Workout After 50: The Ultimate Guide

Workout After 50: The Ultimate Guide
Workout After 50: The Ultimate Guide

Find out the secret workout technique after 50 that will keep you fit and healthy. Many people after fifty are interested in the question of how justified at this age is to engage in bodybuilding. There is no need to doubt that you can visit the gym after 50, but you need to be more careful about your health. Older people need to listen to their body, which will inform about whether it is necessary to make changes to the training program. Today you can check out a detailed workout guide after 50.

The principles of building the training process after 50 years

Athlete after 50 with dumbbells
Athlete after 50 with dumbbells

For sports, including bodybuilding, age definitely cannot be an obstacle. However, it should be remembered that certain processes begin to take place in the body, which do not turn out to be with a "plus" sign. This fact cannot be changed, and you have to put up with it.

First of all, now we are talking about degenerative changes in the tissues of the joints, a decrease in the rate of regenerative processes, a slowdown in metabolism, disruption of the endocrine system, etc. The whole body begins to work worse with age, and this must be remembered. Therefore, if you decide to start doing bodybuilding in old age, then you should familiarize yourself with a detailed guide to training after 50. We will start with the basic principles on which to build the training process.

  • Periodization of loads. It is imperative to alternate heavy training with unloading. At the same time, the concept of heavy training is significantly different from that which is applicable to young athletes. With heavier weights in old age, you need to work with 5-12 repetitions per set, and with light weights - from 12 to 20 repetitions. This is enough to stop the catabolic reactions in the muscles and gain some mass. We are no longer talking about mass-gaining periods in old age.
  • Use the optimal load level. In order for your exercises to be beneficial to the body, it is necessary to perform all movements technically competently, as well as work with correctly selected weights. Also, due to the lower mobility of the joints in old age, it is necessary to perform exercises with a certain amplitude. An equally important rule for athletes over 50 is breathing control.
  • Sufficient time for the body to recover. Since the metabolic rate begins to drop with age and the production of hormones decreases, in old age, special attention should be paid to rest. The body recovers more slowly in comparison with a young one, and this must be remembered. If you are feeling well, then there should be a minimum of 48 rests between training days.
  • Correct nutrition program. The diet should be given no less attention than training. Doing bodybuilding after 50, you should first think about health and only after that about your athletic performance.

Strength training and cardio after 50

Athlete after 50 in the gym
Athlete after 50 in the gym

When it comes to a detailed workout guide after 50, it is simply impossible to do without practical advice. Now we will consider the issue of organizing strength and cardio training.

Cardio load

Elderly man on a treadmill
Elderly man on a treadmill

After 50, it is very important to take care of the work of the heart and vascular system. This is where a lot of problems can arise. As you know, the best way to keep the cardiovascular system at a good level is cardio training.

You should work moderately four times throughout the week. The duration of each lesson should be at least half an hour. The load should be moderately heavy. Try to speak to determine if the selected intensity is right for you. If you can calmly communicate during the training, then you can continue to work in this mode. For your activities, you can choose any type of cardio training, for example, swimming, running, cycling, etc. It is best to alternate types of cardio loads to diversify your training process. It is also worth trying to involve relatives or friends in classes, and in this case your training will be much more fun.

Strength training

An elderly woman is engaged in the hall
An elderly woman is engaged in the hall

Be sure to warm up before starting your workout. This element is often overlooked by athletes of all ages. It is worth training twice a week. The duration of one lesson should be in the range of 20-40 minutes. The work intensity is moderate.

After 50 people pursue completely different goals, doing bodybuilding in comparison with young people. At this age, priority is no longer given to gaining mass or increasing physical parameters. It is much more important to improve your health and maintain muscle tone.

For this reason, there is no need to focus on working with free weights. Training equipment is safer and should be preferred. For each muscle group, two to three sets should be performed. In this case, the number of repetitions in each approach should be from 8 to 12. You should also pay special attention to the performance of functional movements that imitate natural movements performed by a person in everyday life.

What supplements should I take after 50?


Almost all types of sports nutrition can be used at any age. However, most of them after 50 are simply not necessary. Here's a look at what supplements you can use to get the most out of your health and keep you healthy. Our detailed guide to exercising after 50 without nutritional guidelines would be incomplete.

  • Trace elements. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for a person at any age, and after fifty they should not be abandoned. With age, a person consumes fewer nutrients. Considering physical activity, you may not be enough of those nutrients that enter the body through food. A high-quality multivitamin complex will allow you to quickly and effectively solve this problem.
  • Fish fat. Unsaturated fatty acids are of great importance in old age. These substances are necessary for metabolic processes, and they also increase the efficiency of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. With a deficiency of healthy fats in old age, a large number of diseases can develop, which can be avoided by taking additional appropriate supplements.
  • Supplements to improve the functioning of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Healthy joints are essential for people of all ages. After 50, the risk of disrupting their performance increases significantly. To avoid this, it is worth starting to use the appropriate sports supplements.
  • Amines and Proteins. If you do not play sports, then the muscles are destroyed at any age, and in the elderly this is most important. Thanks to bodybuilding after 50, you can slow down and even stop catabolic processes. However, without the use of amino acid and protein supplements, it will be more difficult to do this.

You should carefully read this detailed post-50 workout guide before starting your workout, and after that you can start going to the gym without forgetting to consult your doctor.

For more information on how to play sports after 50, see here:
