6 benefits of strength training in bodybuilding

6 benefits of strength training in bodybuilding
6 benefits of strength training in bodybuilding

The Secret Strength Bodybuilding Technique To Help You Gain Strength, Bump, and Lean Muscle Mass. Strength training is a kind of therapy that helps many people make their lives even better. This applies not only to aesthetic beauty, since the physiological value of training exceeds it. Several positive effects of strength training can be cited right away:

  • Body tissues are strengthened;
  • Recovery processes are accelerated after various diseases;
  • Sleep mode is normalized;
  • The work of the heart and other organs is stabilized.

These are just a few of the positives that strength training can give you. There are much more of them and it is necessary to talk in more detail about the most significant, namely about the 6 advantages of strength training in bodybuilding.

Strengthening body tissues

Athlete training in the gym
Athlete training in the gym

Strength training not only builds new muscles, but also strengthens the connective tissues and the skeletal system. This improves joint mobility, increases metabolism and reduces the risk of joint damage. For many people, the term “workout” is associated with jogging or cycling and other types of cardio training.

Of course, all these types of physical activities are beneficial, but thanks to strength training, these positive effects will be significantly greater. Most people know that strength training is most effective against excess fat. So let's say, during one experiment in which men who had not previously trained took part, they managed to gain about 4 kilograms of muscle mass in 4 months.

At the same time, trainings were carried out three times during the week. In addition, during the study, they lost an average of more than 0.5 percent of subcutaneous fat. For some, such results may not seem significant, but it should be remembered that the subjects had not been involved in sports before. Although, of course, their achievements could have been better, it all depends on the efforts that have been made.

Muscle mass is beneficial to overall health by strengthening immune mechanisms, extending life expectancy, and reducing the risk of developing a wide range of diseases.

Improves brain performance

The brain holds the barbell
The brain holds the barbell

Numerous studies have proven that the performance of the brain increases both with strength (anaerobic) training and with aerobic training. However, there are quite serious differences between these effects.

So, let's say, the last experiment showed that under the influence of endurance training, the synthesis of irisin in the brain increases. This hormone contributes to the production of the BDNF protein, which is essential for the brain. It is used by a special part of the brain responsible for memory and cognition.

Also, this protein allows the synthesis of new cells and synapses. In a study in the elderly, under the influence of six months of aerobic exercise, memory improved, reaction time decreased, and the subjects showed better results on tests for spatial memory.

Metabolic diseases are cured

The athlete holds a basket of vegetables and fruits
The athlete holds a basket of vegetables and fruits

Strength training and a good nutritional program can be a type 2 diabetes drug that outperforms medication. In the course of research on this issue, scientists were able to establish the following facts:

  1. Low-intensity physical activity during ducks increases insulin sensitivity in the body, which contributes to better control of sugar levels. Such loads are the first effective means of preventing this disease.
  2. In the treatment of metabolic diseases, the best results are obtained with intermediate to high intensity interval training. Strength training increases insulin sensitivity.
  3. With a combination of strength training and cardio training, an excellent effect can be achieved in the treatment of diabetes.

High-intensity workouts protect against stress

Athlete squatting with a barbell
Athlete squatting with a barbell

Strength training has been shown to protect against severe stress through scientific research. For example, one of the main markers of chronic stress is the length of the end portions of special chromosomes - telomeres. Also, the length of these chromosomes is directly related to a person's lifespan. The longer telomeres are, the longer the lifespan.

Strength training is able to protect these chromosomes and in people who preach an active lifestyle, the length of telomeres significantly exceeds the size of the chromosomes of people with a sedentary lifestyle.

It should be noted that over-training can backfire. But since this is possible only with two or even three single workouts per day, this fact is not a big problem.

Improves quality and sleep patterns

A man sleeps with stickers on his eyes
A man sleeps with stickers on his eyes

All sports experts unanimously agree on the need to maintain a rest and sleep regimen. At the same time, with regular exercise in the gym, all athletes have an improvement in their sleep patterns. This fact has been confirmed in clinical studies. It has also been shown that the same effect from cardio training is significantly inferior to strength training.

Strength training increases libido

Man and woman talking in the hall
Man and woman talking in the hall

To a greater extent, strength training improves reproductive health and increases libido in overweight and diabetic people. This is due to the effect of physical activity on the hormonal system.

In this regard, it should be noted that in this regard, strength training and cardio loads affect the male body in approximately the same way. But for women, it was exercises with weights that turned out to be more effective. But at the same time, you should not immediately rush into the gym and train for days on end. Moderation must be observed in everything.

For the benefits of strength training for women, see this video: