition, develop flexibility and improve coordination of movements.

Improving health through boxing

Improving personal endurance is an essential requirement of not only men's boxing, but also women's boxing. Because of this, training involves practicing a large number of different exercises, many of which are carried out with additional stress.

This, in turn, stimulates the blood supply to all cells of the body. In addition, the musculoskeletal system is trained, in the process the correct posture is formed, which has a beneficial effect on the spine and muscles.

Getting self defense skills in boxing training

Without a doubt, the development of endurance, the practice of strikes are the key to successful self-defense in almost any situation. Quite often, fragile women are the subject of street robbery, indecent intimate claims that can end in failure. Criminals choose this category because of potential physical weakness. However, in most cases, female representatives who are involved in boxing are practically no different from those who are not fond of sports, because focus not on increasing muscle mass, but on developing strength, agility, stability. This, in turn, gives them a great advantage over the attacker. he is not ready for the fact that a defenseless woman can give a sharp rebuff and even detain an intruder.

The girls attending the boxing section have an increased reaction rate and an increase in pain threshold. In the classroom, students learn to defend themselves, attack, dodge attacks, blows.

Boost self-confidence

Success in one area or another has a beneficial effect on any person. And successes in sports significantly increase self-confidence, because a girl who owns boxing techniques becomes more independent in terms of self-defense, decisive, self-confident, gets rid of many complexes associated with both physical beauty and other spheres of life.

Boxing plays an important role for the psyche, because allows you to release the accumulated stress within reasonable limits. Therefore, the vast majority of boxers and other athletes are calm and reasonable in everyday life. This sport fosters resourcefulness, courage, the ability to immediately assess any situation and find the most correct solution.

What could be better than restraint, the ability to control your emotions and behavior even in stressful situations - all this is possible with boxing.

As practice shows, boxing for girls is not only the development of physical strength, but also the training of spirit, willpower, which will certainly come in handy not only in the ring and for self-defense, but also in any life situation - be it business negotiations or raising a child.

Contraindications for boxing among girls

Myopia as a contraindication for boxing
Myopia as a contraindication for boxing

While boxing is beneficial in many ways, it is worth remembering that benefits and safety are not the same thing. It is contraindicated for some women and men. To avoid deteriorating health, it is worth taking this issue seriously, despite all the benefits of this sport.

Absolute contraindications for boxing are:

  • Nearsightedness, cataract, glaucoma, astigmatism;
  • Neuritis, neurosis;
  • Epilepsy, encephalopathy;
  • Hypertension, heart disease, myocarditis, ischemia, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, etc.;
  • Previous concussion;
  • Tuberculosis, asthma;
  • Any acute inflammatory diseases.

Temporary contraindications are pregnancy and the first few months after the birth of a child, as well as untreated injuries.

Any deviation in the state of health requires prior consultation with a doctor. You should also undergo general examinations at least twice a year.

It is also worth remembering the potential danger of sparring, as a result of which there is a high probability of injury. Not only the face suffers, but also the internal organs and the brain.

Choosing a boxing section for girls

Individual boxing lessons
Individual boxing lessons

Boxing sections for women exist in almost all cities of the country. The level of one or another school can differ significantly depending on the skill of the coach, the training program developed by him, as well as the general organization of the training process. It should be understood that the success and effectiveness of classes depends on these factors.

What should be taken into account when choosing a club for training in boxing techniques - we will conduct a short excursion:

  1. Location … Of course, a club that is close to home can be considered the best option, but this factor should not be put as a priority.
  2. Visit schedule … A normal workout lasts at least one and a half hours. This should be taken into account when determining the class schedule.
  3. Inventory … Each self-respecting club equips its halls with a complete set of necessary equipment. One ring and the presence of a punching bag is not enough to conduct correct and effective warm-ups and training.
  4. Additional premises … Separate changing rooms and showers are essential for the comfort of women and men. Many people prefer those clubs that are located in a sports complex, where everyone can visit after boxing, for example, a pool or a cafe.
  5. Service cost … The first lesson in prestigious clubs is absolutely free. A subscription for a month of boxing lessons costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, subject to group lessons. Individual lessons, in which only a trainer and one student are present - from 8 to 15 thousand rubles per month.

Everyone comes to the gym for their own reasons, among which the desire to achieve success in the ring, to increase endurance, to learn self-defense techniques, to improve the figure, and to improve health stand out. Based on this, the coach must develop a special individual program for everyone. Here, the level of the coach's qualifications is at the forefront, whose vocation is not only training in basic strikes, defense techniques, but also the disclosure of the student's potential.

In large groups, the problem of an individual approach is acute, which is very important for any beginner. That is why the main role is played by personal lessons, when the coach is entirely devoted to the development of one particular student. The return on them is much more effective.

There are also mixed groups - the simultaneous employment of men and women. At the same time, a partner for sparring is chosen not by gender, but by the level of physical fitness.

Boxing for beginner girls

It is always interesting, but at the same time and a little scary to start something new, so far unknown. Almost every girl who decides to engage in such a serious sport as boxing experiences similar exciting moments. However, as practice shows, fears and worries pass quite quickly, one has only to delve into the training process a little deeper.

Boxing uniform

Girl in boxing uniform
Girl in boxing uniform

The first stage does not provide for a special form. The main thing is sneakers and sportswear. In the future, it is best to purchase boxers, which are distinguished by a thinner sole and fix the legs well. Shoes are very important for any boxer as they are very important. is one of the factors of stability in the ring.

Before you start practicing blows on the bag, it is recommended to purchase gloves and bandages that help fix your fingers. This is necessary to reduce the risk of injury from impacts. The choice of gloves often has to be treated with additional trepidation, because they are an important "tool" for striking.

By the time of the first sparring, you will have to buy a mouth guard and a helmet. A mouthguard is a device that you put on your teeth to protect them from injury. It is made from flexible plastic. Special chest protectors have also been developed for women.

On average, equipment for girls costs about a thousand rubles.

First trainings in women's boxing

Rookie girls group
Rookie girls group

Many girls note that the first 1, 5-2 months of training are quite difficult, especially for those who have not previously been involved in any kind of sport, and their physical condition is below average. That is why the best option for the first lessons is a group for beginners.

You should not try to join a group in which students have been studying for more than a year, because the load there is much higher. Although there is an additional psychological factor - especially diligent beginners with great ambitions reach for more trained students, admire and are inspired by their successes, applying even more energy and time to training.

The first stage of training involves increasing endurance, learning the basics. He is the most secure. Practicing blows takes place on a pear, or it is proposed to conduct "boxing with a shadow". The latter type of training is great for developing the imagination.

Beginners are allowed to participate in sparring 4-6 months after the start of training, when they are not only technically, but also psychologically ready for this type of activity. The training match provides for increased safety - the use of uniforms and the control of the coach.

Common myths about women's boxing

Woman boxer in the ring
Woman boxer in the ring

When asked about their attitude to women's boxing, most people answer negatively. And then phrases "cruel", "traumatic", "this is not a woman's business" appear in my head. During the existence of this sport, some stereotypes have formed, which sometimes make it difficult to adequately perceive boxing as a single combat.

Let's describe several myths about women's boxing and immediately debunk them:

  • Boxer girls look overly masculine … Boxing is a sport in which the emphasis is not on building muscle mass, but on the development of self-control, dexterity, strength, endurance.
  • Increased danger … Statistics show that there are sports that are more traumatic than boxing, such as football. The most dangerous stage in the class is fighting in the ring, which very often does not reach, because not every student seeks to succeed in fights, many come to the gym to the coach for other well-known reasons described earlier in this article.
  • A woman boxer will not be able to have children … This statement is more than erroneous. After all, training with the right attitude only strengthens the body and does not affect fertility.

Watch a video about boxing for girls:

Boxing for girls is a way of active and very effective body shaping, developing psychological ability and physical self-defense skills, increasing self-confidence and self-control. However, even in such a useful and interesting business, you need to be attentive to your health and listen not only to the recommendations of a professional trainer, but also to the advice of a doctor.
