A lot depends on the first course of steroids. In case of failure, the desire to train further may disappear. Find out what the first course with Boldenone should be like. Today we will talk about the first course of the AAS, or rather about its alternative. For beginner athletes, it is best to use short courses based on a short ether of the male hormone and tablets. Cycles like this usually last on the order of six weeks or less.
But you can use a safer option. The main drugs here will be long esters - enanthate or cypionate. Most athletes know that testosterone is a great steroid, but it needs to be supplemented to get the maximum effect. It is with the choice of the second drug that problems arise.
The athlete wants it to be a powerful anabolic, but at the same time safe, not subject to conversion into estrogens. As we know, testosterone aromatizes rather strongly and it is necessary that the second drug be deprived of this ability. For this reason, tableted AAS can be immediately excluded, since they are toxic to the liver.
Also, we will not consider Nandrolone due to a fairly large number of side effects. As a result of all the exceptions, only Boldenone's Undecylinate remained. This is what we will use. In the vastness of the post-Soviet space, it is extremely difficult to find other ethers of this substance, therefore we will talk about Undecylinate Boldenone in the future. Before talking directly about the Boldenone course in bodybuilding, you should understand its positive and negative properties.
Benefits of Boldenone

When using quality Boldenone, endurance is greatly increased. This is due to the fact that the drug was originally developed for the needs of veterinary medicine, in particular, to increase the endurance of racehorses. Endurance is a very important parameter not only in sports, but also in everyday life. Thanks to Boldenone, you will be able to run more, ride a bike, and also significantly increase the intensity of your training.
Boldenone also significantly enhances appetite. Everyone remembers, at least should, about the three components of effective exercises in the gym: rest, training and nutrition. With the first two components of success in bodybuilding, you will figure it out yourself, and with nutrition when using Boldenone, there will definitely be no problems.
During the course of Boldenone in bodybuilding, you will almost constantly feel hungry, and all you need to do is provide the body with nutrients. The main thing is not to break loose and start visiting McDonald's and similar establishments often. It should be remembered that fast food is the enemy of the athlete. The last major plus of Boldenone is the improvement of muscle vascularity. If you have dealt with the problem of subcutaneous fat, then the effectiveness of boldenone in increasing vascularity will definitely surprise you.
Disadvantages of Boldenone

There are only two of them, but they should be mentioned. First, Boldenone's Undecylinate has a very long half-life. The steroid does not start to work very quickly, and its effect on the body will gradually increase. When using short-acting esters, the effect of their use is noticeable after a couple of days. You will only feel Boldenone in about five weeks.
It should be remembered that the effect of the use of the steroid comes gradually. For this reason, some athletes claim the drug is ineffective, and they themselves eat eight times a day. This is what is proof of the steroid's performance. Large dosages used over a long period of time can be dangerous to the reproductive system. A large dose means taking more than one and a half grams of the drug within a week.
Boldenone course

With Boldenone we figured it out, it's time to start talking about the Boldenone course itself in bodybuilding. It was mentioned above that long ethers will be used and for this reason the total cycle time will be 14 weeks.
From testosterone esters, cypionate or enanthate should be taken in a standard dosage of 500 milligrams throughout the week. Injections should be given at regular intervals to maintain an even anabolic background. Before starting an AAS cycle, we stock up on aromatase inhibitors to be ready for an increase in estrogen levels.
Boldenone practically does not work if its dosage is less than 800 milligrams for a week. To be sure, use 1 gram within seven days. It should be remembered that there are mainly ampoules with a volume of 200-300 milligrams on sale. Therefore, in order to enter the dosage we need in one go, it will take almost five cubes. This is quite a lot and it will be optimal to do more frequent injections, but of a smaller volume. Also, thanks to this, the steroid will be absorbed faster, and you will avoid troubles in the form of abscesses.
We have already said that Boldenone works slowly and you should not expect results from its use earlier than the fifth week. Often for this reason, athletes begin to feel that the steroid does not work or that mistakes were made during the cycle. For this reason, include Methane in the course. Take 40 to 50 milligrams daily for the first five or six weeks. Of course, such an effect, which will not be expected from Boldenone, is not worth expecting, but from a psychological point of view, it will help.
It is necessary to say a few words about restorative therapy. The PCT schedule is standard for all courses and you will need to use Clomid or Tamoxifen. NUT should be started no earlier than five weeks after the final injection of the steroid. The reception scheme is as follows:
- Within 30 days, take 1 tablet of your chosen drug;
- Over the next 15 days - 0.5 tablets.
With proper nutrition and training, you can gain about 8 kilograms of high-quality muscle mass in one course of Boldenone in bodybuilding.
For more information on this drug, see this video: