6 reasons to use heavy weights in training

6 reasons to use heavy weights in training
6 reasons to use heavy weights in training

Why is it impossible to evade the progression of loads? Find out the secret of great champions for pumping big muscles in bodybuilding. Heavy weights are the key to success. To achieve the goals set for the athlete, the most effective way is to work with large weights. However, even knowing this, some athletes deliberately lower the bar for their own requirements in order to avoid heavy training.

They are probably not fully aware that this is precisely the power that awaits the moment of liberation. When this happens, the athlete's life changes dramatically. With hard training, the functioning of all body systems improves, the brain is activated, hormonal balance is normalized, metabolism increases and the heart works better.

Today we will look at 6 reasons to use heavy weights in training, and perhaps after that you will begin to set more global goals for yourself.

Strength growth

The athlete performs a bench press
The athlete performs a bench press

If a person has great strength, then he is capable of solving many life problems. With sufficient strength, your figure will quickly acquire the desired appearance. Strength affects all athletic performance.

The rate of fat burning also depends on the strength, since the synthesis of hormones depends on it. This statement is true not only for men, but also for women. With high strength indicators, the metabolism is accelerated and it is much easier for you to maintain your figure.

Strength will give you confidence and motivate you to tackle higher challenges. However, it takes a lot of hard work to increase strength. You should not be content with little when you can achieve a lot.

Improving body shape and gaining muscle mass

Man and woman demonstrate abdominal muscles
Man and woman demonstrate abdominal muscles

Muscles play a big role in the life of every person and it's not just about the ability to lift weights. The muscles are also an additional defense mechanism that protects the spine from damage. Do not forget about the possibility of creating a beautiful figure, which will then be easier to maintain thanks to a high metabolism.

Muscles also boost the body's immune mechanisms. Scientists have been able to prove that large muscle mass contributes to the fight against cancer, and also strengthens the cat's structure. This, in turn, will reliably protect you from a large number of joint and bone diseases. It also reduces the risk of diabetes, overweight and heart disease.

A beautiful figure is easier to create and maintain

Newbie in the gym watching the athlete train
Newbie in the gym watching the athlete train

It is much more difficult to achieve a beautiful figure using low-rep, low-weight workouts than using heavy training. This is due to the fact that two conditions must be met to create a beautiful figure:

  • Get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits;
  • Increase the size of muscle cells to shape the body.

The most effective way to fight fat is training with high weights.

Cardio exercises are not as effective and also lead to a loss of muscle mass. This in turn will lower your metabolism and make it harder to maintain your body weight.

Effective fat burning

Bodybuilder posing
Bodybuilder posing

Many people mistakenly assume that cardio is the most effective way to fight fat. The main reason for this assumption is that aerobic exercise burns more calories. However, in the fight against fat, it is not only and not so much this indicator that is important. More important are the processes that take place in the body after the completion of a training session.

After strength training, energy is used up much faster than after cardio. This is due to the need to restore microdamage to muscle tissue. Also, after resistance training, the hormonal system is activated, which also contributes to increased metabolism and effective lipolysis.

In one experiment, scientists examined the effects of light and medium weight work on women. As a result, it was proved that when performing two trips of 8 repetitions each and using a weight of 70% of 1RM. More calories were burned in one hour compared to light training. The second group, which used light training, performed two sets of 35% of 1RM for 15 reps in each set.

Increased self-confidence

Athlete holding dumbbells
Athlete holding dumbbells

Beginner athletes mistakenly believe that they cannot use a lot of weight during their training. Most of them are sure that first it is necessary to get rid of subcutaneous fat accumulations, after which it will be possible to maintain a constant body weight with the help of cardio loads. Most girls have a negative attitude towards strength training because of the fear of making their figure look like a man's.

All these assumptions are completely untrue. Each person can use more weight than they anticipate. Working with low weight will not give you anything and we can say that you will simply waste your time without achieving any effects from the exercises. As for the girls and the masculine figure, this cannot be achieved without steroids. Each person has a genetic limit of muscle mass, more than which it is simply not possible to gain in a natural way. And it takes a lot of time to pump up big muscles. Remember, the body itself will not allow this.

Improving the work of all body systems

Man and woman look at the sun
Man and woman look at the sun

Scientists have conducted a huge amount of research on the effect of strength training on the body. When using large weights in training, special parts of the brain are activated, which rest during the use of small weights. You should also remember to improve blood flow, which makes the heart work harder. This organ is a muscle and needs training.

With heavy strength training, all systems are activated, which has a positive effect on the body.

For more information on using heavy weights, see this video:
