Anabolic cycles in bodybuilding

Anabolic cycles in bodybuilding
Anabolic cycles in bodybuilding

To conduct your first course of steroids, you need to have a certain knowledge base in this area. Learn how to cycle anabolic steroids. There are a lot of rumors around steroids, and many athletes trust them, which leads to a misunderstanding of the principles of using AAS. Let's take a look at the main opinions that can be found on the specialized forums. Only after understanding this issue, we can talk about how the cycles of anabolic steroids are carried out.

When do steroids and don't work?

Man eating pills
Man eating pills

At first glance, everything in this question seems to be clear. The drug does not work when it does not produce the desired effect on the body and, accordingly, works if the effect of its use is obvious. However, in practice, things are not so simple. For example, you can take Oxandrolone, which is consumed daily in an amount of 20 milligrams. Most athletes will confidently say that this is a mild drug and its dosage is insufficient to achieve the desired result. However, one can disagree with this for three reasons:

  • This dosage is quite enough for almost any girl to win a body fitness or bodybuilding tournament.
  • 20 milligrams of Oxandrolone taken daily will be enough for a large number of athletes to win a continental athletics championship, say in running or javelin throwing.
  • This amount of steroid was enough for the study participants to gain three kilograms of muscle mass and lose almost two kilograms of body fat in three months. At the same time, they did not train all this time.

Of course, many will have counterarguments, for example, in athletics, athletes pursue different goals in comparison with bodybuilding. It's hard to argue with this, but this example was given so that you understand that the concept of "works" is very relative. The same Oxandrolone in the above dosage will not bring positive results to 9 athletes out of 10. However, there will be someone who will progress even at this dosage. Many steroids, in small amounts, can help people in different sports and may not be helpful to others.

Surely many have noticed that one person needs to use steroids, regularly at the same time, attending the gym, and the other trains once or twice a week, and their progress is about the same. The thing is that the first athlete does everything spontaneously, and the second has a clearly drawn up training program. Thus, we can say that all AAS work even at small doses. The only question is the need to create appropriate conditions to increase the effectiveness of the training.

When Can Steroids Stop Working?


Above, we have already decided on what it means when the steroid works. If we draw an analogy, then in this case the steroid stops working when the effect of its effect on the body decreases. It is enough to look through several specialized forums, where the question is often asked: what to do when it is no longer possible to gain weight with the help of Methane, and strength indicators no longer grow?

In such cases, they immediately recall the possible substitution of one AAS for another, the "clogged" receptors and addiction to a particular drug. This situation is familiar to almost everyone who has used steroids. When cycles of anabolic steroids begin, a significant increase in the effectiveness of training is observed for a certain period of time. Then the rate of progress begins to decline, and then stops altogether.

Athletes in such situations take different steps, but it is no longer possible to achieve the initial growth of all parameters. As a result, everything ends with the completion of the cycle, since the athletes are sure that the drugs no longer work. Again, one can disagree with this opinion. Let's take a car as an example. While it is moving, it works or, in other words, fulfills its function. However, when he stops at an intersection, no one will talk about his inoperability. Another thing is that he does not move and does not perform the main task. But when the brake pedal is released, the movement continues.

A similar situation occurs with anabolic steroid cycles. At a certain point in the course, the growth of all indicators stops, but they do not fall. But at the end of the AAS intake, a rollback follows, during which the gained muscle mass is lost, and the indicators of strength and endurance begin to decrease. This suggests that anabolic steroids are constantly working.

However, this work may not be so obvious. If we combine all of the above on these two issues, then we can confidently assert that certain conditions must be created for steroids, due to which the set goals will be achieved.

Based on this, it is possible to determine the minimum dosage of drugs that will be effective. It is important to understand that the problem of reducing the effectiveness of anabolic steroid cycles lies not in the cessation of the effect of AAS on the body, but in the fact that sufficient conditions for this have not been created. This primarily applies to training and nutrition programs.

It should be noted that each anabolic at different doses requires the creation of its own specific conditions. The same testosterone can "forgive" an athlete most of the mistakes in drawing up a training program, but when using Primobolan, everything should be clearly planned.

These steroids are equally effective on androgen receptors, but testosterone is also a strong anti-catabolic, accelerates the synthesis of growth hormone and IGF-1, and also helps to increase glycogen stores. Primobolan does not possess such properties. For this reason, the cycles of anabolic steroids should be selected individually for each athlete and must necessarily take into account the properties of those AAS that are planned to be used.

For more information on steroid cycles in bodybuilding, see here: