How to use seaweed seed mask

How to use seaweed seed mask
How to use seaweed seed mask

Useful properties and contraindications of seaweed seed mask. Application rules and recipes. Seaweed Seed Face Mask is a cosmetic product containing natural collagen. It tones, refreshes, rejuvenates, moisturizes the epidermis, brightens age spots, relieves swelling. The peculiarity of such a mask is that it is suitable for any type of skin.

Description and composition of seaweed seeds

Seaweed seeds
Seaweed seeds

This mask is produced by many manufacturers in Thailand and China. Usually looks like small brown or light brown seeds, slightly larger than poppy seeds with small blotches of black.

The composition is natural - seeds (spores) of brown algae (Sargassum pallidum), and the smaller, the better, the more uniform the mask will be, and the seeds of the wrinkled rosehip (Rosa rugosa), which have a whitening and moisturizing effect.

You can find different information about the components of this mask, mainly due to poor-quality translation. For example, Rosa rugosa is sometimes called "black rose" or even "Indian jasmine flowers". And about the main ingredient of the mask, algae, discussions are unfolding on the topic of what it really is (flax seeds, lotus seeds, extract, something compressed and other assumptions), because everyone knows that algae do not bloom, therefore, they have seeds it can not be.

In fact, the reproduction of Sargassum pallidum occurs both vegetatively and sexually. In oogonia, immature female germ cells of algae capable of mitosis, there is one egg cell each. Having matured, such an egg is fertilized, forming a zygote, and then a seedling develops from it.

If desired, the naturalness of the mask can be checked by placing it in water for a while, where the spores will germinate. But even despite the discussions about the ingredients of this cosmetic product, all the reviews about its effect on the skin of the face are positive or even enthusiastic.

Indeed, this mask literally works wonders, as seaweed seeds have a unique biological composition:

  • Alginic acid and alginates … It is these polysaccharides, dissolving in water, form a viscous and slippery gel that envelops the face and, dries, turns into a film (one mass part of this biologically active substance is capable of adsorbing 300 parts of water!). The alginate film elastically fits the face, and then it is quickly removed in one mass, so there is no difficulty in removing the mask. Alginates remove puffiness, as they have a lymphatic drainage effect, tone and strengthen the skin, moisturizing, nourishing, tightening it and removing toxins. They are able to strengthen collagen fibers, therefore they have a pronounced effect of rejuvenation: small and even medium wrinkles are removed, pores tighten.
  • Collagen … This substance provides elasticity and firmness to the epidermis. With age, the body produces less of it, and additional input from the outside is required. That is why it is included in all age masks. Collagen can help even in severe cases. But since its molecule, due to its size, is not able to penetrate deeply, its action is possible exclusively from the outside.
  • Trace elements, vitamins, active substances … The algae seed mask contains many vitamins and biologically active substances. For example, folic acid, carotenoids, B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, lipids, pectins, lignins, fucoidans, phenolic compounds, sulfated galactans, plant enzymes, plant sterols, beckons (decongestant). Of the trace elements, iodine predominates, there is also potassium, magnesium, calcium, chromium, selenium, iron and phosphorus. All of them nourish the dermis, restoring its elasticity and youth.

Useful properties of the seaweed seed mask

Seaweed Seed Mask
Seaweed Seed Mask

Algae appeared on our planet more than 1.5 billion years ago. It was they who became the source of oxygen, thereby contributing to the appearance of the atmosphere we are accustomed to. Their active components are perfectly absorbed by the body, which is why they are so effective.

The seaweed seed mask has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Moisturizing … The mask has an excellent moisturizing effect, eliminates dryness and oily skin shine.
  2. Rejuvenation … Due to the increased collagen content, the rejuvenating effect of the mask is noticeable immediately after the first application. Cell aging slows down, the number of wrinkles is reduced, even mimic and medium ones, and not just small ones. The structure of the skin is restored, the oval of the face is corrected.
  3. Toning … Thanks to the algae seed mask, skin tone and elasticity are increased, and signs of fatigue disappear. The fibers of the epidermis are strengthened, due to which the sagging of the skin is eliminated. The face is noticeably fresher.
  4. Color enhancement … Bags under the eyes, puffiness, age spots, as well as traces left after acne disappear with regular use of the mask. The complexion is improved, the pores are narrowed.
  5. Improved regeneration … The mask stimulates blood circulation and detoxification, normalizes metabolism, thereby boosting the immune system and helping to improve regeneration.

Remember! Algae seed mask is very economical. One session requires only 1-2 tsp. funds. A standard package of 450 g with one or two applications per week will last for several months.

Contraindications to the use of algae seed mask

Thyroid disease
Thyroid disease

Algae seed mask is a healthy and natural product. However, it can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, when using it, be sure to conduct a standard hypersensitivity test. If 30 minutes after applying the mask on the skin of the inner side of the wrist there is no redness, rashes, burning sensation, then you can safely use the mask.

This mask is contraindicated for those with thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) and open wounds on the skin. Since the mask contains a large amount of iodine, it is better not to use this remedy for those who are hypersensitive to it.

Important! You can't eat seeds! If the mask gets into your mouth during use, rinse it with water. The used mass should not be thrown into the sewer, as the seeds may germinate, and this will clog the drain.

Features of the application of the mask from seaweed seeds

This mask is suitable for all skin types. To achieve a long-term positive effect, it is enough to do it 1-2 times a week.

Seaweed Seed Collagen Mask

Algae Seed Collagen Mask
Algae Seed Collagen Mask

When using a collagen mask made from seaweed seeds, you must adhere to some rules and strictly follow the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Features of using a collagen mask:

  • Water … It must be of high quality, you can use mineral without gas or ordinary purified.
  • Breeding … To do this, it is convenient to use a measuring cup and a spoon in order to add to the amount of seeds (15-20 g) required for a single use just as much water as is required according to the instructions (usually the ratio is 1: 1). There are two ways to dilute the mask. The first is cold water, after which it will soak for about 40 minutes. The second one is warm (but not more than 60 degrees, otherwise it will be taken in lumps), then the mask will be ready in 10 minutes.
  • Preparation … Before applying, make-up must be removed from the face. Then the skin must be steamed so that the effect of using the product is maximally pronounced. To do this, you just need to wash your face with very warm water or put a hot wet napkin on your face, or take a hot shower, or inhale over an herbal infusion.
  • Application … Having absorbed water, the mask will acquire a jelly-like stretching consistency. It is applied to the face in one lump and spread by making holes over the eyes and nose. Since the slimy mass is constantly spreading, the procedure should be done lying down. You can apply the mask in another way, using a soft cloth cut to the shape of the face with holes in the place of the nose and eyes. The mass is spread over the fabric and then placed on the face.
  • Deleting … There are no difficulties with removing the mask. Gradually dries up, it becomes thicker and denser, plasticizes, and after 30 minutes it is removed in one motion (from the chin to the forehead), while looking like a kind of cast of the face. Does not stick to skin or hair. Single seeds can remain on the eyebrows and hairline. Then you should wash your face with warm water, dab your skin and apply a cream or serum on it.

Know! Store the algae seeds out of direct sunlight in a cool and dry place.

Seaweed Seed Facial Mask with Beneficial Supplements

Olive oil
Olive oil

In a ready-to-use mask, you can add various components containing useful substances, this will enhance its positive effect.

Here are some recipes:

  1. With olive oil … Grind chicken yolk, mix with olive oil and glycerin (1 tablespoon each). Such an additive will enhance the whitening effect and additionally nourish overly dry skin.
  2. With yolk … Mash the egg yolk with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. This supplement has a similar effect to the above.
  3. With aloe … To help get rid of acne from the skin, mix 1 tbsp. l. aloe pulp with 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.
  4. With lemon … A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice will help oily skin relieve inflammation and swelling.
  5. With mayonnaise … Mix 1 tsp. olive oil with 2 tsp. homemade mayonnaise and crushed yolk. This addition to the algae seed mask will help get rid of freckles.
  6. With essential oil … If you add a couple of drops of tea tree oil and peach oil to the finished mask, it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  7. With clay … Adding cosmetic clay (in equal proportions with algae seeds and water) will help to tighten pores, cleanse the skin of inflammation and age spots. It is better to add clay directly to the seeds, and only then mix it with liquid.

Please note! Algae seeds can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to any other part of the body. Due to the fact that they tend to strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, the mask is able to remove cellulite and reduce the number of stretch marks.

Seaweed seed mask with different bases

Carrot juice
Carrot juice

Seeds of seaweed according to the instructions are diluted with clean water. But for its enhancement and greater efficiency, sometimes water is supplemented or completely replaced with other liquids. For example, like this:

  • Juice … You can supplement the mask with algae seeds with different juices, it depends on what effect you want to give. For example, carrot juice will refresh and nourish the skin, and also give it a tan color. Lemon and cucumber - will whiten freckles. Tomato - will improve the condition of oily skin, making it less porous. Cabbage juice will make flabby skin smooth and elastic, and potato juice will relieve swelling. Strawberry will whiten and refresh oily skin, raspberry will improve epidermis turgor and lighten age spots.
  • Milk … It contains more than 3000 of all kinds of useful substances: vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. One drop of milk accounts for about 10 million microscopic fat globules, thanks to which milk is perfectly absorbed and absorbed by the skin. If you use milk in a face mask with algae seeds, it will give the skin elasticity, smooth out wrinkles and lighten freckles and other age spots.
  • Apple vinegar … Such an additive to the algae seed mask additionally tones the skin, normalizes the secretion of sebum, and smoothes wrinkles. But since it is acid, vinegar should be used with caution. Do not replace all the liquid with them, but use it as an additional ingredient, take care not to get into the eyes. And be sure to conduct a test for individual intolerance. Vinegar is contraindicated for owners of sensitive thin skin prone to irritation.

How to use seaweed seed mask - watch the video:

The seaweed seed mask is versatile and suitable for all skin types. Thanks to her, oily epidermis will get rid of the greasy shine, dry epidermis will be nourished and moisturized, and fading epidermis will tighten and refresh. Such a mask is useful for everyone and has practically no contraindications. But the effect of its application is visible from the first procedure.
