Bodyweight exercises for strength development are underestimated by many athletes. But in vain! Find out how they are used in bodybuilding. Previously, strength exercises in bodybuilding with their own weight were very popular, but now they are forgotten by most athletes. Many people use a large number of exercises, although for the harmonious development of the body, it is enough to use only a few basic ones. Today we will talk about how you can train using your own weight.
Bodyweight exercises used

This system is based on just six exercises with which you can train the whole body. All of them were chosen for a reason, but this happened over many centuries. All of them correspond to the anatomical features of the human body. Below you will see that with these exercises you can train all the muscles. So, here is this "golden six":
- Push-ups - develop large and small muscles of the chest, triceps, as well as frontal deltas.
- Squats - Quads, glutes, knee tendons, calf muscles, inner thighs.
- Pull-ups - latissimus dorsi, traps, rhomboid muscles, forearm muscles, biceps.
- Leg Raises - Abs, front thigh, grip muscles.
- "Bridge" - the muscles of the back, biceps and hamstrings.
- Handstand push-ups - traps, forearm and triceps.
Bodyweight Training Principles

Many athletes know that with an increase in the number of repetitions of exercises, endurance increases significantly, and strength indicators and mass do not grow so quickly. For this reason, the bodyweight bodybuilding strength training program consists of ten levels.
You should start from the first and gradually move to the tenth. If you follow the sequence of exercises below, the technique will be more effective. All levels are variations of the six basic movements. Each exercise has ten variations. Today the training program will be considered using the example of squats.
At the first level, this exercise is performed in a shoulderstand, and almost anyone can do it. In turn, the tenth level implies squats on one leg. This is a very difficult exercise and only a few can perform it without proper preparation.
Having studied the structure of the training, you will understand that you can develop your body without the involvement of a personal trainer and for this it is absolutely not necessary to have expensive sports equipment with which gyms are equipped. When you get to the last level of the program, your strengths will surpass what you could have trained using a 180-kilogram weight. Unfortunately, in recent years, most athletes and specialists do not even remember the possibility of using strength exercises in bodybuilding with their own weight. However, not every athlete with a decent training experience is able to squat on one leg. It should be remembered, however, that they use special machines and do free-weight exercises. And, despite all this, to work at the tenth level, you need to go through the first nine. Even with steroids it is difficult to deal with the latest level right away.
You must learn to make the most of the benefits of bodyweight training. Thanks to this, your strength indicators will increase significantly, and the muscles will look very attractive. As mentioned above, your task is to systematically pass all levels of the program and achieve the latter. This is the maximum degree of ability to work with your own weight. The last level is called Master Level and consists of a series of the most difficult exercises for all six basic exercises.
It should be admitted that there are very few people in the world who have managed to reach this peak. Also, not very many athletes are able to complete two or three Level Ten exercises. The main reason for this is that they all try to work on specific muscle groups, instead of training the whole body.
Each chapter of the program contains a detailed description of each exercise. Then you are invited to familiarize yourself with a short but understandable long-term training program. Thanks to this, you will be able to go from the first level to the master. There are basically six programs that describe each of the main exercises.
Study the training structure carefully so that you can train as efficiently as possible. You yourself will understand when you can move to the next level. But don't be in a hurry. Do this only when you are completely confident in your abilities. Also, special attention should be paid to the technique of performing all movements, since otherwise you will significantly slow down your progress. In addition, you may even get injured.
Each of the six exercises has a huge number of options for performing, but not all of them are used in the program. It is impossible to complete all of them in one lesson. However, there is no such need either. You just need to perform the exercises that are part of the training program. It is very important not to overload your muscles.
If we return to the question of the number of exercise options, then, for example, push-ups on the uneven bars help to train the same muscles as simple push-ups. It is for this reason that they have been ranked as regular push-ups. The situation is the same with push-ups with the transition to the forearm, or as this exercise is also called - "tiger paw". It should be admitted that this exercise was also undeservedly forgotten.
You can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the 44 most effective bodyweight exercises in this video: