How to properly wash your hair. Features of the use of shampoos, balms and improvised means. How often to do it. Regular shampooing is a basic hair care routine. It is she who has the greatest influence on the appearance and condition of our hair. It is very important to do it right.
General recommendations for shampooing

The procedure for washing hair for the vast majority is a simple shampoo shampooing under running water from the tap. But not many people think that this can be harmful. In the process of washing, the scales on the hairs open, the cementing component is washed out from under them, and the hair becomes defenseless against the aggressive effects of liquid and friction.
For the beauty and health of curls, it is very important to know how and how to wash your hair properly, as well as what to do before and after that:
- Preliminary preparation … Before shampooing, it is imperative to comb your hair for about ten minutes with a soft massage brush, then it will become less tangled. It will also remove the remnants of cosmetics, dead skin particles and improve blood circulation.
- Sour milk mask before shampooing … Whey, sour milk, kefir or yogurt are suitable for her. Such a mass nourishes the hair with calcium and creates a protective fatty film that protects it from damage by detergents. Moisten the curls with a fermented milk product, cover with plastic and a towel. Rinse off after half an hour. Any masks should not be done with every wash. They are applied every other day to weakened hair in need of enhanced care (course - 8-10 times), and for prophylaxis - once a week.
- Oil massage … It should also be done before washing the hair, making massage movements, while always slightly shifting the skin relative to the skull. Thus, blood circulation and oxygen flow to the skin will increase, which will positively affect the condition of the curls. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, for example, castor oil or burdock oil.
- Water temperature … To wash your head with too hot water is harmful. The release of fat from the sebaceous glands increases, the scales on the hairs open and, bristling, deprive them of their shine, and the soap base of the shampoo settles on them with a gray coating. Warm water, felt as comfortable when lowering your hand there (+ 35-45 degrees), will eliminate the likelihood of such problems and the possibility of the absorption of harmful substances by both hair and scalp.
- Water quality … Ordinary tap water contains a lot of chlorine, as well as various oxides, magnesium, calcium salts, iron, and even carcinogenic chemicals. Because of these impurities, it becomes hard. Contacting her, the scalp ages, the hair dries up, breaks, discolored, falls out. Therefore, to wash them, as well as to prepare all kinds of masks, balms and rinses, you should use soft water purified from impurities - filtered (ideally with a special shower filter, but you can also just use household water), bottled or mineral. True, these options are very costly. The simplest way to obtain soft water is to add glycerin to ordinary boiled water (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon), ammonia (for 2 liters of water - 1 teaspoon) or baking soda (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon) …
- Drinking water … Dampen your hair thoroughly before shampooing. When they are hydrated, they will absorb fewer harmful chemicals.
- Washing process … You need to wash the curls with massaging movements with your fingertips (without scratching the skin with your nails!), First from ear to ear, then go to the back of the head.
- Rinsing after washing … Makes hair smooth by smoothing and covering raised scales, and therefore shiny. The scalp acquires a pH corresponding to it. Blondes can acidify the water with the juice of half a lemon, and the rest with ten milliliters of 6% apple cider vinegar (add to 1 liter of water).
- Combing wet hair … This is strongly discouraged! The fact is that when combing, wet curls are strongly stretched, their structure is disturbed, the scales flake off. They look dull and the ends may start to split.
- Using a towel … The washed hair should be carefully, trying not to injure, squeeze and get wet (do not rub under any circumstances!). Then wrap your head in a towel turban and let the water soak. But do not keep your hair wrapped up for too long, otherwise there will be a kind of greenhouse effect, and they will become greasy. Throw the used towel into the wash - even if it looks clean, there are enough bacteria on it already.
Important! Hair with regular heating becomes brittle, dull and brittle, as the scales rise on them, and the inner layer loses moisture and grease. Therefore, if after shampooing you intend to use a hairdryer, curling iron, etc., sprinkle the still wet curls with a thermal spray enriched with vitamins E and B5, proteins and plant extracts.
Features of washing your hair with different means
The longer your hair, the more times the ends have been subjected to traumatic shampooing. In order for the regrown curls to be beautiful and healthy, they should be washed according to the rules that depend on the type of detergent you choose.
How to properly wash your hair with shampoo

Most often, we use shampoos to wash our hair, because this is the most convenient way. It is very important to be able to choose the right product so that it does not harm. When buying a universal product or “two-in-one” (shampoo + conditioner, for example), do not expect amazing results from it in the form of wonderful hair.
To achieve not only cleanliness, but also beauty, you should choose a shampoo strictly for your hair type (dry, oily, normal). Check with your beauty salon or store's beauty department. Perhaps a highly specialized product will be selected for you, for example, for colored normal or long split curls.
It is worth reading carefully what is written on the packaging. Some shampoos contain silicone. Thanks to him, the hair is very well combed and shiny. But it blocks the access of oxygen, and after a while the curls become thinner and begin to fall out. It is not recommended to use this shampoo for a long time.
If the product contains foaming sulfates, for example, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) or SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) and others, then you should generally think about the need to buy this particular shampoo. Yes, it will foam well, but the scalp and curls will become drier, allergies may begin, with constant contact with the eyes - cataracts.
And sulfates also have the ability to accumulate in the body, then causing serious diseases. Yes, and for beauty, the benefits are dubious, because overdried skin will begin to hastily recover, strenuously secreting fat, the hair will become greasy, and you will have to wash your hair more often. Organic shampoos with less aggressive surfactants tend to lather less well, but are not harmful.
When shampooing your hair, follow these guidelines:
- Shampoo amount … Scientific studies have even been conducted to find out how much money is required for one wash. For those who have a short haircut, 5 ml of shampoo (1 teaspoon) is enough, for owners of medium-length hair, about 7 ml (one and a half teaspoons) will be needed, 10 ml (1 tablespoon) should be squeezed out for long curls. The required amount of air conditioner is also calculated.
- Application method … In no case do not squeeze the shampoo directly onto the hair, as you will not be able to control its amount and will overly concentrate on a limited area of the skin. Therefore, first, lather the shampoo in your hands, and then distribute it over the head (moreover, the hair should be already wet!).
- Number of lathers … For those who wash their hair every day, one soaping is optimal. And those who wash it once or twice a week will have to soap their hair twice. The first soaping will wash away the dirt, and the second (the amount of shampoo is half as much) should be used for caring effects: by typing the required amount of the product into your palm, add 1 drop of aromatic oil, for example, tea tree or rosemary, there.
- Using conditioner / balm rinse … After thoroughly washing the curls after shampoo, you can proceed to applying it, distributing it with a comb with very rare teeth (these will not stretch the hair and will not damage it). The largest amount should go to the ends, at the roots such means, making the hair heavier, will disrupt the volume of the hairstyle.
- Rinsing with water … Poorly rinsed shampoo can cause irritation and allergies. Therefore, always rinse the curls thoroughly with water, and do not forget about the benefits of acidifying it (with lemon or vinegar).
There are special washing rules for African braids and hair extensions. Afro-braids are refreshed with a spray bottle filled with warm water with a small amount of shampoo diluted in it. After sprinkling this solution on them, gently massage them and rinse them under the shower, then gently blot them with a towel.
Extended hair is more difficult to wash. If they are synthetic, then it is generally not recommended to wash them in the usual way; dry shampoo should be used. A hairdryer and hot styling are also contraindicated for such hair. Natural hair extensions can be washed as usual, but if you apply conditioner at the end of the procedure, distribute it far from the keratin capsules, otherwise the latter will collapse.
How to properly wash your hair with balm

In English, this technique of shampooing is called "co-washing" (conditioner only washing). It was invented by black ladies whose hair is naturally coarse and dry. And replacing the shampoo with a conditioner balm allows you to make them livelier, softer, more obedient, because it contains more caring substances than detergents.
The composition of the balms really makes such a shampoo possible, and it is shown not only to African women, but also to those whose curls are weakened, the scalp is very sensitive, as well as to those who often dye their hair, use a hairdryer and all kinds of curling irons every day.
For those whose strands are normal, there is no point in switching to co-washing, moreover, it is even harmful - there is a risk of "overfeeding" the roots with nutrients, which will lead to excessive oily hair.
The balm must not contain silicone. Read the label carefully, and if there are chemicals in there that end in -ane or -cone (eg cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone) do not buy them. Co-washing with such a product will only harm and create the effect of dirty hair.
The procedure for washing your hair with balm is simple: first, you should comb it well, moisten your hair with warm water and pat it dry with a towel. Then divide into strands, applying a large amount of balm to each along the entire length. Then gently massage the scalp for 15 minutes and rub the strands against each other (if necessary, you can moisten them a little with water). After that, the balm is thoroughly washed off.
Washing your hair with improvised means

Many people give up their usual shampoos, fearing the aggressive chemistry in their composition, and choose a more difficult, but also healthier way for themselves - using folk improvised means to wash their hair. It takes more time, because such products still need to be prepared, and they are often not washed off as easily as shampoos, but they are reflected in the condition of the hair remarkably.
Consider the features of washing your hair with improvised means:
- Mustard … Oily hair can be washed with the following composition: dilute mustard powder (1 tablespoon) in warm water (2 l) until completely dissolved. If you just sprinkle mustard on your head, then in the place of greatest concentration you can get a burn, and it will be very difficult to wash off then, white flakes will remain on your hair. The mustard is removed not under running water, but by rinsing, dipping the curls into some container with water, so it will all wash off.
- Clay … Pour a pack of clay (from a pharmacy) into a container and, stir well, dilute with water until the consistency of sour cream. A thicker batch does not penetrate well into the scalp. If you wish, you can add your favorite essential oil (1-2 drops) or dilute the clay not with ordinary water, but with herbal decoction. Apply on the head and hold for 5-15 minutes, then rinse off with a rinse, so all particles of the product are removed. Green clay is most easily washed off. Curls can darken from black, so it is recommended for fair-haired people to use yellow or white. After washing with this shampoo, the hair may not be shiny enough. A vinegar rinse will help dark-haired people, and a lemon rinse will help light-haired ones.
- Egg … The yolk should be separated from the protein and pierced, "pouring out" from the shell (this film is very poorly washed out of the hair). Mix with honey (1 tablespoon) and, after foaming the mixture in your hands, rub into your head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. If you wish, you can also add half a teaspoon of ground coffee, then the hair will acquire volume and a light coffee smell. After such washing, it is recommended to rinse them with nettle infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with boiling water in a ladle and insist for half an hour).
- Rye bread … After cutting off the crusts, pour boiling water over a couple of slices of bread, cover and let it brew. Knead the soggy bread into a gruel and apply it on the head with rubbing movements. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with water (rinsing). Regular use will heal dry hair, and dandruff will disappear. This recipe can give curls a dark shade, so it doesn't work for blonde hair. It should also be used with caution by those whose strands are oily.
- Flour … Coarse flour (rye, rice, oatmeal, pea) is suitable. The longer the hair, the more flour should be taken and poured directly onto the head. Distribute through hair, massage and comb out with a thick comb. This is a very convenient way to dry your hair in the field. At home, you can rinse your hair with water. The second way: pour the flour with warm water and let stand for 6-8 hours. Then apply the resulting gruel to the curls for half an hour and rinse off (rinsing).
- Soda … Take regular baking soda (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of hot water and stir. Apply this solution to the head, hold it for one minute and rinse the hair. The uniqueness of this recipe is that, in contact with the grease of the hair, soda forms soap and glycerin, so the solution on the head starts to foam when rubbed in. Moreover, this soap has an exclusive composition, because the fatty secretions of each are unique.
- Soap … Grate baby soap, 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of these soap flakes with warm water (100 ml) or a strong infusion of medicinal plants suitable for you, stir until completely dissolved, add your favorite aromatic oil (2 drops). Apply to hair, rub in, massage, hold for a couple of minutes and rinse.
- Henna … Washing your hair with it is both coloring, strengthening, and getting rid of dandruff. You should take 1% kefir or whey, pour it into an enamel bowl and bring it almost to a boil. Pour henna, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. You can also drive in and stir in 1 yolk. Apply the mixture for 3 hours and rinse. If you don't want to dye your curls, use colorless henna. But you should not use this recipe too often, you can dry your hair.
- Ash (lye) … The whole difficulty for a modern person is getting the ash itself. This requires a stove. It should be heated with dry grass, collect the resulting ash, pour it into a container (up to half) and, stirring, pour water to the top (if desired, with a decoction of medicinal plants). Keep for 24 hours in a warm place, stirring from time to time, or simmer for 3 hours on low heat. The settled clean solution (lye) should be carefully drained and used for washing (50-100 ml is enough for 1 time, depending on how dirty it is) or washing (200-500 ml will be needed for a bowl of water). And with a sediment rich in trace elements, you can feed indoor flowers.
- Brewer's yeast … Pour raw yeast with kefir, heat in a water bath. You will get a jelly-like mixture, which must be applied to the hair for an hour, and then rinsed off.
Please note! It makes sense to alternate the available detergents, because each of them has its own special nutrients.
How to properly wash your hair with decoctions of herbs

Herbal decoctions have long been considered a wonderful remedy for healing and strengthening hair. They are used for masks, and for wraps, and for washing different types of curls, of course, each has its own plants.
Here is a list of plants for each hair type:
- Loose hair … Decoctions of lovage, yarrow, nettle, rosemary, lavender, peppermint and lemon mint help to strengthen them.
- To add shine … Use parsley leaves and seeds, peppermint and lemon mint, chamomile and yarrow.
- Greasy hair … Excess fat will be removed by dandelion leaves, oak bark, thyme, peppermint.
- Split and brittle hair … Burdock and fenugreek (shambhala) can cope with such a problem.
- Blonde hair … It is better for blondes to use plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, elderberry, medicinal marigold, linden.
- Dark hair … Brunettes will benefit from oak bark, black tea, rosemary, sage, birch and linden.
The easiest recipe for rinsing and wrapping: 2 tbsp. pour spoons of herbs with boiling water (500 ml), cover and let it brew until it cools. For better combing of hair, the broth can be acidified with lemon juice or 6% apple cider vinegar.
And here are the recipes for washing your hair:
- Nettle … Take 100 g of dry or fresh nettle, pour a liter of water, add half a liter of 6% apple cider vinegar and simmer for half an hour over low heat, then strain. Pour clean warm water into a large bowl, add 2-3 cups of the resulting broth there and wash your hair over this bowl, taking water with a ladle and rinsing it. It is better to do this before bedtime. Then dry your hair slightly with a towel, tie a scarf and go to bed.
- Birch … In spring, break birch branches with leaves and buds, tie them into a broom, rinse with hot water, pour boiling water over. Let it brew for half an hour and wash your hair (pouring your hair over a bowl in the same way as when washing your hair with nettles).
- Mother and stepmother and nettles … Take 3 tbsp. spoons of each of these plants, brew with a liter of boiling water. Insist hour. Strain, add the infusion to a bowl of clean water and, pouring the hair from a ladle, wash it.
- Soapy medicinal … Take 30 g of soapwort root, pour 350 ml of cold water, boil for 10 minutes. When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it, pour it into a suitable bottle and add olive oil (1 tsp) and any essential oil you like (15-60 drops), close the lid and shake well several times. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. If your hair is oily, you should reduce the amount of oils or not use them at all. Another way: pour 200 g of medicinal soap with water (2 liters), boil for half an hour. After adding the resulting broth to a bowl of warm water, wash your hair over it as described above. Then rinse your hair with chamomile infusion (for blondes) or with a decoction of oak bark (for brunettes).
Remember! Rinse almost dried curls with decoctions of plants, so the effect will be better.
How often should you wash your hair

There is no unambiguous answer to this question, you should not blindly follow other people's advice, everything is very individual. Hair should be washed as soon as it becomes dirty. Not only do the dirty ones look ugly and untidy, it is also harmful to health.
Curls and scalp can be severely damaged if sebum, styling products, and dust are not washed off them in time. All this does not allow her to breathe, slows down the growth of hairs, creates a wonderful environment for the development of bacteria and the appearance of inflammation. Excessive zeal is also harmful. Frequent unnecessary washing does ruin your hair.
General recommendations are:
- Dry hair … It is recommended to wash it once every 8-10 days; in the interval, you can make healing rinsing with herbs.
- Greasy hair … They are washed as they become dirty - either every day (with a special shampoo for daily use), or every 2-3 days.
- Normal hair … They are washed as they become dirty every 4-5 days.
If we wash our heads correctly, we feel comfortable - this is what we should be guided by.
How to wash your hair correctly - watch the video:

Hair care is a daily job. But if you make it your habit (any of which is produced in just 21 days - proven by scientists), then your curls will thank you by making you look great.