Insulin in bodybuilding through the eyes of professionals

Insulin in bodybuilding through the eyes of professionals
Insulin in bodybuilding through the eyes of professionals

Insulin is now becoming more and more popular among athletes. Find out what experts think about the use of insulin in bodybuilding. The topic of the use of insulin by athletes is very relevant. On specialized web resources, you can find a lot of questions about the correct use of this drug and the feasibility of this step. Insulin in bodybuilding through the eyes of professionals is the topic of today's article.

The relevance of the use of insulin in bodybuilding

Bodybuilder demonstrates muscles
Bodybuilder demonstrates muscles

Insulin is a very important hormone and for this reason it will always be used by athletes. Its use by professionals is certainly justified. At the same time, amateurs can do well without it. Moreover, the use of insulin for athletes who do not plan to participate in competitions is completely inappropriate.

Insulin is a rather dangerous drug and you need to understand this when using it. In most cases, amateurs do not have the level of physical activity and the amount of nutrients at which the use of insulin will be justified. Our material will be structured in the form of answers to the most common questions.

What do athletes use insulin for?

Athlete in the gym
Athlete in the gym

Everyone knows that insulin is a hormone, one of the main tasks of which in the body is to transport nutrients to tissue cells. There are many different mechanisms in the body, but insulin is one of the main ones.

Athletes use the drug to improve muscle tissue nutrition, which promotes muscle growth. In principle, the drug does an excellent job without using AAS.

What kind of exogenous insulin is best for bodybuilding?

Jay Cuttler at the tournament
Jay Cuttler at the tournament

Most often, athletes use a short-acting and ultra-short-acting drug. Many athletes wonder why a long-acting hormone is not used. For example, the same "Levemir", according to the manufacturer's assurances, creates an even level of the hormone, works for a long time and does not contribute to the accumulation of fatty deposits.

If we talk about the accumulation of fats, then this is the move of marketers of the companies producing the drug. Insulin cannot be created that does not contribute to the accumulation of fat cells. As a matter of fact, fat in the body does not accumulate due to insulin, an incorrectly selected level of physical activity, or an incorrect nutritional program.

For a certain category of athletes, every kilogram of body weight gained can be a plus, for example, for representatives of the heavy weight categories. However, most athletes try to avoid this. Short-acting drugs are used for the reason that it makes no sense to use longer ones. With the introduction of 10 IU, insulin acts on the body for a couple of hours and this is quite enough to fulfill its mission. It should be noted that long insulin can be considered unpredictable. When the athlete has no problem with the synthesis of natural insulin, then the use of a long preparation can be very dangerous. Hypoglycemia can begin at any time and it is almost impossible to predict it, since it is quite possible that the effects of natural and exogenous hormones overlap. As you know, the release of insulin occurs not only after consuming carbohydrates, but also amino acid compounds and fatty acids. The amount of the hormone synthesized directly depends on the rate of supply of nutrients.

The positive aspects of hypoglycemia and is it not dangerous?

A person donates blood from a finger for a blood sugar test
A person donates blood from a finger for a blood sugar test

It should be remembered that hypoglycemia can be of various types. With a mild form, a person's appetite increases, which can be used for your own benefit. A more severe form of hypoglycemia is no longer able to bring anything good, but hypoglycemic coma is quite possible. Thus, it can be argued that athletes should use short-acting drugs to induce mild hypoglycemia. Of course, for this it is necessary to choose the right dosage.

Also, quite often there are questions about the advisability of using drugs that stimulate the synthesis of insulin, for example, Maninil. Their use by athletes seems inappropriate. Thanks to the injection, it is possible to provide the required level of the hormone for a sufficient period of time to obtain the effect. When using drugs like Maninil, it is impossible to know how the body will react to it, and how much hormones will be produced.

Another thing is drugs that increase insulin sensitivity, for example, Metformin or Siofor. If you wish, you can experiment with them and determine the need for their further use. Every athlete must understand that if he wants to develop only within his own genetics, then he does not need to use any drugs. If he intends to develop further, then in this case he cannot do without pharmacology. But you should also be prepared for the consequences of its application. The question here is when they will show themselves.

Need to use insulin between steroid cycles

Syringe, ampoules and saline bottle
Syringe, ampoules and saline bottle

Some athletes find that by using insulin between AAS cycles, they will be able to maintain more muscle mass. But in practice, this use of the drug does not justify itself. It is important to remember that insulin administration is much more difficult than any other hormonal drug. This requires special training and decent experience.

This drug is used to solve local problems, and it is used not only by representatives of strength sports. At each stage of the training, athletes set themselves certain tasks. Insulin can be used to address some of these. In the pauses between steroid cycles, it will not be possible to maintain mass with its help, which makes its use during this period inappropriate. This is how the use of insulin in bodybuilding is seen through the eyes of professionals.

For more information on insulin and its use in sports, see here:
