Winstrol course in bodybuilding

Winstrol course in bodybuilding
Winstrol course in bodybuilding

Revelations of the pros about such a famous drug - Winstrol. The reception secrets, pros and cons are outlined here! Cycles using Winstrol are very popular among domestic athletes. In terms of its popularity, this drug competes on an equal footing with Methandienone and Deca. Professionals use this steroid in preparation for a competition, but amateurs can do without it or use it to lower progesterone levels.

This does not mean that you should not use it at all, it is just that the combined use of Winstrol is best. If you never plan to participate in tournaments, then before using any AAC you should think carefully, do you need it?

If a positive decision was made, then you must first pass all the necessary tests and carefully work on the upcoming rehabilitation therapy. For the first steroid cycle, it is better to choose a different drug. For example, beginners can successfully use Methandienone solo as a mass-gathering course.

If you have been interested in the use of steroids in bodybuilding for a long time, you might already be tired of the numerous recommendations not to use AAS by amateurs, as well as the need to start using anabolic steroids in minimal doses. But this is very important, since using excessive dosages is not recommended even for professionals, and beginners should not do this for sure.

Most often, powerful courses are not effective enough, but the main reason for not using them is possible side effects. You can very quickly "kill" your endocrine system, but it will be very difficult to restore it, and sometimes even impossible.

You must understand that the Winstrol course in bodybuilding, like, indeed, other steroid, is not child's play. All steroids are powerful drugs that affect the hormonal system, which does not forgive mistakes.

Winstrol characteristics

Winstrol suspension
Winstrol suspension

Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an aqueous suspension of Dihydrotestosterone Derivative. For this reason, it has strong anabolic and moderate androgenic properties. The steroid has a short half-life. When it enters the body, its level rises sharply, and then decreases rather quickly.

Winstrol does not have the ability to convert to estradiol, does not accumulate fluid in the body, which makes it very useful during the drying period. The ability of Winstrol to reduce SHBG levels is often mentioned, but other AAS are endowed with this ability. The drug undergoes alkylation at 17-alpha, which means that it has all those negative qualities that other anabolic steroids are endowed with. Also, you should remember that Winstrol dries out joints, which can lead to serious damage. The duration of the course of Winstrol very rarely exceeds 6-8 weeks.

It should be noted that the oral form of the drug is also available, but injections are more effective. It is best to inject the steroid into the biceps, shoulders, or triceps. Before the introduction, you should stir the contents of the syringe by twisting it between your palms. It is very important that bubbles and foam do not form. Change often the place of injection of the anabolic, since you are dealing with an aqueous solution, not an oily one.

Also note that Stanozolol shifts the cholesterol balance towards bad, but this can be corrected by the consumption of fish oil. To reduce the risk of injury to joints, Winstrol is best combined with Deca or testosterone esters. In this case, the joints will not dry out.

Winstrol course

Winstrol tablets in packaging
Winstrol tablets in packaging

And now let's talk about those possible courses of Winstrol, which will bring the maximum effect.

Winstrol course for beginners

Winstrol tablets and injections
Winstrol tablets and injections

As we discussed above, other steroids are best used by beginner athletes. However, if you really want to try Winstrol, then you should take it daily in an amount of 30 to 40 milligrams. It is best to use the tablet form of the drug, since injection requires experience. The course should last from 6 to 8 weeks, and this is enough to lose excess fat or gain several kilograms of high-quality muscle mass, subject to the appropriate nutrition program.

Winstrol mass gaining course

Tableted Methandienone in the package
Tableted Methandienone in the package

Beginners can use 50 milligrams of Winstrol and Testosterone Propionate injections once every two days. More experienced athletes can add Oxandrolone to this combination in the same amount of 50 milligrams, which should be taken once every two days. The duration of the AAS cycles in both cases is from 6 to 8 weeks.

Combinations of Methandienone (50 milligrams) and the same amount of Winstrol when taken daily or Deca (200-600 milligrams per week) and Winstrol (50 milligrams daily) have also proven themselves well.

Winstrol drying course

Primobolan for injection packaged
Primobolan for injection packaged

Here, the optimal combination of 50 milligrams of Winstrol daily intake with 100-300 milligrams of Primobolan, which can be administered once a week all at once, or divided into two or three doses.

Winstrol is not used to increase strength indicators, as this can lead to injury. As a last resort, for these purposes, you can use a combination of Stanozolol with Deca, but it is still better to abstain.

And now let's note the main nuances to which you should pay attention when using Winstrol. We have already said that it is impossible to shake the drug in a syringe. Take chondroprotectors, omega-3s and collagen supplements on your Stanozolol cycle.

The duration of the course should not exceed 6-8 weeks and the solo preparation should be used only for drying and in the most extreme cases. Inject injectable Stanozolol into your arms and shoulders, and change injection sites more often. For mass gain, the ideal option is the course of Stanozolol and Deka.

Find out more information about composing a Winstrol course from this video:

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