Newbie bodybuilding challenges

Newbie bodybuilding challenges
Newbie bodybuilding challenges

There are points that any novice athlete should pay attention to. What exactly should a newcomer to bodybuilding take into account? Very often, having decided to start visiting the gym, people do not quite imagine what they will do there. Of course, there is a lot of information on the network and for the first time this may be enough. Many are sure that everyone goes to the gym to pump up their muscles. However, everyone has their own goals and this is not important.

If you decide to start playing sports, then do not postpone the beginning of classes for the next week, as it may take a long time. There are some differences between novice athletes, depending on which it is necessary to build on when drawing up a training program. Today we are going to talk about the tasks of a beginner in bodybuilding.

What factors should a beginner consider?

Bodybuilder and teen
Bodybuilder and teen


Elderly bodybuilder in the gym
Elderly bodybuilder in the gym

There is a big difference between those who start exercising in youth and after overcoming middle age. The later you start exercising, the less resilient your body is and it will take time to recover. In this case, it is not necessary to relax on the couch. You can combine intense workouts with cardio-style workouts by using light weights.

After forty years of age, the articular-ligamentous apparatus in most cases is sufficiently worn out and you should use the utmost care to avoid injury. First of all, this refers to a high-quality warm-up at the beginning of classes, and it also makes sense to use special preparations containing chondroitin and glucosamine. Do not forget about the development of flexibility, as well as reducing the rate of testosterone synthesis. In the West, after 40 years of age, men often undergo hormone replacement therapy.


Bodybuilder girl
Bodybuilder girl

The differences between the training process of girls and men are quite serious. Girls primarily focus on training the buttocks and legs, while men prefer to train the upper body. However, girls should also remember about arms, shoulders, back and abs. A toned buttock will not work as well against a flabby upper body.

It is also necessary to say about the chest. Girls' breasts are mostly fat, which is burned very effectively when doing bench presses and stretches. This is the only area of the body where targeted fat reduction is possible. This must be remembered when drawing up a training program so that the breasts do not decrease in size.


Bodybuilder near the table with vegetables and fruits
Bodybuilder near the table with vegetables and fruits

It is best to visit a doctor and undergo a medical examination before visiting the gym. However, only a few do this. At the same time, with the right approach, you can exercise even if you have some health problems. For example, if you have heart problems, increase the load gradually and do not use high-intensity training. Also use cardio exercises, also not of high intensity and duration.

If you have kidney disease, you should be careful when using protein supplements. At first, during the day, do not consume more than one and a half grams of protein compounds, for each kilo of body weight. If the pancreas does not function well, then this amount of proteins will be a lot. Remember the joints too. We have already said above that the condition of the ligamentous-articular apparatus worsens with age. Focus primarily on your own state. The body will tell you when to add or decrease the load. With the right approach to training, you can improve your health.

Training experience

People in the gym
People in the gym

Often, people who have previously been involved in other sports begin to go to the gym, but now they just want to keep their shape. They can use heavy weights and train harder, but they should also go through the initial phase. First of all, this applies to the technique of performing movements. This is essential for future progress.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Athletes drink a protein shake after training
Athletes drink a protein shake after training

If you don't change your lifestyle and nutritional program, there won't be much benefit from strength training. Of course, there is no need to start using strict diets right away, but you should forget about pastries and cakes. Get in the habit of eating on a regular basis, not depending on your desire.

You should also remember about rest. If the body does not have time to recover, then you are just wasting your time in the gym. You will not make any progress, and in such cases, most often people quit bodybuilding. You need to remove from your life night gatherings in clubs or with friends. Also try to reduce the number of stressful situations, although this is very difficult in modern life.

Personal trainer

The athlete is engaged with the coach in the hall
The athlete is engaged with the coach in the hall

If you want to make a lot of progress, then you cannot do without a good personal trainer. He will help you draw up a training program, teach you the technique of performing movements, and advise on how to change your diet. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a really good coach.

Very often, people who offer their services to gym visitors do not have enough information about strength training. It is regrettable to talk about it, but the fact is on the face. The way out of the situation can be a friend in the hall who has a lot of experience. He will be able to advise and, if necessary, insure.

Bodybuilding rules for beginners in this video:
