Find out what you need to do a home gym without spending a lot of money. For almost any person who decides to start leading a correct lifestyle, the creation of a home gym is a necessity. Now we will not talk about the reasons for its construction, because technical nuances, of which there can be many, are much more important. This is a very relevant and important question that cannot be left unanswered. Undoubtedly. This is true if you don't just want to know how to make a gym at home, but make it as comfortable as possible. Such a venue will serve you faithfully for many years.
Home Gym Benefits

The human body needs moderate physical activity. Jogging, swimming and training in the gym can be excellent means of maintaining tone. Outdoor activities are the most beneficial to health, but due to the poor environmental situation, it is not always effective to conduct them.
If there is a park near your home, then we recommend jogging there. If this is not possible, then you can equip a gym at home. Not every person today has free financial resources that can be spent on purchasing a subscription to a fitness center.
Equipping even a small hall in your apartment, you can save money. Of course, certain investments are necessary, but in the long term they will pay off. In addition, you should remember about the opportunity to save your free time, because you do not have to go anywhere.
Architectural solutions for a gym at home

If you are interested in the question of how to make a gym at home, then you probably want to make it so that you can also get aesthetic pleasure in it. Today everyone can create a gym in their apartment and for this you will need about two square meters.
According to the recommendations of experts, the hall should be located in the active sectors of the building, which will provide additional energy. If you live in a multi-storey building, then a part of the bedroom can be allocated for the hall. The tenants of modern apartments have much more opportunities, because due to the sufficiently large area of the premises, there are practically no problems with the equipment of the training hall.
Most fortunate are people who already own or are building a private house. If the construction process has not yet been completed, then you can prepare everything in advance for equipping the hall. Otherwise, some changes may be required. However, the fact that there will be no problems with the place to create the hall is indisputable.
If your private house has several floors, then the first floor will be the best choice for the hall. People who live in high-rise buildings should not despair either. Below we will talk about how to make a gym at home and, in particular, talk about soundproofing. First of all, you must really want to play sports, and in this case you will not be stopped by any obstacles.
How to choose the right place for your home gym?

Most often, the first question that appears after deciding to create a hall is - where? The best option, of course, will be the veranda or attic of a country house. When choosing a place for a gym, the main factor is the ventilation of the room and the availability of a sufficient number of windows.
Do not underestimate the importance of a building element such as windows. Thanks to their presence, you will not only be able to ventilate the room well, but also create an excellent atmosphere that can stimulate your desire to go in for sports. As an example, mentally compare a semi-basement room with a light room. It is quite obvious that in the second case, the desire to practice will increase significantly. The area of the room is also important. According to the sanitary standards, for the arrangement of the gym, it is required to allocate a room with an area of at least eight square meters. It is clear that no one will check your gym for compliance with these standards, however, comfort for training is of great importance. If you do not have the opportunity to allocate sufficient space for the hall, then you should not be upset. You just have to think more about the location of the exercise equipment and you may need to reduce the number of machines.
Drawing up a plan for the upcoming work

When you have decided on a place to create a place for sports, you need to move on to design. Speaking about how to make a gym at home, you should pay enough attention to creating a project. We recommend that you draw up a plan of your premises and outline on it all the details that may affect the location of sports equipment and equipment in the future. At this stage of creating a room, certain moments often arise, and you will need to make changes to your plan on the go.
Draw window as well as doorways on the floor plan. This step will allow you to avoid injuries when opening doors by visitors, to correctly position the mirrors. If you need to save space, we recommend installing sliding doors. Also noteworthy is the location of all sockets and lighting fixtures. If you plan to make repairs in this room, then it is worthwhile to install the sockets in advance in those places where the sports equipment will be located. This will avoid future confusion with extension cords and wires. In addition, remember two rules for lighting a gym:
- Only overhead lighting is used.
- The light should be white and match the spectrum of daylight as much as possible.
It is very important to create good ventilation in the gym. During intense workouts, you sweat profusely, and without ventilation, all unpleasant odors will settle on the surface of objects and walls. As a result, the atmosphere in the room will become unpleasant not only for visitors, but also for yourself. We recommend installing at least a fan, and the climate system is the ideal choice.
Do not forget about the recreation area, for which a sofa or bench is suitable, on which you can calmly rest. If the area of the room allows, then you can install a table for drinks, a TV. You can also think about separating the recreation area with a bar counter.
Home gym wall decoration

If the room allocated for the hall is small, then it makes no sense to globally remodel it. It is quite enough to use what is already there and carry out an easy modernization. When choosing materials for wall decoration, you should focus on those properties that will create the most favorable conditions for classes. When we talk about how to make a gym at home, the materials you use should first of all be free to pass through and not absorb all odors.
As a rule, natural materials possess such properties. We do not recommend using porcelain stoneware, plastic or tiles. It is best to paste over the wall with wallpaper or plaster. As we said above, choose only those wallpapers that can freely let smells through. In addition, it is worth using calm colors, but not green, since it does not contribute to the growth of performance.
Psychologists are sure that light gray, blue, pastel or white will be the best choice for men. Girls to play sports are more stimulated by not very bright orange, yellow or peach color. As we have already said, natural materials are well suited for the gym, for example, lining, which has almost ideal bandwidth.
One wall in your gym must be mirrored. This will help you increase your motivation. However, it should be recognized that this option is not suitable for people with various complexes. For example, a woman with curvaceous forms may feel uncomfortable if a girl of athletic physique is engaged next to her. At the same time, mirrors in the hall are necessary to control the technique of performing movements.
Choosing a floor covering

If you want to know how to make a gym at home, then the choice of flooring must be approached extremely responsibly. This is perhaps the most important element of the room equipped for sports. This is due to the fact that during the training the noise load is quite high.
If your room is located on the ground floor, then no problems will arise and you can not think about sound insulation issues. In this situation, the main issue will be the parameter of wear resistance of the coating. At the same time, we do not recommend using porcelain stoneware and clinker. The best flooring option for a gym, in our opinion, is a floating screed. Due to the gap, it is not capable of transmitting sound vibrations and does an excellent job of noise cancellation.
Here are three materials that work well for the audience:
- Carpet - use a material with a thick base. It is an excellent choice for a gym where classes are often conducted in a sitting or lying position.
- Cork - has excellent sound insulation properties and good springiness.
- Rubber Sheeting - Sold as tiles or in rolls.
In addition to the above materials, you can use linoleum, vinyl tiles or laminate. Also remember to install as thick a rubber backing as possible before installing the flooring.
For more details on the home gym, see here: