Back workout for girls

Back workout for girls
Back workout for girls

Find out how to correctly build a training process for girls to get rid of fat deposits in the back. Many girls do not pay enough attention to the development of the back muscles. Thus, they are making a very serious mistake. It is this muscle group that forms the correct posture. In addition, you need to work on the muscles of the whole body so that your figure is beautiful. Do not forget that back training for girls will also affect the development of all other muscles in the body.

A little clarification should be made on the last statement. You may not have noticed yet that the back is active in almost all movements. If you do not develop this muscle group, you will not be able to work with large weights, say, doing squats. Thus, the muscles of the back should be worked out no less actively than any other.

It should also be said that by increasing the size of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, you will be able to visually narrow your waist. And, of course, with a beautiful back, you can safely wear dresses that have a cutout in the back.

The best back workouts for girls

Girls in plank
Girls in plank

Now you can get acquainted with several movements that will help to pump your back qualitatively. Do two or three sets, each with 12 to 15 repetitions.

  • Hyperextension. There is special sports equipment for this movement. You need to lean on the upper thigh, and fix your legs under a special roller. The arms are located in the chest area, and for the convenience of performing the movement, they should be crossed. As you exhale, begin to lean forward until you can keep your back straight. In the opposite direction, you must move, exhaling air. You should also use a slow pace to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Plank. This is a fairly simple exercise that can produce great results. It can be performed at home, which is of fundamental importance for many. Take a forearm rest with your hands under your shoulder joints. In this case, the legs should be located not far from each other. It is important that your body is in a straight line. You need to hold this position for at least 0.5 minutes.
  • Row bar in an inclined position. This is a very effective movement that can be done at home as well. If you don't have a barbell, you can safely use dumbbells. Lean forward while keeping your back straight and slightly bend your knees. Take a sports equipment with an upper grip. As you exhale, begin to lift the bar towards you. Flexing the elbow joints. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. In the extreme upper position, you should take a short pause and inhale, return to the starting position.
  • Superman. You can do this exercise at home, and this does not require sports equipment. Get into a prone position. As you inhale, begin to raise your legs and arms, fixing the final position for two seconds. You can also perform a variety of this movement, alternately lifting the leg and arm of the same name. The result should be swimming-like movements.

Back workout for girls Jen Jewell

Jen Jewell works the back
Jen Jewell works the back

We offer you a training complex from Jen Jewell. To continually progress, you will need to periodically make changes to your female back workout. In this complex, each movement must be performed in four sets with 15 repetitions each.

  • Upper block pull, wide grip.
  • Row dumbbells in an inclined position.
  • Row bar in an inclined position.
  • Rows on the lower block.
  • Pulls the upper block towards the chest, reverse grip.
  • Reverse grip pull-ups.
  • Hyperextension.

Several of the exercises presented in this set of exercises have already been considered by us. Reverse grip pull-ups are performed similarly to the classic version, and the only difference is in the grip used. It should also be said that the technique of performing rows in an inclined position with a barbell and dumbbells does not differ much.

  • Traction of the upper block. Adjust the machine for you and grip the bar with a wide grip. Also, take the body back 30 degrees, protruding the chest and bending the lower back. Start pulling the bar towards your chest. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the muscles of the forearms do not participate in the work, but only hold the bar.
  • Lower block thrust. Place the V-handle on the machine. It is necessary to create a natural deflection in the lower back, while keeping the back straight. With your arms extended forward, pull your body back until it is perpendicular to the ground. After that, start pulling the handle towards you, in the final position touching your abdomen with your hands. In this position, you should pause, then return to its original state.

Learn more about back exercises in this video:
