Peptides on the course of steroids in bodybuilding

Peptides on the course of steroids in bodybuilding
Peptides on the course of steroids in bodybuilding

Peptides are effective and safe drugs, but more can be done when used in conjunction with AAS. Find out how to write a course like this? With each passing day, peptides are becoming more and more popular for improving the effectiveness of training. But they can work well with steroids, which will greatly increase the efficiency of your cycle. There are aspects of the preparation of such courses that athletes should be aware of. Today we will talk about how to properly use peptides on a steroid cycle in bodybuilding.

The greatest result in such joint cycles can be achieved with the use of peptides of the ghrelin mimetics and somatoliberin groups. The first group includes somatotropin releasing peptides, which have the ability to affect a specific part of the pituitary gland and interact with GHS-R receptors, which leads to the activation of somatotropin synthesis. These include Hexrelin, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, and GHRP-6.

Growth hormone is a hormone that releases growth hormone. It is produced by the cells of the pituitary gland and is able to bind to the GHRH-R receptors. This leads to the production of growth hormone. This peptide is called ModGRF (1–29).

Principles for creating courses of steroids and peptides

Peptides in suspension form
Peptides in suspension form

In most cases, athletes decide to conduct a joint course of AAS and peptides out of curiosity. However, it is important to keep a few facts in mind here so that such a cycle can be effective. In order to independently learn how to use peptides on a steroid bodybuilding course, you need to have an initial knowledge of homeostasis.

When you understand how and what affects the sensitivity of the pituitary cells that synthesize somatotropin, then there will be no problems with the preparation of cycles. And the number of receptors located on its membrane affects the sensitivity of these cells. Since there is no attraction between the receptor and the cell, for more efficient use of a small amount of the hormone, the cell produces new receptors, thereby increasing their number.

At the same time, when the concentration of the hormone increases, the number of receptors begins to decrease. This is the cell's way of maintaining balance. Thus, it can be concluded that the dose of the peptide used affects the sensitivity of the cells. But besides this, it should be remembered that the more time the cell is stimulated, the fewer receptors will remain on its surface.

Peptide and steroid courses

Injectable peptides
Injectable peptides

Now we will look at how to correctly use peptides in AAS courses of various durations. Remember to start using peptides from the first day of your cycle.

AAS cycle lasting 1.5 months (6 weeks)

In this case, you need to use one of three drugs: ipamorelin, GHRP-2, GHRP-6. Also, ModGRF can be used to maximize the stimulation of growth hormone secretion (1–29). All peptides should be used in an amount of 1 microgram per kilo of body weight for the entire course.

AAS cycle lasting 2 months (8 weeks)

For the first two weeks of your cycle, use GHRP-2 or GHRP-6 at 0.5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight in conjunction with ModGRF (1-29) at the same dose. From 3 to 5 weeks, the dosage of peptides should be doubled, and starting from the sixth week of the cycle, instead of GHRP, introduce ipamorelin, also in the amount of 1 microgram per kilo of body weight. Due to this, at the end of the course, the concentration of prolactin and cortisol will be minimal.

You should also remember about restorative therapy. You should continue to use ipamorelin during PCT at the same dosage as on the cycle.

AAS cycle lasting 2.5 months (10 weeks)

During the first month of the cycle, GHRP-2 or GHRP-6 should be used at a dosage of 0.5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight in conjunction with ModGRF (1–29) at the same dose. During the second month, the amount of peptides must be doubled. After that, at 6–8 weeks, you should return to the initial dose of peptides. In the ninth week, the GHRP must be replaced with ipamorelin, the dosage of which is 1 microgram per kilogram of body weight. Take it throughout your recovery therapy as well.

AAS cycle lasting 3 months (12 weeks)

During the first month of the cycle, GHRP-2 or GHRP-6 should be used at a dosage of 1 microgram per kilogram of body weight in conjunction with ModGRF (1-29) at the same dose. During the second month, the dosages are reduced by half, and in the third month, they return to the original. For the last 14 days of the cycle until the end of PCT, instead of GHRP, you need to use ipamorelin in the amount of 1 microgram per kilo of body weight.

Errors when using peptides and steroids together

The athlete sits at the table in front of the pills
The athlete sits at the table in front of the pills

Perhaps the most common mistake when using peptides on a steroid cycle in bodybuilding is to overestimate their dosages from the very start of the cycle. For the body, this does not pose a danger, but closer to the end of the course, somatotropin is synthesized in small quantities, since the pituitary cells no longer respond to peptides properly.

Also, athletes often use GHRP at the final stage of the cycle or even during PCT. This leads to an increase in the concentration of prolactin and cortisol, which reduces the efficiency of the cycle. It is best to use ipamorelin during this period or reduce the dose of GHRP.

The last popular mistake many athletes make is the long-term use of Hexarelin. This is an excellent drug that significantly accelerates the secretion of growth hormone. However, if it is used for more than 30 days, then the sensitivity of the somatropic region of the pituitary gland will sharply decrease. It is also important to remember that Hexarelin is more powerful than other peptides in promoting the synthesis of cortisol with prolactin. The optimal time for its use is three weeks in the amount of one microgram for each kilogram of the athlete's weight. It is also impossible to use it at the final stage of the cycle.

For more information on how to include peptides in a steroid course, see this video:
