How to wash properly?

How to wash properly?
How to wash properly?

Why is it important to wash your face in the morning and evening? Washing procedure, means for the procedure. Frequent mistakes when washing.

Washing is the process of cleansing the skin of the face with water or special products. How young your skin looks depends on the quality of washing your face. There are folk and cosmetic products for cleansing skin pores, but it is important to choose and use them correctly.

Why is washing important?

How to wash your face
How to wash your face

Doctors advise to wash in the morning and evening. In the morning, it is necessary to wash off the dirt particles mixed with the secretions of the sebaceous glands. In the evening, we wash away the dust and dirt accumulated during the day. If you use makeup, you need to use special makeup remover to remove it.

But simply rinsing your face with water is not enough to wash your face. Dust, soot, city smog that settle on our skin are tenacious and sticky, therefore they are not easily washed off. It is also impossible to cleanse the pores from skin secretions with water well. In addition, it contains harmful substances that severely dry the skin and can cause allergies. Melt water or ice water also does not promote deep cleansing, as it narrows the pores, and they clog faster.

Can I wash my face with soap? Also not the best option. The soap contains alkalis that neutralize acids. The latter protect the skin from harmful bacteria. If you regularly wash your face with soap and water, the skin loses its protective film, becomes dry and vulnerable. Bacteria destroy cells, wrinkles appear early.

To preserve beauty, you need to learn how to wash properly in the morning. Consider the procedure and means that are suitable for cleansing.

Basic rules on how to wash

Facial wash gel
Facial wash gel

Let's take a look at how to wash properly. Follow the recommended rules: then the skin will become silky, elastic, and wrinkles will be smoothed out. If you suffer from rashes and acne, visit a doctor and check the health of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Sometimes it is not cosmetics or improper care that is to blame for skin defects, but internal diseases.

Basic rules for washing your face:

  • Wash your face twice a day … The optimal number of washes is twice a day, morning and evening. Less often as needed. If you wash your face too often, the skin loses its protective layer. The sebaceous glands begin to work with a vengeance to create a new barrier, and the pores become clogged more often. Acne and blackheads appear. Frequent washing does not mean good skin cleansing. Additional washing is required if during the day you need to wash off the makeup and apply a new one, in hot weather, after training, when the skin is sweating intensely. Use cosmetics that effectively remove oil from the surface of the face.
  • Use micellar water … Many women think that micellar water can replace the usual one in the hygiene procedure. This can be done, but it is better to use micellar before washing your face. The cosmetic liquid contains micelles - fine particles that bind to dirt and grease. The cleanser does not contain alkali and alcohol, therefore it does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. Start your morning by rubbing your face with micellar water. Soak a cotton pad in it. First, gently remove any dirt or makeup from your eyelids, then rub over your entire face. Don't save water. You can use micellar gel for face wash or make-up remover instead. It is applied with fingers to the skin, massaged and washed off with plain water. If you do not plan to rinse off micellar water with regular water, choose a quality product that is marked "Does not require rinsing." The funds from Garnier received good reviews. After removing make-up, be sure to wash yourself with plain water, otherwise dirt particles will still remain in the pores.
  • Wash your face with warm water … If you are not using cosmetics, wash your face only with warm water. Hot increases the appearance of the vascular network, cold tightens the pores and reduces the effectiveness of cleansing. Follow the recommendations when rinsing your face after cleansing with micellar water or other beauty products. Warm water is suitable for the initial stage of washing. It expands pores, allowing dirt to leave the skin faster.
  • Use sparing products … Start hygiene procedures with micellar water. It handles light dirt well. But if you feel that there is too much grease and dirt on your face, you will have to use more effective products, such as cleansing foam, mousse, milk, lotion, serum, thermal water, gel. Foam, mousse, milk and lotion are suitable for dry and sensitive skin. They moisturize better, relieve inflammation. For oily skin, use gels: the viscous texture promotes deep cleansing. Choose a product without oil products, alcohol and other harmful substances that dry the skin. Cosmetic firms Vichy, Clinique (for problem skin), Laroche-posay (for sensitive skin) received good reviews. Ladies 35+ are advised to take a closer look at anti-aging products. After wiping your face with micellar water, apply them to the skin according to the instructions (with a cotton pad or fingers). Do not spare wipes or cleaning discs. If you save money, you will start rubbing your skin, which will negatively affect its condition. After cleansing your face, rinse it off with lukewarm water to rinse off any remaining dirt.
  • Use exfoliating scrubs and masks periodically … When deciding what is the best way to wash your face, remember that such cosmetics are used no more than 2-3 times a week. With frequent use, it leads to microtrauma, removes the protective film. The scrub or mask is applied to clean, moisturized skin by massaging finger movements. Then wait 5-15 minutes and wash off with water. Choose the right products for your skin type. If cosmetics are not suitable, it causes inflammation and acne.
  • Use oils … Oily products are suitable for removing make-up, nourishing dry skin or for deep cleansing when using mousse, foam, etc. do not cope with the task. The following oils are suitable for the face: olive, nut, almond, castor, apricot or grape seed, jojoba, coconut, argan. They are neutral for the skin, do not irritate and do not cause allergies. Oils do an excellent job with mascara, waterproof cosmetics. Most makeup removers have an oily texture. To remove dirt from your face, moisten a cotton pad with oil. Wipe the skin gently where it is dirty. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water. The final step is important, as dust can enter the pores along with the oil and cause irritation.
  • Finish washing with cool water … If you have prepared melt water or cosmetic ice, it's time to use them. After removing impurities, the pores need to be narrowed so that less dust and dirt gets into them. To do this, rinse the face with cool water or gently rub a piece of ice over the face. The procedure is useful in that it trains and constricts blood vessels, improves cell nutrition. The exception is rosacea: in this disease, the temperature difference is harmful. At the final stage, wash yourself with warm water.
  • Control rinse … Do not hang your face with tap water. Its quality is questionable. When deciding what to wash with problem skin, give preference to control rinsing with boiled, melted or filtered water, herbal decoctions, low-mineral water, and fermented milk products. We recommend washing with herbs for problem skin, oily or with rashes. Most herbs have a drying effect. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, string, St. John's wort, immortelle, nettle will help to cope with rashes. You can choose other herbs according to your skin type. Kefir, yogurt, or milk are good for dry skin. They normalize microflora, create a protective barrier. But use homemade foods or cook your own. Store-bought kefir or yogurt contains yeast, sugar, preservatives, and other harmful compounds that can have unintended effects. With mineral water, too, be careful: before washing, familiarize yourself with the composition of the minerals. Sometimes water is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, but on the face after it, rashes may occur, and allergies will appear.
  • Blot your face with a tissue … After rinsing, dry your face with a paper towel or tissue. If you towel dry, use delicate items. Coarse fibers harm the skin, leaving microcracks on it. If using a towel, change it once a week. Do not give it to other people, do not use it on other parts of the body. Do not rub, but blot your face to maintain the integrity of the skin.
  • Tone up … Loose and dry skin is important to tone up. Apply toner after washing and before cream. The product normalizes pH after exposure to water and cleansing liquids, nourishes cells. Tonics are artificial and natural. Cosmetics are represented by lotions, serums, thermal water. Essential oils, hyaluronic acid, etc. are added to them. Read the composition before purchasing. Cucumbers, green tea, ice with herbs are considered natural tonics. When choosing a cosmetic toner, opt for natural leave-in products.
  • Nourish your skin … Dry and problem skin can be covered with a nourishing or protective cream. The product must be suitable for the type of skin and age of the woman. Apply a light cream that will not clog pores in the morning. In the evening, a fatty, nutritious one will do to "feed" cells and tissues. The cream is easy to replace with coconut oil. Apply it before bed. In consistency, it resembles a balm, contains vitamins and minerals. Before use, warm a piece of oil with your palms, massage it onto your face. Instead of coconut, argan or olive is often used. Apply nourishing masks at night a couple of times a week. Before the cream, you can apply a serum to solve dermatological problems. Be sure to cover your face with cream after the serum. Usually these products are sold in pairs. 2-3 times a week, inject oil solutions of vitamins A and E into the cream. They are sold in capsules. They perfectly nourish the skin, maintaining its beauty.

Frequent mistakes when washing

Washing with hot water as a common mistake
Washing with hot water as a common mistake

Making hygiene procedures, girls often make mistakes:

  • do not wash their hands before the procedure;
  • decide whether it is possible to wash with soap, positively, which leads to dryness and peeling;
  • wash with hot water, which leads to increased sebum secretion;
  • use a lot of funds in one procedure;
  • rubbing their face heavily with a cotton pad;
  • forget about the areas around the ears, near the hair;
  • wash themselves often;
  • rubbing their face with a towel;
  • go to bed with makeup on their face.

How to wash your face correctly - watch the video:

After correcting these errors and following the recommendations, preserve the youthfulness of the skin and prevent dermatological diseases. Wash your face properly and your skin will be healthy.
