Aerobics lesson for beginners

Aerobics lesson for beginners
Aerobics lesson for beginners

Find out where beginners need to start in order to start doing cardio effectively and completely get rid of subcutaneous fat in a month. Aerobics to combat body fat involves repeated repetition of special movements to music and with a certain intensity. Today we present you with a beginner's aerobics lesson.

The positive properties of aerobics

Lesson on the step platform
Lesson on the step platform

Through aerobics, you can not only improve your body, but also heal your body. Aerobics has a large list of positive effects, but we will focus only on the main ones:

  • The metabolic rate increases and, as a result, the lipolysis process proceeds faster.
  • After completing an exercise for a certain time, fats continue to be used by the body as a source of energy.
  • The number of mitochondria increases, as well as their size, which contributes to intense fat burning.
  • The body's resistance to physical activity increases.
  • Harmful substances are removed from the body faster.
  • The efficiency of the heart muscle increases.
  • The bone structure is strengthened and the volume of the lungs is increased.
  • Working capacity improves and the mood rises.

One of the main benefits of aerobics is its affordability. After getting acquainted with the beginner's aerobics lesson, you can practice at home in your free time. If you do not want to go to the gym, then training at home can also achieve excellent results. For this you only need no more than 60 minutes of free time and a video aerobics lesson for beginners.

Types of aerobics

Dance aerobics
Dance aerobics

There are many types of aerobics, and now we will tell you about the most popular.

  • Dance aerobics. You've probably noticed that all professional dancers are smart and in great shape. You are also able to split up a similar result if you watch a dance aerobics lesson for beginners. At the same time, you do not need to visit a dance studio, but practice at home. Dance aerobics is not only effective at fighting fat, but also very exciting. There are different types of dance aerobics based on different dance styles.
  • Step aerobics. Spet aerobics is very effective for eliminating excess weight and improving the body's health, although in comparison with other types of aerobics it is quite specific. To do step aerobics, you will need a special platform or a solid object, the height of which is 10 centimeters for the beginning. After that, you should download an aerobics lesson for beginners and master simple movements first. As you progress, you will learn more complex and effective types of steps.
  • Aqua aerobics. Already by the name it can be understood that all exercises in this type of aerobics are performed in water. Since water helps to increase the load on the muscles, aqua aerobics is very effective. In addition, the load on the spinal column is reduced and this makes it possible to do aerobics in the water during pregnancy or in old age.

How to properly organize aerobics classes?

Group aerobics lesson
Group aerobics lesson

Your classes should consist of four main phases, which we will now talk about.

  1. Warm up. Helps warm up the muscles and gradually increase the heart rate. This will prepare your body for serious stress and reduce the risk of injury. It is important to remember that each of your classes should begin with a warm-up.
  2. Cardio exercise. When doing cardio exercise, special attention must be paid to correct breathing. If this is not done, then the blood will not be filled with enough oxygen and the effectiveness of the lesson will decrease. Also, to burn fat when using cardio, you need to monitor the intensity of the training. If, while performing the movements, you can speak calmly, then the intensity is sufficient.
  3. Strength training. The goal of strength training is to gain muscle mass. This is important enough as you will be able to tighten your muscles and make all parts of your body more attractive. In addition, the body, even at rest, spends a large amount of energy on maintaining the muscles, which means that all excess calories will be burned, and not stored as fat. The duration of the strength phase in your training should be about 10 minutes.
  4. Hitch. Very often this phase of training is ignored, which should not be allowed. After active physical exercise, the body needs time to normalize its work. If you suddenly stop exercising, it will negatively affect the work of the heart muscle. You can cool down by walking at a slow pace or using an exercise bike at a low intensity.

For a beginner to start doing step aerobics at home, see this video:
