The appearance of the English mastiff, appearance, behavior and health, care criteria: walking, diet, raising the breed, interesting facts. The price of the puppies. Even if you are walking down the street with a puppy of this breed, they will stop you and ask: "Is this your horse or pony?" They are very massive. Perhaps there are dogs higher at the withers than representatives of this breed, but in terms of massiveness, few can compare with them.
These good-natured giants are indisputably one of the most outstanding breeds in the world. If in ancient Babylon they were used for hunting lions, protecting houses from predators, today these majestic and restless dogs carry kindness, tolerance and are attached to their owners and all family members.
Historical data on the appearance of the English Mastiff breed

The Mastiff is the largest and most powerful dog in the world. These giants are the oldest English dog breed. Their history of origin is rooted in the distant past. They have existed since the days when the canines appeared as such. The ancestors of the Old English Mastiff came to Great Britain along with the Celtic tribes, after which they were adopted by the Roman legionaries.
Even Caesar wrote in the fifty-fifth year BC that when he conquered Britain, mastiffs heroically fought alongside the English soldiers. The significance of this giant for the army was so high that one dog was equated with two foot soldiers. Then the mastiff became a favorite of the English nobility, such animals for castles and large estates. They were only available to the aristocracy, because such dogs were taxed. It was believed that the giants could easily catch up with and cope with a large beast.
Over the past century, the appearance and character of these "giants" have certainly changed. Now this is not a warrior, but a friend - one hundred kilograms of intelligence and genuine English aristocracy. These animals are the pride of the British. In their homeland, in Great Britain, it was for this breed that one of the first standards was created and approved among all other canine species.
Characteristics of the appearance of the English mastiff

Mastiff - squat dogs with a wide chest, large bones and large paws. Compared to other breeds, Mastiffs have the largest heads. With this impressive part and powerful physique, they have a balanced appearance. Males are always more powerful and heavier than females.
Previously, they were used for protection, protection and hunting, and nowadays as companion dogs. Mastiffs are loyal to their masters. They are imposing, calm, reserved and patient. Dogs control the situation well and own it, obedient, understanding, independent and vigilant, not grumpy, but obedient and good-natured. Evil and fearful individuals are discarded.
According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 70 cm to 77 cm, in bitches from 65 cm to 71 cm. The parameters of dogs can vary within 1-2 cm. The weight of breed specimens in males is from 80 kg to 87 kg, in females from 75 kg to 79 kg. Bitches have a more elongated body shape due to fertility.
They move freely, unhurriedly, in a straight line - with a heavy "trot", while running they pass into a "gallop". The front legs, when moving, are directed forward, rise up. The drive of the hindquarters is confident and firm. The body is straight when moving.
- Head large in size, looks large against the background of the case, voluminous, has a square format. The frontal part is wide and flat in the upper zone, slightly convex above the eyes. The furrow on the forehead is deep and wide. The bump on the back of the head does not stand out. The cheekbones are well defined. The brows protrude slightly. The musculature is where the temples, cheeks and parietal region are developed. With increased attention to something, the dog should form wrinkles on the forehead and muzzle. In a calm state, they are not so visible.
- Muzzle parallel to the skull, equal to one third of its length, shortened, widened. Its handicap is deep (deeper than wider), rectangular in format. The bridge of the nose is wide and short. The stop is clearly visible, but not sharply defined. The lips are full, fleshy, black pigmented. Scissor or pincer bite. The flews are of good volume, overlapping the lower jaw, but do not go beyond it. The jaws are wide and strong. The teeth are large, white with powerful canines.
- Nose square, wide, flatish with dilated nostrils, slightly inclined towards the eyes. The lobe is pigmented with a black and coal color.
- Eyes English Mastiff, wide and low, on the same front line. They are round oval, slightly smaller than the average size. Coloring of the cornea is from brownish-dark to coal-black and greenish-brown. The eyelids are outlined with dark pigment, not dry or loose. Have a serious, focused, intelligent look.
- Ears are distinguished by harmonious placement, emphasizing the format of the head. They are medium in size, triangular in shape, drooping. The cartilage is not thick, slightly rounded at the ends. The auricles hang down, slightly raised on the cartilage, harmoniously adjoining the skull and cheekbones with the front edge. When alert, the dog turns them forward slightly.
- Neck massive, moderately shortened, oval in shape, with strong muscles. Delivered harmoniously to the body, has a smooth bend. The withers are prominent, smoothly rolling. There is a dewlap in the form of a pair of folds hanging from the throat, above the chest.
- Frame balanced-powerful, slightly damp, moderately rectangular with mesomorphic muscles. The chest is widened and massive. The back is well muscled, medium, straight, widened. The loin is widened, voluminous, short in length. The croup is wide, slightly sloping. Rounded ribs. The line of the abdomen is slightly tucked up in the lumbar region.
- Tail high location and over medium in size. It is strong and thick at the beginning of growth, gradually decreasing at the end, crescent-shaped. When running, the dog can bend it slightly, carries it slightly higher, or at the level of the spine.
- Front limbs - when judging from different sides, stand parallel, have a strong bone. The legs are set moderately wide, of medium length with a strong muscular system. The shoulder blades are inclined, tightly pressed. The shoulders are well connected to the body, the forearms are placed vertically. The pasterns are shortened, strong, at a slight angle. The elbows are set straight back and not close to the ribcage. The hind ones stand wide and parallel to each other with massive bones. Thighs with powerful muscles have a slight slope. The joints are harmoniously curved and pronounced. Metatarsus strong, vertical.
- Paws large in size, rounded oval. The toes are arched. Their claws are hard and strong, colored black. The pads are voluminous, thick.
- Coat English Mastiff is short, sleek and shiny. The hair is thick and adheres well to the skin. The undercoat is insignificant, slightly softer to the touch.
- Leather thick, the body of the dog fits loosely enough. In the region of the neck and skull, characteristic small folds are observed when the animal is alerted.
- Color classic brindle, apricot and pale pastel. All three colors with a dark breed mask on the face. It should only be black. The presence of well-dyed black ears is also required.
Typical behavior of the English mastiff

Mastiffs must have the kindest character. But for all their might, they would rather lick you to death than lash out. The dogs are calm, they look like slothful dogs, who love to roll on soft sofas. The main thing is to give them a soft and warm place. They have a mountain of muscle that takes up a lot of space.
It is simply not safe to cultivate fighting qualities in these dogs. The breed is currently bred mainly as family friends. A dog weighing more than one hundred kilograms cannot be aggressive because it will be fatal for a person. All breeders and sane breeders are categorically opposed to making guards and bodyguards out of mastiffs.
Breeders do not recommend having them for families with very young children. Dogs are huge and unknowingly can injure babies. English Mastiffs are endowed with extraordinary intelligence. They clearly know who is their own and who is a stranger, which of people is dangerous, and who can be trusted.
Keeping a dog will not cost the owner cheap. Let's start with the fact that such an animal in a city apartment will be just cramped. This means that you will need a country house and an extensive backyard area for walking. The breed really requires a lot of investment, but everything pays off with their intelligence. Representatives of the species are professors. They understand everything, they grasp learning on the fly. And why should they become and proudly imposing gait. And this behavior in pets from birth.
Health of the English Mastiff

The average life expectancy of English mastiffs is about nine to ten years. They mature late and grow up to a year and a half. To keep your huge four-legged friend healthy, he needs to be well grown. That is, properly feed and train. Do not overfeed the animal. Food must be enriched with vitamins, minerals with a high calcium content (for bones), chondroprotectors with glucosamine and chondroitin (for joints), as well as fish oil - Omega-3.
Often found in mastiffs is multifocal retinopathy (retinal damage) - a genetic eye disease. It affects the pupils of the dog and the eyesight drops. Most specimens see worse, but still remain sighted after surgery. They may also have drooping eyelids, a volvulus, or a third eyelid. Such flaws are solved with the help of plastic surgery. Pedigree specimens with hereditary eye diseases are eliminated from breeding.
They also have other problems. They suffer from hip dysplasia, bloating, obesity, and bone cancer. To avoid poor gastrointestinal function, feed the mastiff after a walk and do not drink a lot at once.
Early hip dysplasia can be detected by x-ray. Timely intervention will give more optimistic hopes for the pet's recovery. Maybe you will not completely heal your four-legged friend, but on the other hand, it will not be so painful for him to move. Unfortunately, cancer cannot be cured in animals. Such diseases in the breed gradually disappear by culling affected dogs from the selection.
When getting yourself a dog, you must remember that it needs to do routine vaccinations and treatment procedures for internal and external parasites.
English Mastiff Care Criteria

- Wool - it is necessary to comb out and wash frequently. Giants are combed out on the street with rubber gloves or brushes twice a week, during the molting period almost every day. These canines have a specific odor that their sebaceous glands secrete. Therefore, they are bathed once every one and a half, two weeks. Of course, this is quite a difficult task. Imagine such a giant in the bathroom. How much water and soap concentrates should be spent! And then wash and dry the entire bathroom. Therefore, if you have a country house, in the summer you can bathe them on the lawn by watering them with a hose. Shampoos should be gentle so that there is no dandruff and at the same time, it is good to remove dirt. All products must be thoroughly washed off. After bathing, the pet is thoroughly wiped off and left to dry in a warm room.
- Teeth English Mastiffs must be kept clean in order to keep them healthy longer and to protect them from stone formation and periodontal disease. To do this, teach your dog to clean them from an early age. The procedure can be carried out using zoological pastes and brushes.
- Ears these pets are closed, so they need to be cleaned regularly.
- Eyes - so that there is no infection, it is necessary to check and wipe it in a timely manner, since mastiffs have droopy eyelids.
- Claws - be sure to cut with claws so that your dog's gait and fingers are not deformed.
- Feeding such an aristocrat is not an easy occupation. You will need a lot of food, moreover, you cannot do with dry food alone. Such an animal must be given a lot of meat and offal. Dogs love to feast on beef tripe. But this product doesn't smell good. Beef or veal heads can be given. This is also good so that no calculus forms on the teeth. When chewing, the pet mechanically removes it. In order for a dog to grow up healthy, mineral supplements with a high calcium content are required in the first year of life to strengthen bones. The mastiff also needs biotin-based vitamins for a better coat, especially during the shedding period. The presence of various vegetable oils and fish oil in the diet has an excellent effect on the body.
- Walking - must be long-term. Although mastiffs are imposing, they need long promenades around the neighborhood. They also like to frolic a little and play with their master. Dogs get along well with fellows and communicate, just select friends for them by size, in order to avoid accidental tragic consequences.
If you like cleanliness and order, prepare yourself to constantly wash their huge paws after walking and wipe the drool from their mouths. The dimensions of the English Mastiffs bring too much inconvenience. They make big heaps. Therefore, you will have to take a scoop with you for walks and clean up after them.
Adolescents are taken outside four to three times a day, and adult dogs twice a day. The morning walk with the pet's maintenance lasts forty minutes, and the evening walk up to one hour. If the animal lives in a private house, it must have access to free range.
Features of the education of the English mastiff

English Mastiffs are highly trainable and obedient. But they are slow and you need patience. Dogs are smart and if they do everything slowly, it does not mean that they did not understand you. Treat the animal kindly. Never yell at the dog. Each mastiff needs its own approach. If you find contact with your pet, then working with him will be easy and joyful for you. Train the mastiff in house rules and a set of starting commands. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to bathe it normally, or comb it, and so on. But the dog is not decorative and will cope with such a colossus then it will be oh, how difficult.
Interesting facts about the English Mastiff

In 1989, the English mastiff named "Zorba" got into the Guinness Book of Records. He acquired the title of the heaviest dog in the world. Its weight was one hundred fifty-five and a half kilograms. From head to tail, its length was two hundred and forty-four centimeters. He looked like a little donkey. However, the weight of mastiffs is equal to the average weight of a person and ranges from sixty-three to one hundred kilograms.
Purchase and price of English Mastiff puppies

The English Mastiff is a kind giant, but still, this dog is not for everyone. Anyone who wants to get himself a giant should take into account not small cash costs for its maintenance. These dogs grow up late and you need to properly feed them and select balanced loads.
In order to have a nervously balanced and physically healthy pet, buy it from a professional nursery where people are serious about breeding. The approximate cost of an English Mastiff puppy ranges from $ 1,500 to $ 2,000. Each pedigree specimen has its own price, which you can find out in only a kennel. Show class bitches and puppies will always be more expensive. Puppies with defects are given away much cheaper.
For more on the English Mastiff, see this video: