Margelan radish

Margelan radish
Margelan radish

Calorie content and composition of Margelan radish, useful properties and possible harm when consumed. Recipes for dishes with Chinese root vegetables, varieties and the possibility of growing in a European climate. Since the taste of the root vegetable is not as pungent as that of other vegetables of this type, it can be consumed by people with a history of diseases of the digestive tract.

Useful properties of Chinese margelan radish

Margelan radish with purple pulp
Margelan radish with purple pulp

Nutritionists recommend introducing this vegetable into the diet because of its low calorie content: the lack of hunger and replenishment of the reserve of nutrients is what makes it attractive for those who lose weight.

But the root crop also has other useful properties:

  • Cleansing action on the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fibers, moving in the intestinal lumen, increase blood supply in this area, increase muscle tone and accelerate peristalsis.
  • Eliminates constipation and stimulates appetite.
  • Normalizes the production of digestive enzymes and gently stimulates the pancreas.
  • It breaks down cholesterol already accumulated in the vessels, stimulates the excretion of uric acid salts from the kidneys and joints.
  • Provides prevention of atherosclerosis development.
  • Has an antioxidant effect, prevents the development of intestinal cancer.
  • Has an antibacterial and antiviral effect, albeit mild.
  • Improves hematopoietic function, increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues.
  • Slows down age-related changes, improves the condition of the skin, hair and teeth.

In the diet of women, lobo is a particularly valuable product due to the stimulation of the production of natural collagen. In addition, the juice can be used as a cosmetic product.

Harm and contraindications to the use of Margelan radish

Allergy as a contraindication to Margelan radish
Allergy as a contraindication to Margelan radish

The effect of Chinese radish on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is less aggressive, and it can be consumed by people with a history of stomach or intestinal diseases. However, there are enough contraindications for adding Margelan radish to the daily menu.

These include:

  • Gastritis with high acidity in the acute stage.
  • Peptic ulcer in acute form and in the stage of rehabilitation.
  • Gallstone disease, since the use of the product can stimulate the movement of stones along the bile ducts.
  • Urolithiasis with impaired renal function.
  • With a tendency to diarrhea, frequent enteritis, with enterocolitis.
  • During infectious diseases, the symptoms of which are flatulence and increased gas production.
  • Pregnancy. Essential oils that the product contains can provoke uterine tone.
  • Propensity to allergic diseases.

A relative contraindication to adding a dietary vegetable to the menu is diseases of the cardiovascular system. The tonic effect on the body causes an increase in blood pressure, which can adversely affect the general condition and provoke a hypertensive attack or increased heart rate. After cooking, this effect softens, and you can enjoy a dish with an exotic root vegetable, avoiding overeating.

Margelan radish recipes

Margelan radish salad
Margelan radish salad

In most cases, lobo is used raw, added to salads and cold soups, used in making toasts and sandwiches. It can be canned - pickled and pickled, according to gourmets, the taste becomes simply "divine". There are few dishes in which radish is boiled or stewed, but they are still there.

Margelan radish recipes:

  • Simple salad … The amount of ingredients depends on the taste of the person preparing the salad. Peel the radish, rub it on a coarse grater or cut into slices. Put in a salad bowl, add chopped red onions, chopped hard-boiled eggs, chopped green onions and canned green peas. Salt and pepper to taste, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs - parsley, cilantro or dill. Season with mayonnaise or vegetable oil.
  • Vitamin salad … Small margelan radish - 2 pieces, 1 piece each - carrots, red bell pepper, green apple. Dressing - sour cream, seasonings - salt, pepper, herbs to taste. Peel the radish and carrot, wash the pepper and apple. When slicing an apple - all vegetables must be chopped into small cubes - the core is removed. Add spices and salt.
  • Cold soup with margelan radish … Ingredients: lobo, boiled chicken breast, boiled potatoes and eggs, fresh cucumbers, salt and pepper to taste, greens of your choice - green onions, dill, parsley, cilantro. Any dressing is suitable - mayonnaise or sour cream diluted with water, cooled chicken broth, kefir, homemade kvass. All vegetables are finely chopped, like for okroshka, mixed salad and poured with dressing. To make it tastier, you need to let it brew for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • Preservation of radish for the winter … To make the dish work, you need to make the right marinade. Vegetables - margelan radish, carrots and garlic - are prepared as you like. The ingredients for the marinade are designed for 1 liter: a tablespoon of vinegar and salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Vegetables - carrots and lobo - cut into strips, garlic in small pieces - do not crush in mashed potatoes. The carrots are dipped in boiling water and brought to softness. Then the vegetables are mixed, laid out in sterilized jars, poured over with boiling marinade. Banks are placed in a saucepan, sterilized for 10 minutes under lids, then the lids are rolled up. When serving, it is customary to season the appetizer with sour cream, unsweetened yogurt or mayonnaise.
  • Hot with margelan radish … The radish and carrots are chopped into thin strips, the garlic is squeezed out. All are mixed, salted and pepper. Daughter's onions are fried in a frying pan, added to the salad. Pork, also cut into strips, is also fried in a pan in which the onions were fried, until cooked, slightly salted. When the pork is completely fried, put the whole salad in the pan, add a pinch of sesame seeds, cover with a lid - it is better to find a transparent lid to see that the contents of the dishes have boiled. As soon as the first signs of boiling are visible, the dish is turned off and left to soak in the juice for 10 minutes in a pan. The dish is served hot.
  • Lobo in fat … Ingredients: large margelan radish, large onion, a loaf of yesterday's black bread, goose or chicken fat, how much the radish will take, salt and a mixture of peppers. Prepare a container in advance that you can seal tightly. The radish is chopped into thin strips, the black bread is cut into cubes. The bread is laid out in a preheated oven, sprinkled with salt and dried so that a crusty crust appears on top, and dense pulp remains inside. Onions are fried in fat. Presentation in a container. A layer of radish, croutons, a layer of radish, onion with fat. Close the container and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  • Fur coat with a lobo … Cut 300 grams of margelan radish into slices, finely chop the red onion, pour a jar of green peas into a colander so that the liquid is completely glass. Boiled eggs (2 pieces) and 200 g of sauerkraut are finely chopped. The dish is laid out in layers: a little radish, cabbage, onion, radish, salad, poured with sunflower oil and salted. Top and edges are decorated with green peas and greased with mayonnaise. Let it brew for 30 minutes.

A vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties only when stored correctly. To prevent the Chinese radish from spoiling, it is placed on a refrigerator shelf in a plastic bag, pre-punctured holes to avoid decay. If this recommendation is neglected, there will be no benefit from the use of Margelan radish, and you will not be able to feel the original taste. Small roots are not stored, and rotten ones cannot be eaten. The taste changes at once for the whole vegetable.

Interesting facts about Margelan radish

Margelan radish in the garden
Margelan radish in the garden

The merchants decided to import the lobo to Europe along the ancient Silk Road, but the vegetable began to deteriorate and had to be left in the city of Margelan, located in the Fergana Valley - this valley lies on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. Residents of the city appreciated the taste of the new product and began to cultivate it, later the Chinese radish got its name from this area.

The variety is never found in the wild, it was bred during selection - the Chinese peasants achieved great success in this type of activity.

In Europe, lobo began to be grown only in the 12th century.

In China, lobo was used to prepare individual dishes and seasonings: if the burning taste for some reason ceased to satisfy, then horseradish could be replaced with it, and sometimes wasabi. To stimulate appetite in the national Chinese cuisine, not only the pulp of the root vegetable was used, but also the young tops.

The most interesting and delicious margelan watermelon radish. It is sweetish, and when you cut a white root vegetable, you can see bright red flesh.

There are many lobo varieties that have taken root in the Central European climate. These include Teffi, White, Wild, Sweet, Green, Hostess … You don't have to wait long for the harvest. Two months after the first shoots, you can dig up the roots.

Watch a video about Margelan radish:

When composing a diet menu for a week, you can enter dishes from the lobo up to 4 times. Radish with sour cream is best absorbed. But snacking on Margelan radish is not worth it: despite its mild taste and sweetness, you can provoke heartburn and indigestion.
