Brewer's yeast for acne

Brewer's yeast for acne
Brewer's yeast for acne

Learn about the unique abilities of brewer's yeast to fight acne, boils and acne, and how to use it correctly.

History of the origin of brewer's yeast

The topic of acne on the skin of the face has long been relevant, since many people - men and women, young people and the adult part of society - suffer from them. Hormonal disruptions, stress, physical stress, environmental pollution and various diseases contribute to their appearance. There are tons of modern remedies to combat acne and acne, but their use often does not bring the expected effect. Not all people know that brewer's yeast is used to treat purulent acne, boils and acne.

History of the origin of brewer's yeast
History of the origin of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is unique both in its history and in its functions. Two hundred years ago, brewers conducted an unpredictable process and used yeast collected from the environment and everyday life in beer wort for fermentation. The result of their work often turned out to be a failure due to an imperfect knowledge of chemistry and biology. The beer fermentation process was systematized for a long time, and when the era of breakthrough in biology began, many wanted to bring the brewing process to perfection at all its stages. This burden was entrusted to scientists, the first of whom was the biologist and chemist Louis Pasteur. It was he who discovered unicellular yeast fungi, and he also came up with a unique way to stop the fermentation process by heating the wort above 52 ° C for ten minutes, which is now called pasteurization in honor of the scientist. Another scientist who discovered and perfected the method of brewing brewer's yeast from one cage for industry is Emil Hansen. It was he who, in 1881, bred a pure culture of brewer's yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis. This discovery gave rise to the production of brewer's yeast, a technology that contemporaries adhere to.

Video about 10 facts about brewer's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae:

As mentioned in the video, they also stop hair loss, strengthen hair and fight dandruff.

The effectiveness of using brewer's yeast in cosmetology

The effectiveness of using brewer's yeast in cosmetology
The effectiveness of using brewer's yeast in cosmetology

By its nature, brewer's yeast is a natural unicellular microorganism (fungi). The composition of brewer's yeast includes pantothenic, folic and ribonucleic acid, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins of the enriched series B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, PP, E. Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, brewer's yeast has found its application. and in medicine. For the body, brewer's yeast has a stabilizing effect, helps to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins. The benefits of brewer's yeast in the fight against purulent acne, boils and acne have been known for a long time. Acne is the result of hormonal imbalances in the human body. And it is the intake of brewer's yeast that leads to the normalization of hormonal processes, contributes to the proper functioning of the intestinal tract, and subsequently to the disappearance of acne and acne.

Instructions for using brewer's yeast: how to use it

For the treatment and prevention of acne, boils and acne, brewer's yeast should be taken in 2 teaspoons in liquid form 20 minutes before meals, you can dilute it with half a glass with boiled water cooled to room temperature or also cooked milk. It is recommended to take brewer's yeast dry, 25 grams per day. If the yeast was purchased at a pharmacy, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for taking the drug.

Brewer's yeast for acne in tablets Nagipol 2
Brewer's yeast for acne in tablets Nagipol 2

If you bought brewer's yeast for acne in 500 mg tablets (Nagipol 2 - in the photo above), then take the following: 3 times a day, 3-5 tablets. Side effects - an increase in the growth of body hair and, accordingly, strengthening them on the head.

Microorganisms found in brewer's yeast act gradually, therefore the effect is achieved after a course of taking brewer's yeast for a month.

When applied externally, brewer's yeast is used together with yogurt, sour cream, kiwi, lemons, oranges, from which you can make masks on the skin for 20 minutes a day, this allows you to cleanse and moisturize the skin, which will speed up the process of cleansing the face from acne.

Recipes for masks based on brewer's yeast to prevent acne

  1. On cleansed skin, apply a soap solution with a mixture of brewer's yeast, dry chamomile flowers and flax seeds, 20 g of each ingredient.
  2. Mix some ground grape seeds and brewer's yeast with a little water.
  3. Mix a little brewer's yeast with egg yolk, add a little wheat germ oil and boiled water.

Such masks should be applied to the face for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

When taking brewer's yeast, you need a proper balanced diet, therefore, for a positive result, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist and draw up an individual diet.

Contraindications for brewer's yeast

You can not take the drug in case of renal failure, gout, people with gluten intolerance, diabetes mellitus and with individual intolerance.
