Anabolic steroids: Trenbolone, Stanozolol, Primobolan

Anabolic steroids: Trenbolone, Stanozolol, Primobolan
Anabolic steroids: Trenbolone, Stanozolol, Primobolan

Among steroids, drugs are very popular: Stanozolol, Trenbolone and Primobolan. Learn about their properties, dosages and effects on the body. Without a doubt, anabolic steroids: Trenbolone, Stanozolol, Primobolan are very popular among athletes. For this reason, this article will be devoted to all three drugs today.

Effects on the body of Trenbolone

Trenbolone injection
Trenbolone injection

Trenbolone is a substance derived from nandrolone. It lacks a methyl group at position 19. The drug can bind to receptors of the progesterone and androgenic types. Most likely, this feature influences the fact that Trenbolone is a progesterone antagonist. This was confirmed in the course of scientific experiments, which proved that when using the drug in the body, the number of estrogen receptors is reduced. In addition, such strong connections contribute to a decrease in libido in certain cases.

Relatively recently, a number of animal experiments have been carried out, after which it can be argued that Trenbolone has antiglucocorticoid effects. However, it is difficult to say whether it can have a similar effect on the human body. Also, the drug is not subject to conversion into female hormones.

It should be mentioned about the rather widespread opinion that the steroid is not able to reduce by 5-alpha. This has been proven by some scientists who claim that trenbolone is less active in tissues that contain large amounts of 5-alpha reductase.

Nandrolone has a similar effect. It should be borne in mind that Trenbolone, in addition to everything else, is also a 19-norsteroid, which gives the right to assume that the substance is reducible to weak metabolites. It is these properties that can explain the cases of manifestation of signs of gynecomastia due to the suppression of the synthesis of the natural male hormone, although Trenbolone is not subject to aromatization.

The balance of androgens and estrogens can be disturbed due to a decrease in the stimulation of androgen receptors, arising from the beginning of the synthesis of less powerful androgens, reduced by 5-alpha. Thanks to this, estrogenic signals are sent to the hypothalamus to stop the synthesis of testosterone.

The main difficulty in using Trenbolone is the inability to obtain a drug intended for human use. This substance is called Parabolan, but you can hardly find it on the market. The main selling point is Trenbolone, intended for use in veterinary medicine, called Finaplix, from which Trenbolone is made in clandestine laboratories.

This process is not very complex. To obtain Trenbolone, it is necessary to dissolve the pellets of the implantant in the solvent, and then boil the resulting solution. You also need to get the equipment you need for this. For this reason, one should remember about the sterility of the purchased steroid so that there are no problems with abscesses and local infection. Currently on sale are Enanthate, Acetate, and Hexahydrobenzyl carbonate ester. The last substance must be consumed daily or every other day. This substance is also known in veterinary medicine as Finadget. Clandestine laboratories have established the production of Trenbolone Enanthate, which can be used once a week. In conclusion, it should be noted that Trenbolone can cause hypertension and can damage the functioning of the kidneys.

Effects on the body of Primobolan

Primobolan tablet
Primobolan tablet

The name Primobolan is derived from a derivative of dihydrotestosterone called Methenolone. This is a type of acetate that is used orally. It should be noted that previously injectable forms of this steroid were also produced.

Many are convinced of the extremely low effectiveness of Primobolan, and a large number of athletes are not satisfied with its high cost. It should be noted that Primobolan does not undergo alkylation at 17-alpha, which also does not add any advantages to the drug. For these reasons, a significant amount of the drug should be taken to obtain the desired effect.

Primobolan is not able to convert to female hormones, as it is derived from dihydrotestosterone. It also does not have high progestogenic properties. From this we can conclude that the properties of an aromatase inhibitor in it are manifested only due to the receipt of this substance from dihydrotestosterone. Methenolone Enanthate is on the market in very limited quantities. This injectable drug is called Primobolan. The substance is absorbed by the tissues for a long time, which allows one injection for two weeks. However, it is often used once or even twice a week. It should be recognized that the injectable form significantly exceeds the tabletted form in terms of the strength of the effect on the body.

Primobolan can also be used by girls. For them, the dosage of the drug should be no more than 100 milliliters for a week. Men can use up to 600 milliliters of steroid per week. However, it is still better for women to use Primobolan no more than once every ten days. Although the use of this drug cannot give a quick effect, it has its own admirers, which is primarily due to the absence of serious side effects.

Effects on the body of Stanozolol

Stanozolol Injection
Stanozolol Injection

Stanozolol is a synthetic modification of dihydrotestosterone. Previously, the drug was called Winstrol. Although the steroid has strong androgenic and anabolic properties, it should still be classified as an androgen. Due to its antiglucocorticoid properties, Stanozolol is able to bind androgen-type receptors. It should also be noted the ability of the substance to reduce the level of globulin in the body. Although it should be admitted that this feature is not as pronounced as in other AAS.

Stanozolol is available both in tablet form and injectable form. Since the drug is devoid of the properties of an ether, it should be consumed daily.

This is how anabolic steroids affect the body: Trenbolone, Stanozolol, Primobolan.

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