Every athlete dreams of hypermass. Of course, achieving this result is incredibly difficult. Find out if you can gain hypermass with steroids. Every bodybuilder sets his own goals. Someone is content with a sports figure, while someone dreams of supermass and victories at the most prestigious tournaments. It is clear that it is simply not possible to achieve such results by simple training, albeit of the highest intensity. Therefore, today we are going to talk about steroids and supermass.
Superdoses of AAS for a set of hypermass

The famous athlete Mike Mentzer became the founder of this system. He is sure that several years are enough for the realization of all the potential inherent in a person. It should be understood that out of a dozen athletes, eight or even nine will not be able to gain 100 kilograms of high-quality mass without the use of AAS in a couple of decades, which can be said here about three or four years.
The same can be said about strength indicators. Thus, we can say with confidence that if a person over 20 years old decides to have a large muscle mass, then he definitely cannot do without the use of steroid drugs.
With the first use of steroids, the athlete can see results even with low dosages. Of course, a lot also depends on the correct nutrition and training program. This is possible already with the use of 0.5 milligrams per kilogram of the athlete's body. However, according to Mentzer, which, incidentally, has been proven by practice, serious successes are possible in the case of the use of 5 milligrams of steroids per kilogram of the athlete's body weight.
But care must be taken here, as the usual increase in steroid doses can lead to exactly the opposite results. All metabolic processes can undergo an afterburner in the body, and the body will begin to self-destruct. Only genetically predisposed athletes can afford to use very high dosages of AAS.
- First, which is very important when using hyperdosis - a healthy liver. In this regard, it should be noted that steroids and hypermass are available only to perfectly healthy athletes. Only in this case will the human body be able to withstand the load that falls on it. Just imagine how many drugs and food a person should use in this case, and the body must process all this.
- The second indicator readiness to use - a healthy gastrointestinal tract. It will bear the entire burden of processing and absorbing large amounts of food. If the athlete's body is able to cope with at least 65 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight daily, then the athlete can try to use super doses. On average, of all this volume of food, about 25–35 percent should be protein compounds and about 20 percent for fats. It is also important to note that about 70% of all calories supplied to the body should be from natural foods only, not sports nutritional supplements.
To understand how much this is, the following figures can be cited. An athlete weighing 90 kilograms using high doses of steroids throughout the day should consume at least 5800 kilocalories. In the event that his diet contains 50% carbohydrates, then the amount of kilocalories he needs will be slightly less, namely 3000. On average, he needs to eat about 6 kilograms of food per day. Already on the basis of these numbers, it becomes clear that steroids alone will not be enough for a set of hypermass.
The principle of constructing steroid courses for a set of hypermass

Of course, each athlete decides for himself whether he will use a dietary anabolic cycle or a short one. It is necessary to understand that using AAS, a person is trying to deceive his own body. However, it is very difficult to do this, millennia of evolution have not passed without a trace. Within a month or two, the body will adapt to new conditions and will not only begin to eliminate the consequences of this deception, but will also be able to punish the liar. Thus, the earlier the cycle of steroid use ends, the less chance the body will be able to detect cheating. During the pause, he “relaxes” and it will be possible to start a new course.
Longer courses are more suitable for small dosages of AAS. Moreover, it is best to use the least dangerous steroids on them, for example, Winstrol, Equipoise or Deca.
Scheme of using AAS in short courses and a set of hypermass

It is advisable to use drugs with a short half-life during a short cycle, as well as to replace them:
- First course could be a combination of two light and fast steroids, say oxymethalone and winstrol. The initial course lasts 30 days, followed by a pause of 3 or 4 weeks.
- On the second cycle more powerful drugs with pronounced androgenic properties are connected to work - testosterone esters. This course also lasts 30 days and again requires a pause of 3-4 weeks.
- In the third stage it is necessary to connect powerful drugs - deca and methandienone. Consuming them during all those 30 days, you should again take a three-week pause. The final stage involves the use of mild AAS, for example, primobolan depot, as well as phenylpropionate. The scheme of their use should be decreasing. It should be understood that during the fourth phase there will be no weight gain or it will be very insignificant.
Of course, the described scheme can be considered from the point of view of one big cycle, after which a long pause should be made, for a period of 3 or 4 months. It should also be noted that during the first break, it is necessary to take drugs of the anticortisol group, for example, armidek. But this should be done in small doses and possibly even once every two days. Each athlete must decide for himself whether he needs steroids and hypermass. Of course, AAS is a certain danger to the body, but it is much less in comparison with alcohol and drugs. In addition, if everything is done correctly, then there is nothing to fear.
Learn more about steroid use for hypermassing in this video: