Find out how to get rid of a double chin in 2 weeks and make an attractive appearance. Often in women, the skin on the neck begins to sag. The reason for this phenomenon lies in body fat. Do not despair if this situation worries you too. Today you will learn how to remove fat from the neck. As with any problem with excess body fat, this requires an integrated approach. Only through the right combination of training and nutrition will you achieve positive results.
However, it is important to remember that now we are not talking about targeted fat burning, since this, in principle, is not possible. If you want to know how to remove fat from the neck, then it is necessary to eliminate it all over the body. Of course, you will not lose weight in a week or two, and you should be patient. The optimal rate of fat burning is losing one kilo of weight weekly. In this case, you will lose exactly fat mass, and not muscle mass.
How to eat properly to remove fat from the neck?

One should start by reducing the energy value of the diet. Reduce the calorie intake of the 500 calorie meal program and monitor the results. If at the end of the week you managed to lose from half to one kilo of weight, then leave the calorie content the same. If the weight has not changed or continues to grow, then reduce the calorie intake again.
Vegetables and fruits must be present in your diet. They contain a large amount of nutrients, and their calorie content is extremely low. Also, vegetables are a source of plant fibers, which are essential for the body.
Eat only the healthy carbohydrates found in grains. At the same time, it should be remembered that refined carbohydrates have no biological value for the body. You should also move away from fast carbs, preferring complex ones. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein compounds. They are found in non-fatty meats, poultry, legumes, seafood, fish, etc. it is very important to drink at least one liter of water throughout the day. Water is the basis of life, and our body is 80 percent composed of this substance. In addition, water accelerates the process of removing toxins from the body. But it's better to forget about sugary carbonated drinks.
How to exercise to remove fat from the neck?

You need to use cardio as it burns fat effectively. To do this, it is enough to devote about 150 minutes to this type of load during the week. This can be jogging, cycling, or exercise on a stationary bike. You can also dance or swim.
However, cardio alone will not be enough to fight fat. It is also advisable to conduct two strength training sessions per week. The duration of each of them may not exceed 20 minutes, but they are necessary. Cardio effectively burns fat directly during exercise, and strength training will allow you to gain muscle mass and the body, even at rest, will have to spend a lot of energy to maintain muscles.
Sometimes you can find recommendations for those who are interested in how to remove fat from the neck, about the need to perform special movements for the neck. In practice, however, this leads to the opposite result. They will not be able to eliminate the fat in the neck area, but will only increase the muscles, and therefore the volume.
Neck care products to remove fat

It is very useful to use sunscreen in addition to the methods already discussed above to combat fat. The sun's rays with prolonged exposure to the skin can make it wrinkled and flabby. This is especially true with age. Apply a cream with an ultraviolet protection index of 15. And it is worth doing this throughout the year.
Retinol-containing creams are very effective. This substance helps to accelerate the synthesis of collagen and thus allows you to eliminate wrinkles. If you use these cosmetic creams in combination with exercise and proper nutrition, you can achieve great results.
If finances allow you, then liposuction procedure can be performed. This will quickly get rid of fat deposits anywhere on the body. In addition, there are other surgical methods for dealing with fat in the neck. But for this you need to spend a decent amount.
If you are on a budget, then you should be patient. We talked about how to remove fat from the neck through exercise and nutrition. But this is a rather lengthy process that will require maximum dedication and patience from you. Beauty is not easy and should always be remembered. You may also be advised to seek the advice of a healthcare professional when switching to a new nutritional program or before starting sports.
For ways to get rid of fat on the neck, as well as exercises for the chin, see this video: