The New Year at the dacha will be unforgettable if you decorate the fence, plot, outer walls of the house and the front entrance. Step-by-step master classes with photos will help with this. The content of the article:
- How to decorate a summer cottage
- How to decorate the walls at home
- How to make a Christmas garland
- How to decorate a plot
- DIY LED figures
- Colored ice
If you have a suburban area, then you can meet a bright holiday there. To do this, you need to learn how to decorate a cottage for the New Year inside and out, how to transform a site, quickly make decorative elements.
How to decorate a summer cottage for the New Year?
Options are subject to availability of required materials and free time. Even if you have a little of it, you will have time to decorate the site to make it look festive.
Here's what you can decorate:
- house facade;
- gazebo;
- small architectural forms;
- fence;
- the inside of the room;
- garden paths.
Let's consider all these options in more detail. Usually, Christmas trees grow outside the city, sometimes they are subject to planned felling. Use these trees to make fence decorations.

To decorate the summer cottage, take:
- fir branches;
- wide braid or bright ribbons;
- rope;
- Christmas decorations.
If you have old Christmas tree decorations at home that you no longer want to hang on a New Year tree, bring them to your dacha, here they will certainly come in handy. Using a pruner, cut off the twigs from the spruce branches. Place them on a work surface in front of you. Wear gloves on your hands to avoid injections. Now, using a rope, tie these elements into a single horizontal structure. Do not make it too long at once, otherwise it may fall apart during transportation.
Wrap ribbons around your creation. Thread pieces of string or string through the loops of the Christmas tree decorations to tie them firmly to the garland.
Such decorations will look especially impressive in the dark if you attach LED and electric garlands to them. The former are preferable, since then you do not need to use an outlet and look for a power source.

If these decorative elements are located near the entrance to the house, attach souvenirs to them, pleasant predictions for family members and guests. It is better to laminate the messages with transparent tape so that the paper does not get wet.
If you do not have spruce branches nearby, use an LED garland. It will decorate even the most unpretentious fence, allowing you to plunge into a fabulous atmosphere right at the entrance.

Even on the way to the house, guests will see New Year's attributes, which will certainly cheer up. After all, making a wreath from spruce branches is not difficult at all. If you have an old artificial Christmas tree left at home, do not throw it away, but use twigs to create such a masterpiece.
It is enough just to bend them in the form of a ring, fix them in this position using a green rope, and then decorate with a satin bow.

After the guests pass through the gate and admire the decorated fence, a fabulous New Year awaits them at the dacha. The mood will also lift the decor of the exterior walls of the house and the roof.
How to decorate the walls of a house for the New Year?
Many LED elements for the New Year are on sale now. Buy LED snowflake garlands, place them along the walls or on the ridge of the roof, and attach a wreath and a star garland in the center.

Even if you have few materials, use them anyway. In this case, decorate only the front entrance by rewinding the columns and balusters with homemade or purchased garlands.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to stock up on spruce branches or use an old tree, do not give up this idea. After all, you can even make a New Year's garland from waste material, from the remains of paper. Involve all family members in this interesting activity, then the work will go faster.
How to make a Christmas garland?
If you have a few toilet paper rolls left, paint each one first. When this coating is completely dry, cut the sleeves into rings. Cut through each on one side to insert one into the other for such a beautiful chain of rings. For this, you can also use colored paper.

Romantic people can make a garland in the form of hearts out of paper. This will require:
- double-sided colored paper;
- scissors;
- stapler.
Applying a ruler to colored paper, cut off strips of the same width from it. Take two, staple them together, fold the ends down to form a heart. Attach to this element the next one, which also consists of two strips. Fasten them at the bottom of the heart, now also wind these elements down.

Continue to shape the Christmas garland in the same way until it is the desired length. After that, you can hang this decor element in place.

If you want to make the heart-shaped decoration more voluminous, then you will need to make several blanks of different sizes. Combine 3 pieces, putting the smaller ones inside the larger ones. Fix it with a stapler.

Now you need to place these hearts on the same level, using a strong thread or braid for this.
Such handmade Christmas garlands are useful not only for decorating the entrance, but also for decorating the room itself. A white sheet of paper will make a wonderful decoration. This is how it looks when finished.

To create, take:
- A4 sheets of paper;
- strong thread or braid in red;
- scissors;
- glue.
This decoration consists of two main parts - trees and balls. You will have a practically waste-free production, since a couple of these elements are made from one sheet of paper.

As you can see, you first need to bend the corner in order to cut along the line to get a square. It will go to make a ball. And for the Christmas tree, the remaining strip of paper is enough.

Let's start with the first decor element. Fold a square piece of paper in half, then in two again and in half again. The side opposite the sharp corner should be rounded with scissors.

Draw decorative elements on one and the other side of the triangle, cutting out which, you will get a detail that looks like a snowflake.

Take two opposite beams of this item, pull them to the center, connect here by gluing. Then comes the next pair and the last third. As a result, you will have a beautiful New Year's ball.

To make a Christmas tree, fold the remaining strip of paper in half, cut out a small fragment on the right. Straighten the strip of paper again. Starting at the larger edge, fold the blank into an accordion shape. Then pull its longer ends towards each other. Glue them together. You will have a beautiful paper Christmas tree.

Then you need to connect all the elements in pairs, put them on a thread. Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top of each tree. If it is not there, then take a large needle and a thick thread on which you string Christmas trees and balls.
But such a garland is most suitable for decorating a room for the New Year, since if snow or rain gets it wet, this decor element may lose its original appearance. But you can make a street garland from candy wrappers.
Cut each into 4 pieces, roll the resulting elements into a tube, giving it a rectangular shape.

Thread these blanks onto the thread with a needle. When there is enough length, make a knot at the end and secure the garland.

It remains to fluff the ends of the tubes so that the element of the country decor turns out to be voluminous.

How to decorate the site for the New Year?
After you make the garlands and hang them, it will become elegant, but an even more fabulous atmosphere will reign around if you put figures of animals, Santa Claus, near your house. Of course, you can buy neon, but they are expensive.
To save money, make the sculptures yourself. To do this, twist the wire frame of these characters. To make them look very beautiful at night, you need to decorate them with garlands.
The next master class will help you master the process of making such outdoor decor items.
DIY LED figures

Here's what you need to create LED figurines:
- copper wire;
- pliers;
- plastic screed clamps;
- brush;
- acrylic paint;
- LED Strip Light.
If this is your first job, then you can make the frame not from wire, but from foam or plywood. For example, cut or saw out a star, then decorate the perimeter with LED strip.
You can also create flat shapes from wire, but if you want to make three-dimensional, pay attention to how it should look.

To make this decoration for a summer residence for the New Year look beautiful not only in the dark, but also during the day, paint the base with acrylic paint of the desired color.

Using the plastic cable ties, attach the LED strip to the base. For it to burn, you must connect it to a power source. To do this, use a converter? power unit. LEDs operate on low voltage, so a special adapter is required.
Duralight flat figures also look great in the dark.

But first you need to create a sketch. It can be an inscription congratulating you on the New Year, a star or a garland of several pieces, a deer, a snowflake.
Transfer the created sketch to plywood or, for example, to the outer wall of a house, gazebo or other structure. Attach the LED strip to it, which you will connect to the low voltage power supply.
The New Year at the dacha will be unforgettable when such beauty reigns around. You can even decorate trees or bushes with LED garlands.

And if a Christmas tree is growing in your yard, do not forget to decorate it with glowing lights. But even if it is not on the site, you can find a way out, for example, make it out of wire and decorate it with LED strips or make it out of plastic bottles.
Surprise guests by placing one or more Santa Clauses next to the house. They can be made from papier-mâché or sewn from fabric and stuffed with padding polyester. And if you hang these characters using a rope, it will seem that these kind wizards are entering the house to give gifts.

Colored ice for New Year
If it is cold enough for the New Year, then you can make interesting decor items for the street. To do this, you will need:
- water;
- watercolors or gouache;
- rubber balls;
- threads;
- funnel;
- scissors.
Dissolve certain paints in water in separate containers. Pour colored water into each ball using a funnel. Tie balls at the top and hang them outside. If there is frost, the water will freeze. Then you just need to cut off the balls, take out the resulting colored ice balls and decorate the path or the adjacent territory with them.

If the temperature outside the window is above zero, then you can make smaller parts using a freezer to harden them. Also make colored water, freeze it in jars of yogurt and other dairy products. Other suitable containers can be used.
When the water freezes well, you will need to release the elements from the container and decorate the area with them, or, together with the children, build a small building on the street using the obtained colored ice bricks.
On the morning of January 1, can you surprise your family not only with the usual attribute of the holiday? spruce wreath, but also to please those present with delicious hot dogs.
To do this, you can make dough or buy ready-made dough in advance. Roll it out, cut it into strips, wrap a certain sausage with each. Place them closer together in a ring shape and bake in the oven or stove. Immediately use a beautiful dish on which you serve an edible wreath.
It will be useful to remind your family that you love them, so make such a heart-shaped wreath too.
Such a family of snowmen will look absolutely charming on the street. If it's freezing, snow has fallen, arrange entertainment for adults and children by fashioning such characters.

And if there is no snow in your region for the New Year holidays, then you can make a snowman that will never melt.
To create it, you will need:
- wire;
- pliers;
- white fabric or synthetic winterizer;
- LED garland.
Roll the frame out of wire, decorate it with padding polyester or white fabric. You can lay the LED string on the inside, or wrap it around the outside of the snowman.
You can make a wonderful garland from plastic bottles.

To do this, you will need:
- plastic bottles;
- scissors;
- transparent wrapping paper;
- Garland;
- threads.
Remove labels from each bottle. To do this, you can put the container in warm soapy water for 2 hours. The labels come off well.
Cut holes towards the bottom of each bottle, remove the caps. Pass the garland through the first bottle, and tie the container with transparent wrapping paper. Rewind it with threads.
Then the garland goes through the next bottle, which is also shaped like a candy. Craft a few elements, then decorate the street with this garland or decorate the interior of the room.
The garland of plastic bottles may be slightly different.

The New Year at the dacha will be cheerful and cheerful if such decorative things made of waste material begin to illuminate it.
To create a New Year's decor, take:
- plastic bottles;
- spray paints or stained glass;
- scissors and knife.
You only need the tops of the bottles, the lower you can use for other types of needlework. Cut the container as shown in the photo. Next, make cuts to make a flower.

Round off its petals. When you have made several of these blanks, paint each in the desired color. You can combine shades.
Make a cross-shaped cut in the lid, it is needed in order to put the garland bulbs here.

Meanwhile, the paint on the flowers has dried. Screw these blanks to the lids and admire the work done.

But such lamps will add a romantic mood on New Year's Eve.

To do them, take:
- jars with transparent lids;
- twine;
- candles;
- openwork braid.
Wrap the jars with braid, tying it with threads.
To keep the candles securely in place, singe their bottom first, then put them inside each container. Foil candles can be used. Do not forget to decorate the territory with picturesque compositions that will become not only the decor of the summer cottage, but will also delight the birds. Indeed, at this time of year, they often do not have enough food, and rowan branches will become an additional delicacy.
Tie the branches of the rowan with the branches of the spruce by hanging not heavy Christmas balls here, securing the cones. Decorate the composition with beads and hang it up.
This is how you can decorate a summer cottage for the New Year in order to meet it in the fresh air unforgettably.
Watch a video showing these and other ideas for decorating a summer cottage: