Bananas in bodybuilding

Bananas in bodybuilding
Bananas in bodybuilding

Banana is a nutritious product that is why it is recommended for athletes. Learn about the bodybuilding benefits of bananas and the myths and facts surrounding this fruit. Bananas are delicious and nutritious fruits adored by millions of people. Today we will talk about the use of bananas in bodybuilding. You will also learn about the most popular myths and facts that exist about this fruit.

Banana health benefits - facts

Semi-peeled bananas
Semi-peeled bananas

First, it should be said that the banana is a herbaceous plant. The homeland of this fruit is in the tropical region of South-East Asia. Of course, the banana is now widespread in all tropical regions of the planet. Suffice it to say that the banana is the fourth most-grown crop. It was bypassed only by wheat, corn and rice. Agree, this says a lot. 100 grams of bananas contain 1.5 grams of protein compounds, about 21 grams of carbohydrates, and their energy value is 96 kilocalories.

This tropical fruit is very beneficial for the human body. Among the main positive aspects are the following:

  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system. This became possible due to the presence of potassium in the fruit, which is an electrolyte that carries electrical impulses throughout the body, which helps to improve the functioning of the heart. In addition, potassium helps maintain a constant level of blood pressure.
  • The depressive state is eliminated. Due to the high content of tryptophan, which is a material for the synthesis of serotonin, bananas can improve mood, while eliminating the state of depression. It should also be noted the presence of vitamin B6, which improves sleep patterns and magnesium, which relaxes the muscles.
  • Contributes to the fight against excess pounds. The fruit contains a high proportion of fiber, which helps control weight. Just eating one banana will cover about 10% of your daily fiber intake.
  • Improves vision. The vitamin A contained in bananas contributes to this, and also prevents macular degenerative processes.
  • Strengthens the skeletal system. Thanks to fructo-oligosaccharides, the body absorbs calcium better. Potassium also contributes to the retention of calcium in the body.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Bananas contain a lot of pectin, which accelerates the digestion process and excretes waste products and heavy metals from the body. In addition, pectin has probiotic properties, which stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines.
  • Increases brain performance. When eating bananas, a person's central nervous system normalizes and vigilance increases.

All of the above features of the fruit are relevant to anyone. However, we are more interested in what benefits bananas can bring in bodybuilding. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Eating two bananas before a workout session will keep your blood sugar level and give your body the energy it needs, which in turn will have an impact on the duration of your workout.
  • If you eat a banana after training, the body will restore the necessary levels of potassium.
  • Thanks to magnesium, metabolic processes will be strengthened, which will increase the body's ability to obtain energy from food.
  • Thanks to vitamin B6, the connection between the brain and muscles will improve.
  • Bananas are able to provide high muscle protection against cramps during intense training.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, the absorption of protein compounds is accelerated, and the ligaments and tendons are strengthened.

The most popular banana myths

Fried banana wedges
Fried banana wedges

Among the myths associated with bananas, three are the most popular. We will talk about them now.

Bananas promote tooth decay

Banana fresh
Banana fresh

Perhaps this is the most common myth. To refute it, it is necessary to know the mechanism of caries development. This disease can be caused by simple carbohydrates, as well as sugars that are on the tooth enamel for a long time. This promotes the development of bacteria and subsequently leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. In the event that a banana is consumed ripe, then all the carbohydrates contained in it are not capable of breaking down into simple sugars. If you are afraid of tooth decay, then simply rinsing your mouth with water is enough.

Bananas promote the accumulation of excess fat

Girl holding a banana in her mouth
Girl holding a banana in her mouth

There is a certain grain of truth in this statement. Studies have shown that with a daily consumption of 7 to 10 bananas and without exercise, there is a possibility of weight gain. If you eat up to three bananas during the day, then due to the presence of pectin and resistant starch, which gives a feeling of fullness, the weight will decrease.

Bananas can cure a wide variety of diseases

A girl holding a bunch of bananas in her hands
A girl holding a bunch of bananas in her hands

Of course, bananas are very useful, but at the same time they are ordinary fruits and do not have a magical effect on the body. You shouldn't dwell on such statements; it's better to just enjoy this delicious tropical fruit.

The use of bananas in bodybuilding

Green and yellow bananas
Green and yellow bananas

You should know that bananas are supplied to our country green and ripen in special chambers under the influence of banana gas (a mixture of ethylene and nitrogen). Being in such a chamber for a couple of hours can replace about two weeks of the tropical sun. The fruit after such processing does not have harmful properties, but it does not become more useful either.

Bananas ripened in their natural habitat have a higher nutritional value than artificially ripened ones. With the wrong ripening regimen, the amount of nutrients may decrease. To get the most out of bananas in bodybuilding, you need to consume them properly. The best time to do this is 40 to 50 minutes before the start of the training. During this time, the fruit will have time to digest, and the body will receive its nutrients. Also, half a banana can be consumed directly during training.

10 interesting facts about bananas, see this video: