Home gym or modern rocking chair?

Home gym or modern rocking chair?
Home gym or modern rocking chair?

For many people, the question is very relevant - is it possible to train at home? Or is it better to choose a gym? All pros and cons can be weighed in 5 minutes. Today we will not assure or refute the opinion that at home you can train efficiently with the help of improvised items. It is much more important to find out whether it is possible to create a gym at home or a modern "rocking chair".

In this case, we will proceed from the fact that for a full-fledged training it is necessary to have sports equipment that allows you to qualitatively load all the muscles of the body.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Training

The man is pushing up from the floor
The man is pushing up from the floor

Before you start thinking about what a gym at home or a modern "rocking chair" should be like, you need to know exactly whether it makes sense to do it. Let's take a look at the benefits that training at home can provide:

  • There will be an opportunity to save money on purchasing a subscription;
  • No need to adjust to the work schedule of the hall;
  • You can conduct training sessions at any time and weather;
  • There are no queues for sports equipment;
  • Nobody and nothing distracts from the training process.

We figured out the advantages, now let's turn our attention to the disadvantages of working in a home gym:

  • There is no way to seek advice from a specialist (trainer);
  • A fairly solid investment in the purchase of sports equipment;
  • Lack of motivation and the need to have a strong will.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember about such a factor as attitude. If you go to the gym, then subconsciously you are already tuning in to serious work. At home, you can always have a huge number of tasks that seem urgent. If you have an iron will, then this is not a problem for you. With regret we have to admit that there are very few such people. Also, let's not forget about the availability of free space, because not in every apartment you can set aside a place for a training room.

How to start building your home workout room?

Home gym
Home gym

If the above positive points for you overlap the negative ones, then you can seriously think about creating a gym. The first step is to determine what kind of sports equipment you need for this. Beginners at the first stage can easily get by with only a pair of dumbbells, always collapsible. Their weight should be between 20 and 25 kilograms. At first, you will do most of the exercises with little weight, and some with your own weight at all. At the same time, you should understand that soon you will still need a barbell and it is best to immediately calculate your budget, taking into account this purchase. It is possible to purchase a new neck, and it does not have to be "Olympic". The "folk" is quite suitable, the cost of which is significantly lower and it can withstand a weight of up to 150 kilograms. But the cost of pancakes in stores is quite high and it is worth looking for other ways to purchase them. If you have a familiar turner, then ask him to make them. You can also visit the nearest scrap metal collection points, where you can find a lot of useful things.

Performing exercises with a barbell in the absence of a bench and stands is not only very difficult, but also very dangerous. For this reason, it is imperative to buy a bench, preferably with the ability to adjust its angle of inclination, as well as a rack or a power frame. The second option is the best choice, especially when you have set yourself a big challenge.

The horizontal bar can be made from a power frame or racks. In the first case, you will need a simple metal pipe with a diameter of more than 3 centimeters, and in the second, simply raise the racks as high as possible and fix the neck on them.

Also, as an option, you can consider the possibility of acquiring a wall bar and a universal rack, which, after simple manipulations, can turn into a crossbar and bars. But it already depends on the budget allocated by you for the creation of a gym at home or a modern "rocking chair". On average, you should focus on at least one hundred dollars. Also to this should be added the cost of several small but necessary accessories, for example, magnesia, belt, grip straps, etc.

To install all the necessary equipment, you will need at least 16 square meters of free space. Of course, the more the better. It would be great to get a treadmill that is big enough. In addition, the bar also takes up a lot of space.

There is an opinion that the best option for training at home is to purchase a power station or, in other words, a multifunctional complex. However, most athletes are not entirely happy with this purchase. Let's give preference to classic sports equipment.

If a girl wants to create a hall at home, then the costs for this will be even lower. This is due at least to the fact that women do not have to work with large weights. Often, girls get by with an expander, a rope, light dumbbells and a rug. By the way, everything just mentioned will not be superfluous for the guys, because you should always remember about the need to warm up and cool down.

It should be borne in mind that you can warm up while watching thematic videos on YouTube, which in turn may well replace the recommendations of trainers from fitness clubs.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that it is quite possible to train well at home. Of course, this will only be possible if all the necessary shells are available. Let's not forget about the need to adhere to the correct nutrition program and strict adherence to the basic principles of bodybuilding. If you really want to exercise, you can do it at home as well.

See in this video how you can make a full-fledged "rocking chair" at home:
