Training for nursing mothers

Training for nursing mothers
Training for nursing mothers

Learn how to exercise well for young mothers to stay fit and recover during the postpartum period. Every woman after the birth of a baby wants to regain her prenatal shape. However, sometimes women continue to gain weight while breastfeeding. If you want to lose weight, then training for nursing mothers should be approached with all responsibility so as not to harm your body. You should remember that the body of a newborn is very sensitive to all changes in the composition of mother's milk.

Weight loss rules after childbirth

Weight problems in a nursing mother
Weight problems in a nursing mother

Fat gain during pregnancy is a normal physiological process that is necessary for the normal bearing of a child. If you want to regain your former figure as soon as possible, then you need to follow certain rules.

  • A wish. This is very important, because without the desire and motivation to lose weight, you will not achieve your goal. To boost your motivation, look at your pre-pregnancy photos.
  • Your routine should match that of your child. Very often women give all the time to the baby while he is awake. When the child falls asleep, the fatigue is great and he really wants to eat. To avoid this, you should eat at the same time as your baby. If your eating patterns match, then you will take the first step towards regaining your previous figure.
  • Rest should be complete. Scientists have proven that if your sleep lasts less than eight hours, then even intense training and the toughest diet will not help you lose fat. Of course, the child will definitely make serious adjustments to your daily routine and you will need the help of your relatives to get the necessary time to sleep.
  • The nutrition program must be balanced. It is very important that the nutrition program is balanced during the nursing period. At this time, you can not use rigid diets and greatly reduce the energy value of the diet. That being said, you shouldn't hope that calories in your body will be burned by themselves. During lactation, about 600 additional calories are burned throughout the day.

Nursing workouts

Girl performs crunches
Girl performs crunches

Moderate physical activity will allow you to lose weight, but it also negatively affects the regeneration processes of tissues damaged during childbirth. You can start playing sports no earlier than a month and a half after the birth of the child.

Most experts agree that it is better for young mothers to start with yoga or Pilates. It is proven that these practices can significantly transform your body at any time. In addition, they have no contraindications, which is very important during the period of feeding the child. With Pilates or yoga, you can reduce the stress that inevitably comes with having a baby in your life. After the birth of a baby, you will have to be very active in caring for him. Remember that this is the same physical activity that will burn your calories. In addition to this, you can carry your baby in a kangaroo every day. This will put more stress on your back and abdominal muscles. If you want to play sports while feeding your baby, then I would like to give several recommendations that will help you with this:

  • Swimming is the best form of exercise while breastfeeding.
  • If you started attending the gym, then you should not use weights. This will allow you to avoid the appearance of lactic acid in breast milk, which can significantly change its taste.
  • Try to avoid classic cardio activities, such as running or a stationary bike, so as not to lose a lot of fluid.
  • Choose only those exercises in which you will not be able to injure your chest.

Nutrition program during the feeding period

Woman breastfeeding
Woman breastfeeding

Quite often, young mothers get rid of excess weight during the feeding period and do not make much effort for this. This is primarily due to the additional consumption of energy, which we have already discussed above. Of course, the individual characteristics of the organism, for example, metabolism, play an important role here. Often during lactation, women can gain weight rather than lose it.

During this period, you should follow a certain nutrition program so as not to harm the child and yourself. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all possible allergenic foods from the diet. This applies to coffee, chocolate, dairy products, some fruits and vegetables. Your doctor will provide you with a complete list of these products.

Do not eat foods that contain more chemical additives. Also, do not assume that the more high-calorie your food, the more nutrients your baby will receive with milk. The body has already taken care of everything and created the reserves necessary for feeding.

During lactation, the emphasis in nutrition should be on quality over quantity. You should start a targeted fight against excess weight no earlier than two months after the birth of your baby.

A set of exercises for weight loss for nursing mothers from Ksenia Kuzmenko in this story: