Synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding

Synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding
Synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding

Find out why bodybuilders actively lower blood sugar. And how to perform such a manipulation so as not to cause malfunctions of the pancreas. Today, athletes are actively using not only insulin, but also synthetic drugs that lower sugar levels in the body. Learn about the use of synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding.

Insulin is a high molecular weight protein compound that only works when used parenterally. For this reason, synthetic medications have been developed to help treat diabetes when taken orally. They can only help people with type 2 diabetes. Today we will talk about the use of synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding.

Classification of synthetic antihyperglycemic drugs

Classification of synthetic hypoglycemic drugs
Classification of synthetic hypoglycemic drugs
  • Biguanide derivatives - metformin and buformin.
  • Sulfonylurea derivatives - glipizide, glipenclamide, amaryl, etc.
  • Derivatives of amino acid compounds - pateglinite, repaglinide.
  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors - acarbose.
  • Thiazolidinediones - pioglitazone and rosiglitazone.

Now let's briefly talk about two of the most popular synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding.


Metmorphine in packaging
Metmorphine in packaging

In the small intestine, about 60 percent of the working component of the drug is absorbed. The peak concentration of the drug occurs within 2-4 hours after application. The mechanism of work of Metformin is based on inhibition of glucagon synthesis, acceleration of glucose consumption by body tissues, slowing down of glyconeogenesis in liver cells, etc.


Glibenclamide in packaging
Glibenclamide in packaging

The drug slows down the processes of platelet aggregation, blocks ATP channels, depolarizes cell membranes and stimulates insulin secretion.

The use of synthetic hypoglycemic agents

Syringe and ampoule
Syringe and ampoule

Although synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding are quite actively used by athletes, there is still no scientifically substantiated evidence of their effectiveness. For this reason, the risks of side effects increase dramatically. They are used to manipulate the concentration of natural insulin and tissue sensitivity to this hormone.

Athletes are confident that although they can cause pronounced hypoglycemia, the likelihood of this is significantly lower in comparison with insulin. In addition, the drugs proved to be very effective. The drugs derived from the latest generation of sulfonylureas can act directly on the cells of the pancreas that synthesize insulin. In addition, they can increase the insulin sensitivity of tissues, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, and normalize blood flow and blood properties. All this leads to an acceleration of the metabolism.

The use of synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding is practiced to achieve two goals:

  • Acceleration of insulin secretion and simultaneous increase in the absorption of the hormone.
  • To enhance the effectiveness of exogenous insulin.

Most often, athletes use Buformin and Glipenclamide. Also, recently, athletes are increasingly paying attention to Metformin, which, in comparison with other drugs, has a milder effect. In accordance with the goals of the use of synthetic glucose-lowering drugs, athletes can be divided into two groups:

  • Do not use insulin.
  • Those who wish to enhance the effectiveness of the insulin administered.

It is also important to understand that most often insulin and drugs that enhance the synthesis of this hormone are used in conjunction with AAS. With this use of insulin, its effectiveness already increases, but if you also start using synthetic hypoglycemic agents in bodybuilding, then the effectiveness of the exogenous hormone can increase by about five times.

If you decide to use a bunch of insulin and buformin, then you should pay special attention to the control of blood sugar levels. With this combination of drugs, the risk of hypoglycemia increases dramatically and you should always carry sweets with you. Also, Buformin is often used with the introduction of somatotropin, which also makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the growth hormone course.

Pro-athletes can also use Buformin during the off-season when AAS cycles are not available. This allows you to significantly increase the anabolic background. All medications have some side effects and hypoglycemic drugs are no exception. But it must be admitted that they are much safer than insulin, but when used correctly, they will prove to be just as effective.

Buformin is actively used in combination with Clenbuterol at the final stage of the steroid cycle. This allows you to maintain a high level of anabolism while withdrawing steroids. Since these drugs are very widely used in sports, this is an indicator of their effectiveness. If you follow all the recommendations for their use, then such therapy can completely replace the use of insulin.

For more information on Metmorphine, see this video: