How to make a hula hoop with your own hands?

How to make a hula hoop with your own hands?
How to make a hula hoop with your own hands?

Find out how you can make the perfect tool for getting rid of subcutaneous fat at home with the help of available tools. You probably already know that the best way to burn fat effectively is to combine a diet and exercise program. This will allow you to get significantly better results and lose weight faster. Today we will talk about how to make a hula hoop with your own hands and the most effective use of this weight loss equipment.

Will hula hoop help you lose fat?

The girl is engaged with hula hoop
The girl is engaged with hula hoop

Previously, it was assumed that during training with a hoop, fat burning occurs due to the shock load on the tissues. However, this is not the case and you can get rid of excess weight when using it thanks to the active work of the muscles. Any physical activity of an aerobic nature involves the activation of oxidative reactions in fat cells and hula hoop is no exception.

At the same time, you must understand that the hoop itself is not able to rid you of fat. To do this, you must regularly exercise and use it in conjunction with other sports equipment. Let's take a look at the benefits of hula hoop:

  • Hula hoop training allows you to work your abs and back muscles.
  • The work of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity is stimulated. Hulahoop helps to increase the rate of organ motility, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Any type of hula hoop produces a massage effect that stimulates blood flow in the abdomen and lower back.
  • The quality of tissue nutrition improves, and, consequently, their recovery is accelerated.
  • Since training with a hoop is one of the types of cardio load, the work of the respiratory and vascular systems, as well as the heart, improves.
  • The nutrition of the elements of the spinal column improves, which increases its flexibility.

You have already understood that the hula hoop is a very effective and useful sports equipment. Scientists have proven that when working with it, the quality of the digestive system improves, and the risks of developing sciatica and osteochondrosis are also reduced.

Types of hula hoops

Hula hoops
Hula hoops

We will tell you how to make a hula hoop with your own hands a little later, but now let's find out what types of this shell exist. It should be recognized that today you can find a large number of different models of hoops, differing in size, weight and made from different materials. In addition, the hula hoop can even be equipped with additional devices. Here are the main types of hoops:

  • Weighted.
  • Soft.
  • Composite.
  • Classic.
  • Magnetic.
  • Equipped with an automatic calculator of energy expenditure (calories).

All of these hoops can be effective at various stages of training. You can start with a classic hoop made of plastic. After that, it makes sense to switch to a metal hoop, which has a lot of weight in comparison with a plastic one and is capable of producing a more significant massage effect. Then you can start using the weighted hula hoop models. If we talk about the latter type of hoops, then they have a small screen, which displays the number of calories spent in one set.

Many people prefer to use massage hoops. They differ from other types of hula hoop by the presence of protrusions of various shapes on the inner surface. These can be, say, rubber or plastic balls. At the same time, they can be lightweight, which makes them effective for beginners, or have a weighted structure.

The effectiveness of various types of hoops

Group lesson with hoops
Group lesson with hoops

Plastic and metal hula hoops

Plastic hula hoop
Plastic hula hoop

The lightest is the plastic headband and is ideal for beginners. Also, the aluminum hula hoop should be attributed to light hoops. Their only drawback is fragility. More expedient from this point of view is the purchase of an iron hula hoop. It is somewhat heavier than plastic and aluminum, but its service life is very long.

In addition, iron hoops have a cavity inside and this allows you to make a weighted hoop from a classic hoop. To do this, you just need to make a small hole in it and pour sand inside.

Massage hula hoop

Massage hula hoop
Massage hula hoop

We have already briefly recalled this type of hoops. In addition to shells equipped with projections on the inner side, magnetic and flexible hoops should also be classified as massage ones. Thanks to the various elements on the inner surface, these hoops have an excellent massage effect. In addition, we note that most modern models can be turned into a classic hula hoop by removing spikes and balls.

Also, the advantages of massage hoops should include the possibility of building up or reducing their size. Most often they are collapsible, and you can remove or add as many segments as you need. It should also be remembered that massage hula hoops should not be used for more than 40 minutes. The magnetic hoops are equipped with magnets and this can significantly improve blood flow and speed up metabolism.

How to use hula hoop to burn fat correctly?

Classes with hula hoop
Classes with hula hoop

Let's take a look at the most effective use of the hoop and the technique of its rotation. After that, you will learn how to make a hula hoop with your own hands.

At first glance, it may seem that working with a hoop is very easy. However, in practice this is not the case and get ready that the hula hoop will often fall at first. But do not despair and keep practicing. Even if your first lesson is about five minutes long, that's fine.

To spin the hula hoop quickly, you need to stand with your feet at hip level. At the same time, the back should be flat. The hula hoop should be lowered from above so that you are in its center. Then push the hoop to the side so that it touches the waist. Rotational movements of the body should be performed only by the muscles of the press, and the hips and chest must be fixed. Remember that the smaller your waist circumscribes the circle, the better results you will get.

You should work with the hoop daily, and only in this case you will quickly see the result of your workouts. The duration of one lesson should be at least 20 minutes. In order for the hula hoop to act evenly on the entire waist, it is recommended to rotate it in different directions for the same length of time.

How to make a weighted hula hoop with your own hands?

Weighted hula hoop
Weighted hula hoop

It makes no sense to do a hula hoop completely from scratch. Firstly, you will not be able to make it perfectly round without special equipment, and, secondly, the classic metal hoop is inexpensive. You can also make the plastic hula hoop heavier, but we have already said that its service life is much shorter in comparison with the iron one. It is also worth remembering that if the plastic hoop breaks, then all the sand in it will be in your room.

Let's see how you can make a hula hoop with your own hands, which is quite easy. First you need to drill a hole in the hula hoop. After that, roll a bag out of paper and pour sand inside the hoop. Wrap the place with the hole with thin foam rubber and secure it with tape. As you can see, everything is very simple and you do not need a lot of time to make a weighted hula hoop.

How to weight the hula hoop with your own hands, see here:

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