Sansevieria: home care

Sansevieria: home care
Sansevieria: home care

General signs and types of sansevieria, especially when leaving, recommendations for transplanting, feeding and soil selection, pest control and growing problems. Sansevieria (Sansevieria) is included in the large family of Asparagus, which in Latin sounds like Asparagaceae, containing more than 2400 species of representatives of the green world. But this is also controversial - some classifiers classify Sansivieria as belonging to the Lilia family, others to Agavovs. The genus itself contains about 60 species of plants. The homeland of growth is considered to be the territories of Africa and Asia, Indian areas, where the tropical climate completely dominates. The plant bears its official name in honor of Prince Sanseviero, who lived in Naples in the 17th century. This striped bush, often referred to under the common names "mother-in-law's tongue", "pike's tail", "cuckoo's tail", is commonly referred to by Americans as "snake skin", but in England they like to grow it, calling it a little ominously - leopard lily or tongue the devil. In general, each people saw the leaf plates of sansevieria and what they resembled, so the name was created. But basically, people started from the appearance of the plant, and it depends on the shape, color of elongated leaves and their height. Also, the varieties differ in terms of growing conditions, but there are common properties.

Sansevieria is completely devoid of a stem, does not change the color of leaves and has been growing for a long time - a real long-liver of rooms and offices. All its leaf plates are upright, have a lance-like or belt-like shape with a pointed tip at the top. Their surface is dense, slightly fleshy, curved and sometimes reaching a meter (and in the natural environment even one and a half meter) height with a width of 2-10 cm. Dense rosettes are collected from the leaves. Also, "mother-in-law's tongue" is distinguished by a highly developed rhizome process, which, growing, protrudes from the pot and, having reached a large volume, can break the container. The beauty of the leaves of this plant lies in the fact that there are patterns of vertical or horizontal stripes on the entire dark green surface, and there are also varieties with a bright border of the leaf.

There is a statement that sansevieria can bloom only under unfavorable circumstances, but this is not so. The peduncle extends at the "pike's tail" from the center of the leaf rosette to a half-meter height and is directed straight up. The inflorescence, collected from pale green flowers, has the shape of a spikelet arrow. The scent is a bit like vanilla. The flowering process occurs in the first days of spring. After it, new young leaves from this outlet will not grow. The most interesting thing is that the buds of the "leopard lily" open only in the late evening and last all night, exuding a delicate aroma. The fruits of plants that are grown indoors are practically not set.

The plant is highly resistant and very difficult to exterminate. These abilities are provided by biologically active substances that are contained in sansevieria. The beneficial properties of the plant were noticed in ancient times, on the basis of decoctions and tinctures it was possible to create drugs that successfully cured inflammation of the genitourinary system, diseases of the ears and throat. Pike tail juice helped to heal wounds, ulcers and was used for skin diseases.

However, it is necessary to use the plant in traditional medicine very carefully, since the leaf plates contain poisonous substances - saponins, their use is possible only after processing. There are also medicinal preparations based on these substances contained in sansevieria.

Also, the plant is distinguished by its ability to absorb harmful substances, clean the air, and protect the inhabitants of the rooms from possible colds. It can reduce the content of microbes in the air by almost 70%, absorb harmful substances that are released from plastic or chipboard.

According to the legends of China, sansevieria is able to protect the house from harmful negative energies, bring peace and happiness. In Indian traditions, it is customary to make rope or coarse cloth from leaf plates.

Sansevieria care tips

Sansevieria in a flowerpot
Sansevieria in a flowerpot
  • Lighting and location for the green minke. The plant is so unattractive to the conditions of detention that it does not matter for her where the pot is placed: both bright light and shaded rooms are equally pleasant to sansevieria. However, it is taken into account that leaf plates on which there is a sufficient variegation of coloring, being in the shade for a long time, can lose it. The patterns fade and the entire leaf turns dark green. Also, one cannot expect that the "mother-in-law's tongue" will want to bloom, if there is not enough lighting for it, for this process you will need bright sunlight. In the spring-summer period, the striped bush is recommended to be taken out into the fresh air, such a vacation will suit sansevieria's taste. The main thing is that the place in the garden, on the balcony or terrace is protected from rainfall on the bush. The plant is really very hardy, but if you sharply rearrange it from a shady place under bright sunlight, it will lead to sunburn on the leaves, you should gradually accustom sansevieria to an increase in illumination.
  • Content temperature. The plant can also tolerate any temperature, however, lowering the heat only up to +10 degrees is considered most acceptable. The optimal range is + 16– + 18 degrees (20–28 degrees of heat are maintained in summer). During the winter months, it is required to ensure that the leaves of the sansevieria do not touch the cold glass of the windows, and the cold air stream does not fall on the bush. If the heat indices drop below +5 degrees, this will lead to hypothermia of the "leopard lily" and decay processes may begin, and after that the plant will die.
  • Air humidity. Sansevieria firmly tolerates the dry air of apartments and offices, is not afraid of being near central heating batteries or heating devices. This is characterized by the fact that in natural conditions the "pike tail" has adapted to the dry air of the savannahs. It is not required to spray the plant, but it is worth wiping the leaf plates with a soft sponge or cloth moistened with water - this is necessary to remove dust.
  • Watering sansevieria. But this condition of maintenance plays a significant role, since the "leopard lily" is a succulent plant - it stores moisture in its leaves, which helps to survive dry periods in the homeland of growth. If the soil is moistened too abundantly and often, then leaf decay and the death of sansevieria may follow. If the watering is very poor, then the leaf plates wrinkle and wither a little. Therefore, watering should be moderate, and the substrate between them should dry out completely. The abundance and frequency are determined based on the temperature and humidity in the room where the pot with the plant stands. The lower the light level, the less hydration is required. Watering must be done carefully so that moisture does not get into the center of the leaf outlet. In the summer, the regularity can be once a week, and in the winter - once a month.
  • Top dressing for sansevieria occurs once a month, using cactus fertilizers, in a very low concentration. It is good when fertilizers contain calcium and phosphorus compounds - this will serve as the key to successful further development, but there should be little nitrogen. If the plant is in a sufficiently unlit place and with low heat indicators, then soil fertilization is reduced, or even stopped altogether. If there is an oversupply of dressings, then the sansevieria will lose all the decorativeness of the leaf plates and may die.

Recommendations for choosing soil and replanting "pike tail". The soil for transplanting is selected with the following properties: it must be well-drained, light and nutritious, with good air permeability. You can use a universal soil and lighten it with sand, and add humus for nutritional value. The soil mixture is also compiled independently based on the following options:

  • leafy ground, sod, coarse sand (in a ratio of 2: 2: 1);
  • peat land, leaf land, sod soil, humus, river sand (in proportions 1: 2: 2: 1: 1).

The pot is changed to a new one when the old container has become small for the rhizome of the sansevieria. Usually, young plants are transplanted every two years, but old ones only in the 3rd year. For this, a wide and not high container is selected (preferably a tub). It is good when its size is increased by no more than 3-5 cm. A good drainage layer of about 3 cm from moisture-retaining materials (expanded clay or pebbles) is laid on the bottom of the container, only it is important that they do not clog the holes for the outflow of excess moisture. If all the soil in the pot is reclaimed by the roots, then the plant can begin to bloom.

Overview of breeding methods for sansevieria

Sansevieria in pots
Sansevieria in pots

Young "leopard lily" can be obtained by separating the rhizome and cuttings of the leaf plates.

For grafting, you need to pick up a beautiful and completely healthy leaf. It is selected from the outlet in which the peduncle has already grown, and the flowering process is completed, young leaves will not be released in it. Next, the sheet plate is cut across using a thin blade or a sharpened knife. Planting parts must be at least 5 cm in length. They need to dry a little for several hours. Then you should treat the lower cut (it is important not to confuse this) with a root formation stimulator (for example, "Kornevin") and plant the cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat or just moistened sand. The parts are buried approximately 1–2 cm into the substrate. The planted plants are wrapped in a plastic bag or placed under a glass jar. This will help to maintain high humidity and proper heat for rooting. Cuttings are placed in a warm place with diffused lighting. It is necessary to ventilate them periodically and do not forget to moderately moisturize the substrate. After a month and a half, the cuttings will show signs of new growth. In this case, the polyethylene or the can is removed and after two weeks you can transplant into the soil suitable for growing adult sansevieria. It is better to plant several pieces of cuttings in a pot, for the splendor of the bush.

The division of the bush is carried out in the process of plant transplantation. The "striped bush" is carefully removed from the pot, the earth can be shaken off a little from the roots. Then, using a sharpened knife, the rhizome should be cut so that each of the parts has its own growth point. Next, the cut is processed with crushed activated or charcoal - this will help disinfect the wounds of the plant. Planting takes place in separate pots in a peat-sand mixture. Watering the delenki is necessary in moderation and the pot is placed in a place with diffused soft light. After a while, the separated sansevieria plants will have new rosettes of leaves and young leaf plates.

Problems in the cultivation of sansevieria

Young sprout of sansevieria
Young sprout of sansevieria

Most often, the enemies of sansevieria can be: spider mites, scale insects or thrips. If pests have been noticed, the plant will react to them by yellowing the leaves, deforming them, and a sticky bloom will also appear. Treatment with soap, oil or alcohol solutions should be carried out. A cotton swab is abundantly moistened in the product, and the leaves are wiped with it, this makes it possible to manually remove the pests. To consolidate the effect and as a preventive measure, the sansevieria is treated (sprayed) with insecticides. When performing this procedure, it is necessary to cover the soil in the pot with a plastic bag so that the product does not fall on the ground or roots.

Of the troubles that happen with the "pike tail" are:

  • if whitish spots have appeared on the leaves, then this is evidence of sunburn, the plant must be removed to a more shaded place;
  • if the leaf plates began to acquire a brown tint, then this is a consequence of the flooding of the soil or insufficient illumination;
  • the leaves wilted and their rotting began, this happens when sansevieria is kept at low temperatures for a long time;
  • if the leaves turn yellow, then moisture has entered the leaf outlet during watering, or the soil has become waterlogged.

With these problems, all damaged leaves and root processes should be removed from sansevieria. Further, the sections are powdered with crushed coal, and the soil and the pot are changed. Before planting, it is recommended to sterilize the container and substrate, and then level the conditions for keeping the plant.

Types of sansevieria

Sansevieria Chania
Sansevieria Chania
  • Sansevieria three-lane (Sansevieria trifasciata). This is the most common type of sansevieria, which is so loved by everyone and flower growers. The homeland of growth is semi-desert, with a dry temperate climate prevailing there. The socket basically has 6 leaf plates. The leaves of an already mature plant are painted in a dark emerald background and there is a pattern of whitish transverse stripes on it. The length of the leaves varies from 30 cm to 120 cm with a width of 2–10 cm. The leaf shape is flat, elongated, belt-like, it gradually begins to taper towards the apex, where it ends in a thorn. The border of the leaf is green. The color and color of the leaf plates directly depends on the intensity of the light that illuminates the plant. If the illumination is low, then the pattern is indistinct. Many species with a variety of colors have been selected on the basis of this variety.
  • Sansevieria large (Sansevieria grandis). The plant leads an epiphytic lifestyle, has a well-developed rhizome and a herbaceous form of growth. The rosette of leaves can contain from 2 to 4 units. The leaf plate is fleshy and measures 30–60 cm in length and 15 cm in width. Their color is dark malachite with a pattern of dark transverse stripes, as well as a red tone edging the entire plate. The inflorescence can stretch up to 80 cm in height, forms a cluster of numerous white-greenish flowers. The perianth has a cylindrical shape and a swollen base.
  • Sansevieria Laurentii. It is the progenitor of many other varieties, as it is considered one of the primary ones. The leaf plates are erect, with a yellow clear rim along the edge, the width of which may differ in different plants of this variety. The pattern of the leaves is quite decorative and variegated.
  • Sansevieria hahnii, also called undersized. The plant originated from the Laurenti variety, it was bred in 1941 by an amateur florist S. Khan, the plant was named after him. As much as possible, the bush grows to a height of 30 cm, the leaf rosette resembles a vase in shape and is distinguished by the tops of the leaves bent outward. The color of the leaf plates is dark emerald, all mottled with a whitish pattern.
  • Sansevieria cylindrical (Sansevieria cylindrica). The leaves differ in the shape of a cylinder, measuring up to 2 cm in diameter, with a longitudinal deep groove.
  • Sansevieria Futura (Sansevieria Futura). It differs in leaves of a wide shape and short in length, the border is yellow and thin, comes from the Laurenti variety.
  • Sansevieria Robusta. Similar to the Futura variety, without edging, dark malachite shade, reminiscent of a wild look.

For more information on growing sansevieria, see this video:
