Red onion

Red onion
Red onion

What is the composition and calorie content of red onions? Useful properties, possible harm and contraindications to the product. In what dishes to use? Many beneficial substances of red onions have a healing or preventive effect if consumed regularly, because vitamins, minerals and other life-giving ingredients must accumulate in the body.

Harm and contraindications to eating red onions

Pregnancy as a contraindication to red onion
Pregnancy as a contraindication to red onion

No matter how useful red onion is, it, like any vegetable, has contraindications. These restrictions in use are associated with the pungent taste of the product. This onion variety should be eaten with care:

  • People with colitis. With these ailments, it is worth adhering to a dietary diet, and onions are not included in the list of permitted foods.
  • Patients with high acidity of the stomach. Red onions are irritating by increasing the acidity of the stomach acid.
  • Patients with liver and kidney disease. This vegetable causes malfunctioning of the mentioned organs.
  • Patients with hypertension, asthma (you can eat, but in limited quantities). Onions irritate the nervous system, which can negatively affect the heart, trigger an increase in blood pressure and even an asthma attack.
  • Women in the second half of pregnancy. During this period, you need to limit the use of this vegetable in order to avoid allergic reactions.
  • People with certain skin conditions. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions.

The rest of the people are not advised to abuse the product, as well as dishes with it, and take into account the contraindications of red onions. The permissible and harmless dose is 100 g of raw vegetable at a time.

If we grow this red onion on our site, then it will not cause harm. But already purchased, "rich" in chemicals, his "brother" can create problems for our body. You can also not eat a rotten onion: we cut off the rotten place, and on the table - this is not recommended.

Red Onion Recipes

Red onion salad
Red onion salad

Many culinary experts prefer to use red onions in their cooking. As a rule, it is eaten raw, very often it is decorated with salads. This type of onion, while not as pungent as its "white brother", goes well with other vegetables and grilled meats. And if you marinate it, then it will be an exquisite variety for ordinary dishes. At the same time, it will also retain its specific sweetness, while acquiring light pungency and new flavors.

Red Onion Recipes:

  1. Red onion and peanut salad … Components: 2 medium onions, peeled peanuts - 100 g, sunflower oil (you can also take olive oil - this will give our salad an exquisite taste) - 50 g, 1 tablespoon of sour apple juice, salt, parsley and spices to taste. First, prepare the onion: peel, cut into thin rings and soak for 15 minutes in ice water. After such a "procedure", a red vegetable will not be so hot, but will acquire a delicate relish. Grind peanuts in a blender and mix with onions. Salt, pour with oil and sprinkle with apple juice. The final touch is to add herbs and spices. This salad is very suitable for those people who cannot or do not like to eat the red vegetable with whole onions. But together with other components, this is just what you need.
  2. Vitamin salad … For its preparation, take 3 tomatoes, 2 onions, dill and parsley, salt, pepper and olive oil. First you need to rinse the vegetables and cut the tomatoes into slices and the onions into half rings. Season with olive oil, then salt, pepper and add herbs. Our vitamin salad is ready. Eat to your health and do not get sick!
  3. Cauliflower salad … Ingredients: 1 head of cauliflower, 1 red onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 pieces of allspice, 3 pieces of cloves, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Step 1: Peel the onion and chop thinly. Step 2: In a large saucepan, blanch the cabbage inflorescence for 2 minutes, then put it in a colander and let it cool. Step 3: sterilize 800 ml jars, put cabbage in them mixed with onions, spices and garlic, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into each jar. Step 4: prepare the brine, dissolve sugar and salt in 1 liter of boiled water and pour vegetables. Step 5: wrap the jars upside down, after cooling, put them in a cold place. Garnish with herbs before serving.
  4. Salad with red onions for the winter … To prepare this dish, you need to take the following products: 1 kg of tomatoes, 4 red bell peppers, 300 g of red onions, half a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, sunflower oil. First, prepare the onion: peel, chop and fry in sunflower oil. Then we cut the washed tomatoes into slices, and the pepper into strips. Now we mix all the ingredients, add salt, sugar and spices. Then bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. We put it in a sterilized container, wrap it up and keep it for 24 hours. After that, we put the banks in the cellar. Eat this delicious and healthy salad for your health in winter!
  5. Baked Vegetable Caviar … Cooking this dish of 4 eggplants, 4 tomatoes, 3 red bell peppers, 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic and 1 red onion. And also what caviar is without a pinch of salt, herbs and, of course, sunflower oil? Rinse the peppers and eggplants and bake them in the oven so that the vegetables are soft. We cool them, take out the seeds and peel the skin. And now we finely chop the baked ingredients, as well as the pulp of tomatoes, and peeled onions, and dill. Mix everything, add lemon juice, salt and sunflower oil. It is better to serve chilled after 1 hour, so that our dish is well infused.
  6. Scrambled eggs with red onion … Take 1 kg of red onions, 4 eggs, 200 g of parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Fry finely chopped onions in a skillet. Beat eggs with a fork, adding salt, pepper and grated cheese. Then we mix everything with a red vegetable and fry over low heat. Cut into slices and serve hot. You can decorate with greens.
  7. Pickled red onion … This preparation goes very well with meat. Ingredients: apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons (you can take 1 tablespoon of 9%), water - 2 tablespoons, salt - 0.5 teaspoon, a pinch of sugar, pepper to taste, 2 large onions. Cut the red vegetable into thin half rings. Then we put it in a colander and pour over it first with boiling water, and then with cold water. We repeat once again "pouring". This will help remove the bitterness. Add salt and spices, then marinate for 2 hours. After cooling, put in the refrigerator.
  8. Pizza with red onion … The dough is prepared the same as for any pizza. The filling will have an unusual taste. For her, take 500 g of red onion, chop finely and fill with cold water. Then fry in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. We form cakes from the dough, put the filling on them - and in the oven. After baking, decorate with herbs.

Interesting facts about red onions

Red onion as a guest from Greece
Red onion as a guest from Greece

One of the notable vegetables of the South Coast of Crimea is red onion, which appeared here in the 19th century. Nikitsky Botanical Garden is famous for its collection of various plants, among which this vegetable also occupies an honorable place.

As a result of crosses of a flat purple variety from the Portuguese island of Madeira with sweet from Spain, the Yalta onion, which was formerly called "Kokozsky", was obtained. This red vegetable has a sweet relish. Really delicious, it is grown in several villages in the South Shore. Red onions from Tropea (a city in Italy) also have an exquisite taste. It is very nutritious and healing. Historians claim that the Phoenicians brought it to the Calabria region. Recently, this statement was also found archaeological confirmation during excavations near Vibo Marina and Trinity. The onions from this area are sweet due to the climate close to the sea. It was imported from Greece in the 2nd millennium. Nowadays, onions are grown along the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria, i.e. Costa Deli Dei, which starts from the settlement of Nicotera to Pizzo, as well as from Lamezia Terme to Amantea, but already in the Cosenza region. Another famous variety of red vegetables is Romanovsky, which is pink in color, large in size, and its layers are very tightly fitted. It got its name from the city of Romanov in the Yaroslavl region. It has been known since the 15th century.

Watch a review of red onions in the video:

Red onion has many beneficial substances and very few contraindications. It can be bought throughout the year and consumed both raw and stewed, as well as prepare various salads. When choosing this vegetable in stores, pay attention to the fact that the skin is thin and does not have spots. But it is best to grow vegetables on your own plots, then they will be more useful and without chemicals.
