Dandruff reasons

Dandruff reasons
Dandruff reasons

Dandruff can appear at the most inopportune moment, and getting rid of it is not so easy. For this, specially developed pharmaceutical or folk methods can be used, which can be applied independently at home. The main enemy of beautiful and healthy hair is dandruff, which appears on the surface of the scalp, and outwardly looks like small gray-white scales. Dandruff makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the hair roots. If you do not solve the problem of dandruff in time, your hair will soon become brittle and weakened, losing its natural shine.

Types of dandruff on the head

There are two types of dandruff - oily and dry. The main feature of dry dandruff is the reduced level of sebum production. Its development can occur with increased dryness of the skin. As a result, small scales appear in the parietal and frontal regions of the head, which easily come off. This creates a light spray effect.

With an increased level of sebum secretion, oily dandruff is formed. The scales in this case are quite large and noticeable. They stick together to form "flakes". If untreated, the scales turn into a sufficiently dense mass that prevents oxygen from reaching the scalp. Hair loses its natural shine, becomes very oily, starts to shine ugly.

Why dandruff appears: the main causes

Dandruff reasons
Dandruff reasons

Dandruff can occur for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • Disorders in the functioning of internal organs … As a rule, certain malfunctions occur precisely in the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. This phenomenon can be provoked by various gastrointestinal diseases, problems in the thyroid gland, as well as endocrine disorders. Dandruff can also cause severe nervous disorders, constant stay in stressful situations.
  • Wearing dirty hats, using stale bedding. In order not to suffer from dandruff, you need to regularly change bedding and wash hats. If this is not done, ideal conditions are created for the development of fungi that are located on the scalp.
  • Using the wrong shampoo … It is not recommended to use low-quality and very cheap products, because they can cause the development of seborrhea.
  • Rare hair washing … The head should be washed as it gets dirty. In some cases, this has to be done every day. Do not neglect this rule, as the accumulated dust and dirt can seriously harm the health of your hair.
  • Disorders in the process of cell renewalwhich should take place every 25 days.
  • Harmless yeast … It lives on the body of every person, but when favorable conditions are created, it begins to multiply intensively. An increase in the amount of fungus occurs as a result of a change in pH. The onset of the development of seborrhea is provoked, which is accompanied by a rather strong feeling of itching. The scalp begins to itch constantly, the number of white flakes increases sharply.
  • Improper scalp care … Dandruff can occur as a result of too frequent coloring, abuse of a hairdryer or straightening iron, or the use of inappropriate caring cosmetics. Often seborrhea is provoked by an incorrectly chosen shampoo or balm, masks. As a result of excessive use of foam or varnish of strong fixation, a film is formed that clogs the scalp, therefore, the water-lipid component changes.
  • Improper nutrition. The development of seborrhea occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. The scalp can begin to itch badly as a result of vitamin deficiency, dramatic weight loss, excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion, constant depression, as well as overstrain create ideal conditions for the development of yeast. As a result, the head begins to itch strongly, the correct metabolism is disrupted, and ugly flakes appear.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Such changes can occur as a result of age-related changes, in violation of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy.

Dandruff treatment at home

Dandruff reasons
Dandruff reasons

Today, a large number of different methods and means for combating dandruff are known. They need to be selected taking into account the reason that provoked its appearance.

Anti-dandruff hair shampoo

The composition of such products includes unique active ingredients that have a different effect on the scalp. Some of them contain selenium sulfide, which slows down the rate of cell division, while others contain salicylic acid, which promotes the rapid detachment of scales from the scalp.

Anti-dandruff salt

With regular use of this procedure, you can easily eliminate the problem of dandruff. Salt provides accelerated hair growth, intensive nourishment of the hair follicle, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates the problem of increased fat content.

For this treatment, you can use both simple table and sea salt. First you need to wash your hair, then dry the curls with a soft towel, and rub fine grains of salt into the skin for 15 minutes. At the end, the strands are rinsed with plenty of warm water. This procedure should be performed after each hair wash, until dandruff is completely eliminated.

Beetroot anti-dandruff

Beets will help quickly relieve even the most severe itching, as well as eliminate ugly white flakes. To this end, you need to take fresh beet juice and rub it into your skin. After 40 minutes, you need to wash your hair well. It should be borne in mind that beets give the curls a slightly pinkish tint, so it is better to refuse this method to blondes.

Anti-dandruff vinegar


The simplest vinegar normalizes the pH balance, each hair is covered with a protective layer, and the strands acquire a beautiful shine.

For rinsing, you need to take vinegar (2 tablespoons), and dissolve in a glass of water. The resulting composition in the evening is applied to clean strands and left overnight. In the morning you need to rinse the strands with warm water.

Ylang Ylang Oil

Vegetable oil (120 g) is taken and mixed with a couple of drops of ylang-ylang. The resulting oil solution is rubbed into the wet strands. The head is wrapped in a towel, and after 15 minutes the hair is washed with warm water and mild shampoo.

Aspirin for dandruff

Dandruff provokes an unpleasant and very severe itching, which can be eliminated with simple aspirin, which includes salicylic acid. It is this substance that has a strong antimicrobial effect, therefore it quickly removes dandruff caused by the fungus. Also, acid removes itching and inflammation of the scalp.

Take 2 aspirin tablets and grind to obtain a powder that can be added to any shampoo. Then the head is washed in the usual way, the foam on the strands is left for about 10 minutes. Then you need to rinse the curls with warm water. Over the next few weeks, you need to apply shampoos to which olive oil will be added.

Nettle for dandruff

In just a couple of days, you can solve the problem of dandruff by using nettle infusion. However, this product should not only be applied to the hair, but left overnight. During this time, the scalp will absorb all the valuable substances contained in the nettle.

The crushed root of the plant is filled with base oil and left in a sufficiently dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, you can use the resulting infusion to treat seborrhea.

Anti-dandruff essential oils

Most essential oils have strong antifungal and antiseptic properties. It is advisable to add 5 drops of tea tree oil, mint, eucalyptus, cedar, lavender, patchouli, rosemary, grapefruit and geranium oil to the shampoo. Also, these oils can be used for preventive purposes.

Prevention of dandruff formation

In order not to look for methods to eliminate dandruff, you need to follow simple tips:

  • Wash your hair not with hot, but with soft warm water. After all, too hot water provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands.
  • After washing your hair, you should not keep it wrapped in a towel for a very long time, as ideal conditions are created for the development of the fungus.
  • Hair should be washed as needed. Even every day if necessary. However, in this case, you need to choose a mild shampoo suitable for frequent use.
  • You should try to dry your hair less often with a hairdryer and use irons and curling irons for styling.
  • After each use of foams or hair sprays, it is imperative to rinse off these products in the evening.

Video on how to get rid of dandruff:
