Anabolic steroid cycles

Anabolic steroid cycles
Anabolic steroid cycles

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It so happened that Methane and Retabolil are always popular among domestic athletes. Find out about the most popular steroids in the country. Most athletes agree that the "good old" Methandrostenolone and Retabolil are the most used today. It all began in the distant eighties, when steroids became available at the amateur level. It is worth recognizing that today these drugs are very effective in gaining muscle mass. Today's article is devoted to methane and retabolil - the most popular steroids in the countries of the former USSR.

Methane course

Methandrostenolone packaged
Methandrostenolone packaged

The history of this steroid began in the sixties of the last century. It was at this time that American physician John Zikler managed to obtain Dianabol, which instantly became popular among athletes. Do not be surprised that we remembered about Dianabol. The active ingredient of this drug is just Methandrostenolone, better known as Methane.

In our country, this steroid was produced under the name Methandrostenolone, not Dianabol. In this regard, it should be said that you should not rush in search of American Dianabol, since it has not been produced for a long time. If you do manage to do this, then it is definitely a fake. To date, Methane is produced in several countries, but the most popular are Russian and Hungarian preparations.

The main reasons for this lie in the availability and affordable price for a wide range of athletes. Now many people may have a question, but what about efficiency? Fine! In this regard, it should be recalled that the famous steroid specialist Daniel Duchain assures that if the combination of Methane and Retabolil cannot help you in gaining muscle mass, then you may not even try other steroids, as they definitely will not help.

Positive aspects of Methane

Pink pills
Pink pills

When using methane, it is very easy to gain about 10 kilograms within a month. Another question is that most of the mass obtained during the anabolic cycle is soda, which will go away after the completion of the course. Despite this, methane works very well.

Most experts believe that the main reason for such a high efficiency of the drug is the ability of steroid molecules to quickly penetrate tissue cells. Molecules of other AAS are less well captured by cells, which leads to lower efficiency. It should also be mentioned about another valuable quality of Methane, which is a quick start of work. Almost immediately, once in the body, Methane begins to produce an effect on the body. After a couple of days, the athlete feels a great surge of energy, which allows him to increase the intensity of the training by thirty percent. Pain in the joints disappears, since the drug helps to retain fluid in the body. Since the steroid has a strong androgenic effect, the synthesis of creatine phosphate is accelerated in the body, which in turn contributes to an increase in strength endurance and loads are more easily tolerated. Also, convenience of use should be added to the positive aspects of the drug, since Methandienone is available in tablet form. This is what Methane and Retabolil make - the most popular steroids in the countries of the former USSR.

Negative qualities of Methane

Methandrostenolone in a jar
Methandrostenolone in a jar

As you can see for yourself, the drug has a large number of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, which are also quite numerous. In this regard, one should immediately mention a fairly large number of side effects that can occur if the steroid is taken incorrectly.

Methane, as mentioned above, is a powerful androgen that helps to reduce the synthesis of natural testosterone in the male body. It has been found that with a daily intake of 20 milligrams of Methane for just ten days, the production of the male hormone by the body will be reduced by 30-40 percent. This is due to the negative effect of the steroid on the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones FSH and LH.

Also, when talking about the negative aspects of the steroid, one should remember about the loss of mass after the completion of the course. The liquid accumulated during this period leaves the body, which leads to such consequences. Athletes who regularly participate in tournaments try to use Methane as little as possible, especially when it comes to drying cycles. This is due to the high aromatic properties of the drug, which slows down the processes of fat burning.

But still, the main disadvantage of using Methandienone is its negative effect on the liver. Almost all tableted AAS undergo 17-alpha alkylation. This is done so that the active substance of the drug is not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, all toxins accumulate in the liver, which significantly increases the load on this organ. To avoid liver problems in the future, hepatoprotectors must be taken during the methane cycle.

Methane dosages

Girl drinks a pill
Girl drinks a pill

The optimal time for athletes to use Methane is during the off-season. Almost all athletes at this time are focused on gaining muscle mass. The drug can be used both solo and in combination with other AAS. It all depends on the goals set for the athlete and the means at his disposal.

A safe dosage is considered to be 20 to 30 milligrams daily. If your body has not responded to this amount of steroid, then you can go in two ways. The first is a trivial increase in the dose, and the second is the use of additional steroids.

It should be recognized that increasing doses may not be the best choice, as side effects may occur. But the use of a combination of other AAS with Methane looks more attractive. But at the same time, you should choose those drugs that are not as toxic to the body as Methane. For example, you can use a combination of Methane and Retabolil, the most popular steroids in the former Soviet Union.

For more information on Methane in bodybuilding, see this video:

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