The history of the origin of the Major Mastiff breed, the standard of the Ca de Bo exterior, health and care, interesting facts and dog training. Price when buying a puppy. The Major Mastiff with the original breed name "Ca de Bo" is a very powerful, stocky, strong and courageous dog, with a famous fighting past, with all its formidable appearance warning that a stranger should not mess with him. At the same time, the happy owners of these rather rare pets unanimously note the unusually complacent and affable disposition of their pupils, which is strikingly different from their frightening appearance. Indeed, the huge dog gets along well with children and pets, showing absolutely no groundless aggression towards strangers during a walk. This is a wonderful pet, more reminiscent of a majestic prince of the canine kingdom or a noble knight than an ordinary dog, he is so educated, self-possessed and aristocratic in behavior. But when necessary, Ca de Bou is unusually brave and courageous, like a true knight, he is always ready to come to the rescue of his owners.
The history of the origin of the ca de bou breed

The history of the origin of the breed of Major Mastiffs Ca de Bo takes its origins in the High Middle Ages, when the King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona Jaime I, nicknamed the Conqueror, expelled the Moors of the Almohad dynasty from the Balearic Islands. On the captured island archipelago, he created a new kingdom vassal to Aragon, called the Kingdom of Mallorca (Mallorca).
During the possession of the Balearic Islands by the Aragonese, and later by the Castilians, Spaniards and English, quite a lot of representatives of large guard dog breeds of those years were imported to the archipelago. According to experts, there were many Malossian dogs among them, mainly Old Spanish Alano, Pyrenean and Spanish mastiffs, Spanish and English bulldogs. It is possible that there were other breeds that took part in the further selection of a new variety of mastiffs.
Be that as it may, but by the middle of the 16th century on the Balearic Islands formed its own type of fighting-guard dog, which was named by the locals "Ca de Bestiar" ("Ca de Bestiar"). Translated from the Catalan language, this means - "dog for driving cattle" (and not "beast", as it is sometimes translated). However, there are also a number of breed names that are often used by dog handlers and dog owners in relation to the Major Mastiff these days. These are: Perro de Presa Mallorquin, Mallorquin bulldog, Dogo Mallorquin, Presa Mallorquin and Majorca Mastiff. But the most widespread were the names: "Major Mastiff" and "Ca de Bo".
For centuries, the island mastiffs successfully guarded dwellings and port warehouses, participated in the persecution of wild boars and other wild animals by local aristocrats, but their main purpose was to protect and drive herds of cattle grazing on the islands. Balearic dogs took part in both bullfights and dog fights (in Spain, such entertainments were banned only in 1940).
Depending on the functions they performed, the mastiffs themselves in those years were quite different from each other in exterior, proportions and sizes. Dog breeders of the archipelago were guided by their priorities in the selection of dogs, paying more attention to their working qualities, and only by the beginning of the 20th century brought them to a single breeding standard for the exterior.
The first written mention of the Ca de Bou dates back to 1907, where the president of the Bordeaux Club, characterized the Major Mastiffs as very brave and promising dogs to participate in battles with bulls and other dogs.
In 1923, the Ca de Bo breed was finally officially included in the Studbook of Spain, having received long-deserved recognition. In 1928, a worthy representative of this breed took part in a dog show in Barcelona for the first time.
And although the breeding standard for entering the international community was developed back in 1946, the official registration of the Major Mastiff in the FCI took place only in 1964. This was largely due to the too little availability of purebred individuals capable of fully meeting the standard (Balearic dog breeders were still more interested in the functionality of the dog, rather than its exterior). Only thanks to the efforts of many enthusiasts, by 1980, the breed was fully returned to life.
In the 90s of the XX century, dog owners from other countries also became interested in Major Mastiffs. In addition to Spain, the breed began to be actively bred in France, Portugal, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Puerto Rico, Poland and Russia. Moreover, in Moscow alone, there are now about 2,000 purebred individuals of the Ca de Bo, while in all of Spain there are no more than 250 dogs.
Purpose and use of Ca de Bou

During their existence, the Major Mastiffs had to engage in a wide variety of activities: from protecting housing, livestock and property, to hunting a large animal and bloody fights with bulls.
Nowadays, Ca de Bo is engaged in the protection of cows exclusively in his homeland - in the Balearic archipelago. In other countries, the dog successfully acts as a bodyguard and watchman. Increasingly, it is used to participate in dog shows, living with the owner's family as a reliable strong friend and companion.
Characteristics of the exterior of the Major Mastiff

Ca de Bou belongs to the category of dogs of the Molossian group, fully matching its powerful article to these giants of the canine world. Although, the size of a mastiff from the Balearic Islands is quite average: the height at the withers reaches from 58 centimeters in males and from 55 centimeters in bitches. Weight, respectively, from 33 kg to 38 kg.
- The head is large, strong and massive, firmly set on a powerful neck. The animal's skull has an almost square shape, it is large and wide in the frontal part. The occipital protuberance is barely marked. The frontal groove is well defined. The muzzle is wide, tapered. The stop (forehead-muzzle transition) is quite sharp when viewed in profile, and is almost invisible from the front because of the overhanging eyebrows. The bridge of the nose is straight (sometimes even slightly turned up) and wide. The nose is wide, with a clearly visible septum between the nostrils. Her pigmentation is black. The lips are dense, with a black border of the lips. The jaws are powerful. The teeth are white and strong, the large canines are somewhat spaced to the sides. The bite is scissor-like and should not exceed 1 centimeter of gap between the teeth.
- Eyes oval, rather large, obliquely cut, wide and deep set. Eye color: dark (brown or dark brown). The eyelids are framed in black. The eyebrows are slightly marked.
- Ears high-slung, triangular, thin, hanging on cartilage. The shape of the auricles is rather unusual. The ear is as if pulled back, resembling a rose (the so-called rose-shaped ear). At rest, their tips reach a length below eye level.
- Neck strong and powerful, firmly set on the body. A small suspension is allowed.
- Torso Major Mastiff is strong, powerful and muscular (typically Malossian), somewhat elongated. The rib cage is very wide, cylindrical in shape. The withers are pronounced. The back is very strong, its line is straight (almost the horizon). The loin is short, wide and strong. The croup is powerful, slightly sloping (at an angle of 30 degrees). The belly is moderately tucked up, but not like a greyhound.
- Tail has a low set, thick at the base and gradually tapers towards the tip. The tail is not long (does not reach the level of the hock).
- Limbs upright, parallel, very muscular, broad-boned, medium or even somewhat shorter in length. The forelegs are set wide apart (due to the very widened chest). Feet are oval in shape, with strong toes, gathered into a ball. The paw pads are thick, resiliently firm. The nails are strong and well developed. Dewclaws are undesirable.
- Skin covering the Ca de Bou has a thick and tight-fitting body of the dog, only a slight dewlap of the skin in the neck area is allowed.
- Wool very short. The undercoat is not significant. The hair is hard to the touch.
- Color has some variety: variegated or brindle (preference is given to darker color options); deer (red, fawn and various variants of their shades); black. The presence of a black "mask" in dogs of any color is encouraged. White spots are also acceptable: on the muzzle, chest and forelegs. The maximum amount of white in a Ca de Bou color should not exceed 30% of the total color.
The character of the Major Mastiff Ca de Bo

Today these dogs are not considered a service breed. It is rather a companion dog or a loyal friend. However, they remain sharp-sighted guards and courageous defenders. If a stranger comes into the house with the owner, the pet greets him good-naturedly. When the owner is absent, anyone entering the area will be immediately attacked. This "strong man" will protect you even at the cost of his own life. Such molossians are calm and imposing. Until nothing happened, they like to lie on sofas. However, the demonstration of groundless aggressive behavior is alien to these pets. They can enter into confrontation only in emergency situations.
At home, they are charming favorites of the family, perfectly finding a common language with all its members, and especially with the "two-legged puppies". They are keenly aware of their position in the family. Sensitively feel the mood of the owners and rejoice or grieve with them. They do not choose one owner. If Ca de Bo fell into the "pack of men," then he loves everyone equally. They do not fight with other animals, but behave with restraint. Today it is an ideal and wonderful companion dog for keeping in an apartment: short-haired, calm, does not require much physical exertion, is not whimsical in food, rarely gets sick and barks only at the command of the owner.
Health of the Mastiff Ca de Bo

These "strong men" live on average from 10 to 14 years. Raising a puppy is not an easy job, because in early childhood the correct skeleton and muscles are laid, and most importantly, the health of the dog. You literally need to blow off dust particles from it. In addition to a well-thought-out diet, a serious vitamin complex is required. Vaccinations made in time will save the pet from infectious diseases. Do not forget about the prevention of external and internal parasites.
The "bloodsuckers" are especially active at the end of April. A dangerous enemy for animals, the tick is a carrier of dangerous diseases, including piroplasmosis. You may not notice anything for a whole week, but then the pet's body temperature rises greatly (up to 42 degrees). In later periods, depression and lethargy, anemia or whiteness of the mucous membranes may appear, blood appears in the urine. One bite and your pet can not only end up in a hospital bed, but even die.
Veterinarians advise: treat dogs with special aerosols, drops, wear a deterrent collar, or use pills that will save your pet from danger. After walking, inspect and comb your four-legged friend. Well, if you still find a tick on the dog's body, immediately go to the hospital. The doctor takes a blood test from the animal, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, droppers and injections are waiting for the pet.
Tips for maintaining and caring for the Ca de Bou

- The coat of the major dog is short. Naturally, it needs to be combed out more often during the molting period. This is done with a brush with thick, natural bristles. Manipulation is best done outdoors, so as not to collect "eyelashes" on the carpet or floor. Pets are bathed with shampoos for animals no more than once every two weeks, unless of course it is very dirty. Choose the means for "bath procedures" carefully. It is better if they are gentle with PH-balance. This will save your friend from unnecessary skin problems like dandruff. Try not to walk with it on the street until your Ca de Bou is dry. Also, in the room where the dog is after bathing, there should be no drafts.
- Ears cleaned regularly, once a week. If you find your dog shaking his head and it hurts to touch his ear, then the problem is serious. You should immediately contact your doctor.
- Eyes it is necessary to wipe it only if foreign particles get there. Soak a cotton pad with a soothing lotion and wipe off any excess towards the inner corner of the eye.
- Teeth Ca de Bou is taught to cleanse from puppyhood. For the prevention of dental plaque, they give gnawing on cartilage or pressed bones purchased at pet stores. It is also good for the dog to have special preventive toys made from environmentally friendly rubber. If the pet eats dry food, then its solid particles also help to remove excess deposits from the teeth.
- Claws when growing back, you need to cut it off. If your pet keeps them long, then it will be difficult for him to walk. The gait may change, and even the toes may be deformed. The manipulation is carried out with a claw cutter or you can cut the "manicure" with natfil.
- Feeding adults are carried out twice a day. The dose of food increases in winter, as the short-haired dog needs energy to heat the body. What to give? It depends on the preferences of the breeder himself and the specifics of your Ca de Bou. There are people who feed their dog mixed. That is, they give a portion of dry food in the morning, meat in the evening. Well, they naturally enrich the diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. A four-legged pet should have clean drinking water freely available.
- Walking should be at least twice a day for an hour of time. Don't assume that imposing big dogs shouldn't move. During the walk, the dog must receive the necessary balanced loads. Of course, you don't need to run next to a bike with them, but walking should be regular.
Interesting facts about Ca de Bou

The guard gene is inherited. It is so pronounced that special arming of the Ca de Bou is not required. Almost all breeders note that males of this breed, growing up in a year or a half, never try to take a leading position. Therefore, such dogs can be started even by those who have not previously had experience with dogs.
Major Mastiff training

No matter how professional the breeder is, he gets a real assessment of his work at exhibitions. It is there that you can show off your achievements in breeding work. In addition, the competition is also a bright show, the seasoning of which is fierce competition. Preparing a future champion is not an easy job. Dogs are handled by handlers - specialists in show training. They teach the animal to move and stand correctly in the ring. It seems that all this is very simple, but there is a lot of work behind it. And the first thing that plays a critical role in the success of the event is the establishment of contact between the pet and the handler.
Cost of a Major Mastiff puppy Ca de Bo

Good breeders do not allow all individuals to breed. In addition to external merits, the animal must have a breeding certificate. It is given to puppies after a special examination. Then the boy is given a name and his own number, which is hammered in the form of a brand in the groin or on the ear.
The Ca de Bo breed in Russia is becoming more and more popular. The demand for these dogs is growing from year to year. Strong, powerful and at the same time incredibly sensitive, they conquer the hearts of people and bring joy to their home. The price of a mastiff puppy ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.
Learn more about the features of the Major Mastiff breed from this story: