Find out how to build juicy fat-free buttocks in no time. We reveal the secrets of professional fitness trainers. Doctors call fat deposition in the fiber located under the skin as obesity. If you don't know, there are four stages of obesity. Today we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove fat from the buttocks.
There are many reasons the body stores fat. This may be a genetic predisposition or a disruption in the performance of the hormonal system. Now the most common reasons for the appearance of excess weight have become a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of large amounts of food, etc. There are several places on a woman's body where fat is most readily deposited: the waist, thighs, buttocks, and also the abdomen.
Ways to get rid of fat from the buttocks

If the reason for the appearance of body fat is a disruption in the work of any body system, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist. In all other cases, you can start fighting fat on your own. You need to start with nutrition.
How to eat right?

First of all, exclude flour and sweets from your diet. It is often very difficult to give up these products, but if you want to have beautiful and firm buttocks, then you need to make these sacrifices. You also need to stop eating fried foods, fast food, soda, mayonnaise, and various sauces.
You should eat more fish and seafood, as well as vegetables. Don't forget about fruit, but bananas should be avoided. Your meal plan should contain between 90 and 100 grams of protein, and you should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.

However, proper nutrition alone will not be enough and you will have to start playing sports. This could be aerobics, Pilates, or even strength training. It will be very good if you start attending the gym and hire a good coach. You do not have to constantly pay for his services, it is enough for him to show the technique of performing all the necessary exercises and draw up a training program.
If you do not want to do fitness, then you can start attending a school of Arabic dance, Pilates, strip dance, etc. All vigorous activity will help you lose fat and boost your self-esteem. On the net you can find a large number of different complexes for working out the muscles of the buttocks. Here are two very effective exercises:
- "Boxer". Get into a standing position and bend your knee joints slightly. Clench your hands into fists and raise them to face level. Begin to shift your body weight to each of your legs alternately while striking an imaginary opponent. It is necessary to perform two or three sets.
- Get into a standing position and pick up dumbbells. Use an overhead grip with your equipment pointing backwards. Begin to take your left leg back and at the same time raise your arms about 15 degrees from the starting position. After that, it is necessary to bend the knee joint of the left leg and stay in this position for 8 seconds, straining the muscles of the buttocks. For each leg, you must perform two sets, each of which will have 10 repetitions.
Massage and body wrap

In addition to physical activity, you can use body wrap massage. There are many such procedures, and you need to choose the most effective for you. If you want to know how to remove fat from the buttocks, then this requires an integrated approach. Proper nutrition, exercise and a variety of treatments will help you fight fat as efficiently as possible.
You can use honey massage in the steam bath (sauna). First, it is necessary to steam the muscles of the buttocks, and then rub honey into the skin for 10 or 15 minutes. Then the honey is washed off with warm water.
The second effective type of massage will require you to purchase a silicone can from a pharmacy. Apply cosmetic oil to the skin of the buttocks and start moving the jar over it for 10 minutes. Try not to stop while doing this.
The wrap is no less effective means of combating fat deposits in the buttocks. To do this, you first need to apply honey, essential oil or cosmetic clay to the skin. Then wrap the buttocks with cling film and hold for half an hour or 45 minutes. Remove the film and wash off the substance applied to the skin with water. This procedure should be performed every second day. The full course of wrapping is usually 10 to 12 procedures.
It should be said that even walking for half an hour or a little more can be effective in fighting fat. You can go jogging or other physical activity. That's all that we were going to tell, answering the question - how to remove fat from the buttocks?
How to remove fat from the buttocks, you will learn from this story: