Caesar mushroom

Caesar mushroom
Caesar mushroom

Description of the Caesar mushroom. What chemical elements and vitamins does it possess? A beneficial effect. Is there a risk of harm to the body through excessive use. Culinary recipes. In addition, the Caesar mushroom can reduce abdominal pain during menstruation and has a beneficial effect on the woman's reproductive system. Also, B vitamins improve eye health and give the sclera a white tint.

Harm and contraindications to the use of Caesar mushroom

Pain in the lower abdomen of a girl
Pain in the lower abdomen of a girl

Despite the voluminous list of useful properties, only a limited amount of Caesar mushroom can be eaten. Its frequent and uncontrolled activation can negatively affect the state of health and cause serious malfunctions.

The consequences of abuse of the Caesar mushroom:

  • The manifestation of an allergic reaction - there are redness and irritation on the skin, dizziness, fainting, indigestion, flatulence, stool disturbances, nausea, vomiting, the sclera of the eyes turn yellow, apathy appears, blood pressure drops, vital energy disappears, mucous membranes become covered with abscesses.
  • In women, the menstrual cycle may malfunction - severe pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, there is a high risk of developing endocrine disorders.
  • Frequent urination - the bladder becomes toned, excessive irritability appears, sleep patterns are disturbed, calcium is washed out of the bones.
  • Inflammation of the liver and kidneys - the mucous membranes are susceptible to negative effects, the development of glomerular nephritis is possible.

The Caesar mushroom must be collected away from highways, as it, like a sponge, absorbs pathogenic microflora and toxins through the ground. Also, they should not be abused for epilepsy, since there is a risk of provoking an attack.

Absolute contraindications for Caesar mushroom:

  1. Urolithiasis - there are problems with urination, vomiting, pain in the kidneys, blood and sand in the urine, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract worsens.
  2. Gout - metabolic failure, tremors of the limbs, frequent cramps are observed, salt build-ups appear on the hands and feet, and physical activity decreases.
  3. Individual intolerance - constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, dizziness appear, hormonal metabolism worsens, pressure drops, worsening of appetite, exacerbation of colitis.

Before consuming Caesar mushroom, you need to make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction or provoke indigestion. You should be examined by a qualified specialist to determine if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

Caesar mushroom recipes

Caesar mushroom cutlets
Caesar mushroom cutlets

Amanita Caesar belongs to the best category of mushrooms. It is characterized by a delicate nutty aroma and a pungent taste. It can be boiled, fried with vegetables, dried, baked in the oven, frozen, preserved and even served raw.

There are the following recipes for the Caesar mushroom, characterized by special beneficial properties and low calorie content:

  • Potato and mushroom casserole … Several onion heads are cut into strips, and half a kilo of Caesar mushrooms is washed and chopped into 4 pieces. The ingredients are then fried until golden brown. 6-7 potatoes and 1 carrot are peeled and passed through a coarse grater. Then all the products are thoroughly mixed, and 2 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt and black pepper are added to them to taste. After that, the ingredients are placed in a slow cooker, put on the baking mode and turned off after an hour. The finished dish is allowed to infuse for about 20 minutes. It can be poured with sour cream on top.
  • Corn porridge with Caesar mushrooms and meat … The pan is liberally greased with oil and heated. Chicken breast is washed, cut lengthwise, salted, pepper and fried until golden brown. Then the fire is reduced and the meat is covered with a lid. After that, the fillet is placed on a plate and wrapped in foil so that it does not cool down. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the onion cut into rings. Then the Caesar mushrooms are washed, chopped and added to the onion. The ingredients are salted and sprinkled as you wish. Then add 3 cloves of garlic, pre-chopped, and mix. A liter of water is boiled in a separate container and 100 grams of corn grits are added. Cook until puree. Rub 50 grams of Parmesan and 30 grams of butter into the finished porridge, stir thoroughly. Stir-fried mushrooms and chicken breast slices are served with the main course.
  • Stuffed pepper … Peel the onion, chop finely and fry until golden brown in a frying pan. Chicken breast is washed, chopped into slices, fried with onions and 200 grams of chopped Caesar mushrooms. Rub 100 grams of cheese on top of the ingredients, add a tablespoon of sour cream, mix and salt at your own discretion. Wash 3 bell peppers, cut in half, remove entrails and place on a baking dish. Then they are stuffed with mushrooms and put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20-25 minutes. In the end, you can still grind the peppers with cheese. The finished dish is decorated with herbs.
  • Mushroom cutlets … 300 grams of crushed Caesar mushrooms are boiled in salted water and allowed to dry. Several pieces of onions are chopped together with bell peppers and stewed in vegetable oil. Combine vegetables with mushrooms, salt at your own discretion, add 2 chicken eggs and stir thoroughly. The resulting filling is formed into cutlets, distributed on a tray and placed in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 175-185 degrees. A side dish can be potatoes, buckwheat porridge or pasta.
  • Mushrooms and chicken fillet in puff pastry … 200 grams of meat and 200 grams of Caesar mushrooms are washed and cut into small pieces. In a separate container, beat 5 eggs, 100 grams of grated hard cheese, salt, spices and herbs. The resulting mass is poured into mushrooms, mixed thoroughly and fried for about 5 minutes in a preheated and oiled frying pan. Meanwhile, a sheet of puff pastry is rolled out and small cuts are made along its edges. Put the filling in the middle, and then begin to wrap it up, as if braiding a pigtail. The dough is greased on top with whipped yolk and placed in an oven preheated to a temperature of 180-190 degrees for half an hour.
  • Pasta with Caesar mushrooms … Onions are removed from the husk and chopped together with 200 grams of mushrooms. Then heat the pan and grease it liberally with butter. Fry the chopped ingredients over medium heat for about 7-10 minutes. A pound of pasta is boiled and, after cooling, 2 chicken eggs are driven into them. Next, the oven is heated to 190 degrees and the baking dish is abundantly greased with oil. Then spread a layer of pasta on it. After that, add fried mushrooms with onions, then a layer of pasta again. Then sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated hard cheese. The dish is placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Served hot.

Thanks to the addition of the Caesar mushroom, the dish acquires a rich taste and pleasant aroma. It is especially popular in Georgian cuisine. It is often paired with suluguni cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, black pepper, meat, baked goods, and ghee.

Interesting facts about the Caesar mushroom

What does a Caesar mushroom look like?
What does a Caesar mushroom look like?

In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the Caesar mushroom was considered one of the best delicacies. It was most often dried and fried. It was assumed that he was able to heal the severe wounds of warriors.

In antiquity, the edible amanita was considered the "king" of mushrooms. The Roman satirist Juvenal mentioned this in his works.

Caesar mushroom is one of the few that does not leave feeling of heaviness and nausea after consumption. Its components are quickly absorbed by the body.

An overripe mushroom has a repulsive smell of hydrogen sulfide. It is dangerous to use such in food.

This variety differs from poisonous mushrooms in that it does not have scales and black dots on the surface of the cap.

Watch the video about the Caesar mushroom:

The wide distribution of the Caesar mushroom is due to its special taste and an impressive list of useful properties.
