How to remove visceral fat in women?

How to remove visceral fat in women?
How to remove visceral fat in women?

Find out the features of training and nutrition, which will allow you to burn extra pounds as quickly as possible and at the same time maintain a muscle corset. Visceral fat is the adipose tissue that surrounds the internal organs. There is visceral fat in the body of every person, but it cannot be seen. It absolutely cannot affect the appearance, but with excessive accumulation it can cause the development of diabetes, an increase in blood pressure, etc. Thus, you should know how to remove visceral fat in women.

Why is visceral fat formed?

Visceral fat formation diagram
Visceral fat formation diagram

Today, about 20 reasons for the formation of visceral fat have been established. Of course, we will not talk about all of them today, but consider only the most common ones. First of all, this is insufficient physical activity. All this leads to the deposition of fat not only under the skin, but also inside the body.

An equally important reason is unhealthy diet. Now people consume large amounts of refined foods containing simple carbohydrates and which do not represent biological value for the body. If we add to this weak physical activity, then this is the reason for the appearance of excess weight.

Lack of sleep also negatively affects the functioning of the body. Only during this period is the body able to fully recover. The body can store fat even in the presence of a large number of stressful situations. This has already been confirmed more than once in the course of scientific research. Thus, if you want to know how to remove visceral fat in women, then try to reduce the amount of stress in your life as much as possible.

Also, a set of visceral fat is possible in case of a violation of the hormonal system or in the presence of a genetic predisposition. Do not forget about the aging process, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

However, visceral fat must be present in the body, but in certain quantities. This indicator is determined by the volume of the waist and for women should not exceed 89 centimeters. By the way, men have a normal waist size of 101 centimeters. If you have problems with a big belly, then you should think not only about ways to eliminate it, but also know how to remove visceral fat in women.

How to remove visceral fat?

Girl demonstrates visceral fat
Girl demonstrates visceral fat

Eat right

Visceral Fat Burning Foods
Visceral Fat Burning Foods

First of all, when problems with excess weight appear, you should reconsider your nutrition program. Visceral fats will accumulate until you eliminate all your bad eating habits. First of all, this applies to fractional nutrition. Take this principle and eat small meals five to six times a day.

In no case should starvation be allowed. All dietary programs based on prolonged fasting have proven ineffective and even harmful. Aim to eat every three hours. Avoid high energy foods. If you do not know how to remove visceral fat in women, then this advice should be your first point in the fight against excess weight. Try to diversify your nutrition program as much as possible, while consuming diet food.

Sports activities

People on treadmills
People on treadmills

Exercise is even more effective in reducing visceral fat. When used in conjunction with proper nutrition, you can get the results you expect even faster. Here are some effective exercises that you can even do at home:

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Begin to tilt your legs left and right alternately. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the heels do not come off the ground.
  • The starting position is the same as the previous movement. Straining your abdominal muscles, begin to lift your torso, touching your ribcage to your bent knee joints. For beginners, it will be enough to do 10 repetitions every second or third day.
  • Return to the supine position, but do not bend the knee joints. Begin to raise your legs to a 90-degree angle relative to the body and return to the starting position. This movement should be done three or four times throughout the week.
  • Now you should combine the two previous movements into one. The body and legs should be in a straight line. After that, start lifting your body and legs at the same time. This allows you to simultaneously develop the upper and lower abdominal muscles.

Try to exercise on an empty stomach. Do not start exercising until at least 60 minutes have passed since the meal. It is also important to work at a slow pace. If you perform movements quickly, their effectiveness will decrease dramatically. Also, to speed up the fat burning process, you can use special supplements that can be purchased at sports nutrition stores.

How to get rid of visceral fat, see here:
