What hair dyes exist, how to choose the right shade, based on the color type, the rules for dyeing curls of different colors. A change in hair color is a rather traumatic effect on the curls, their natural structure. Currently, the hairdressing salon can offer three main methods of coloring: using persistent paints based on potent chemicals, natural mild pigments and toning (pigmenting) agents.
Varieties of hair dyes
Although there are three methods for changing the natural tone of hair, no hairdresser can guarantee that any of them is completely safe for curls. It is believed that tinting agents are the safest. This is due to the fact that their components do not have a detrimental effect on the structure of the hair itself. However, after you wash your hair several times, there will be no trace of the bright color. Let's consider each of the varieties of coloring agents in more detail.
Chemical based paints

Using hair dyes allows you to get a dramatic color change for a period of 3 weeks or more. This effect is achieved due to the effect of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia on the structure of the curls, which serve as the basis for this tool. The action of peroxide is to discolor the natural color of the strands, and ammonia helps the coloring pigment to penetrate as deeply into the hair as possible. Of course, such an effect is significantly harmful to the hair. Even the addition of various oils, nutritional components, extracts to the paint is not able to significantly compensate for the damage caused. Of course, the resulting color will delight you for several weeks. However, later you will have to spend a lot of effort and money to restore the health of your hair.
Today on sale you can find paints without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. They act softer without damaging the hair structure and make the resulting color rich and natural. However, they wash off the curls much faster and, as a rule, are not able to paint over the gray hair.
Natural hair dyes

Natural natural dyes - basma and henna - have been very popular among women for more than a dozen years. Their use allows not only to change the color of the hair, but also to significantly improve their condition. These two colors are obtained by processing plants. There are also a large number of nourishing and strengthening masks based on them. Despite the many advantages of such paint, henna and basma also have obvious disadvantages. They are as follows:
- Fairly limited color gamut … Henna allows you to get different shades of red. Basma is black.
- Difficult application process … Unlike ordinary chemical dyes, vegetable dyes are not homogeneous, lumpy, so it is often difficult to apply it evenly to the hair.
- The need for careful concentration calculation … Otherwise, you can get an unpredictable shade on your hair.
- The need for a long exposure of funds on the head … The exposure time can be several hours.
In addition to henna and basma, you can use other natural remedies for dyeing your hair: walnuts, coffee, tea, chamomile, etc. However, despite the positive effect on the condition of the hair, they all have the same negative qualities as henna with basma. In addition, as a rule, curls are only slightly tinted, but they do not allow to achieve persistent staining.
Hair tinting products

If you have no time to fiddle with natural dyes and do not want to spoil the hair structure, then tint shampoos and tonics will be the best choice for coloring.
Their use will give saturation to the natural color of the curls and add shine to them. When applying tinting agents, a special film is formed on the hair without penetrating into the structure. In addition to coloring pigments, tint tonics and shampoos contain a large amount of nourishing oils and various substances, the action of which is aimed at strengthening and restoring hair. You can use such funds often, without harm to the hair.
If you don't like or don't like the resulting shade, you can wash it off. After 3-4 shampoos, it will completely disappear from the hair. If you want to regain your natural color of curls, then it is enough to stop using tint shampoo. On regrown hair, the border between dyed and natural will practically not be visible.
I want to change my hair color: how to choose a color

In order for the hair color after dyeing to emphasize your appearance, make it brighter and more memorable, you need to choose it correctly. Professional stylists and hairdressers recommend making a choice, taking into account the woman's color type. This concept includes a number of nuances, such as skin tone, eye color, natural shade of hair. Choosing a paint suitable for the color type, a woman will look prettier, brighter, more effective. And the flaws in appearance will be smoothed out and will not be so expressive.
When choosing a shade of hair, one should not be guided solely by the principle of "like-dislike". Be sure to consider your color type. You can also use the division into a warm and cold color palette, but this method does not always allow you to choose the right shade.
Today there are four main color types:
- Spring type … It belongs to a warm color palette. It is characterized by tenderness, softness and lack of sharp contrasts. Women of this type have golden skin and may have freckles. Hair - light blond, wheaten, dark blond with a golden tint. They are thin in structure and can curl. The eyes of women of this type are blue, green, emerald and amber. For a spring woman, the colors of caramel, light chestnut, walnut, honey, golden tones are perfect.
- Autumn type … This is also a warm palette. Bright representatives of this color type are red-haired girls, as well as owners of brown and red hair. In this case, the eyes can have a large number of shades from deep green to amber brown. For this type, it is better to choose the colors of mahogany, chestnut, sandalwood.
- Summer type … Despite the fact that summer is associated with warmth and sun, this type belongs to the cold palette. Conventionally, the summer color type can be divided into three groups, the difference between which lies in the shades of the skin, eyes, hair. A feature of this category of women is a bluish skin tone. Moreover, it can be golden, pink, white. If we talk about eye color, then these are different shades of gray. Hair most often has an ashy tint and can fade in the sun, and their color becomes richly cognac. For women of the summer color type, honey tones, reddish, golden, reddish shades will be optimal.
- Winter type … It's a cold palette. Representatives of this type are very similar to summer and autumn. However, they have white skin with a slight rosy blush on which sunburn does not fit well. At the same time, their hair is dark in color. Most often, women's eyes are light gray, light blue and light green. To make this type look great, it is better for him to opt for dark shades of chestnut, mahogany, walnut, red cherry. But the red palette should be bypassed.
The above descriptions will allow you to independently determine your color type at home and choose the optimal hair color. If this is a problem, then it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.
Remember that having a strong contrast between skin tone and hair color visually ages and adds sharpness and roughness to facial features. If you are not sure what color to dye your hair, try amber, coloring, highlighting and other ways to partially change the color of the curls.
Today, there are a large number of programs and applications on the Internet that will allow you to quickly and free of charge choose the optimal hair color for your appearance.
How to dye your hair
After you choose a hair color that suits your appearance, you can start dyeing. In this case, the rules for the transition from one shade of curls to another should be taken into account, so as not to cause great harm to the hair.
How to dye your hair with gray hair

If you have a large percentage of gray hair, then it is best to dye it in light shades, regardless of what your natural tone is. Remember, the older the woman, the lighter you need to choose a shade of hair. Light curls rejuvenate and give freshness to the appearance, and dark ones visually age and make the image more strict. If you have a little gray hair, you can try dyeing your curls with paint that is lighter than natural or exactly the same. In the process of growing roots, the transition will be practically invisible. If your natural hair is light, a natural light brown, ash, wheat shade will suit you. These colors visibly refresh the appearance. Women with brown natural hair can choose auburn, light chocolate shades.
If you have a lot of gray hair, then you can't do without permanent paint. Plant and tint pigments are not able to completely color gray hair.
How to dye your hair blonde without yellowness

A big drawback when dyeing blonde, especially brunettes and brown-haired women, is the appearance of yellowness on the hair. Blonderators are used for lightening. If you have the opportunity, it is better to use the services of professional craftsmen in the salon. They know how to recolor correctly and will carry out the blonding procedure with minimal hair damage.
If these costs are too expensive for you, then you can purchase a lightening kit. When using it at home, you must strictly adhere to the instructions. Before starting the procedure, an allergy test is required. To become blonde without an unpleasant yellow tint, there are several rules to take into account:
- Choose "cold" shades of paint: arctic blond, platinum, pearl blond. It is necessary to dye your hair with such a paint only after preliminary discoloration of the curls, especially if they are naturally dark.
- After dyeing your hair in "warm" colors (wheat, sand, gold and others), there is a high probability that you will get yellowness. To avoid this, carefully read the instructions, mix all components according to the manufacturer's recommendations, keep the paint on the curls for a strictly set time.
- Buy only proven brands of paint, preferably a professional grade. Never purchase this product from street stalls. The chemical components of the paint are very sensitive to temperature changes, and the use of such a spoiled product can give unpredictable results.
- Do not dye during your period. During menstruation in women, hormonal changes occur, which can affect the shade of the hair after dyeing.
If the resulting blond still "gives off" yellowness, special corrective balms, which are created in order to eliminate the effect of yellow hair, will help to correct the problem. You can also try using a colder shampoo.
How to dye a light color after a perm

Perming is a huge stress on hair. Professional hairdressers categorically do not recommend carrying out the hair lightening procedure immediately after it. If you want to get stylish light curls, then it is better to do highlighting before "chemistry". It is not so traumatic for curls. It often happens that after curling, the artificial hair color becomes duller. This is because the chemicals in the curling product wash the dye out of the curls. It is optimal to dye your hair in a light shade after at least a week after curling. If you used the so-called bio-composition to create curls, then the risk of severe damage to the hair after dyeing is reduced. In addition, biowave can be done on bleached hair with subsequent dyeing.
How to dye from a brunette to a brown-haired woman

A big problem when dyeing from dark hair to light is the etching of natural pigment. This can be achieved after 3-4 clarification procedures. It should be remembered that the hair structure is strongly affected by aggressive chemical components that destroy it. Curls lose their natural shine, silkiness. They become brittle and brittle with split ends. Moreover, in order to maintain a neat appearance, it is necessary to tint the roots every 2-3 weeks. When repainting from a brunette to a brown-haired woman, you must remember that now the use of balms, conditioners and special shampoos will become mandatory for you. If you have a natural dark hair color, then in order to achieve a light brown shade, it is enough to discolor the curls and dye them in the desired tone. Usually it is paint with an ashy undertone. If this is your first time dyeing your hair in a lighter shade, then you can use a gentle method, which does not consist in completely bleaching the curls, but in highlighting. After this procedure, you can dye the entire mass of hair in the desired shade. Thus, you get a lighter hair with beautiful natural tints. If you have already dyed your hair dark and want to become brown-haired, then this will be more difficult than in the case of a naturally dark shade of curls. There is a risk that the overgrown roots will be of one color, and the colored ends of the other. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the procedure for washing off the paint in the cabin and only after that paint the hair again.
How to dye from dark to red

If you, having a dark shade of hair, want to dye it red, lightening cannot be avoided, especially when it comes to light tones. First you have to remove the dark pigment from the curls and only then paint them red. It makes no sense to use natural dye on dark hair, for example, henna. She is able to give only a light reddish tint to curls. And if you have dyed hair of a dark color, then using henna is unsafe. In combination with chemical pigments, it can give an unexpected effect in the form of an unpredictable hair color. To lighten naturally dark hair, you can use chemicals based on hydrogen peroxide. And to remove the artificial dark pigment, you need to use a paint remover. Remember, if your hair is damaged or has been permed, then you should postpone the color change from dark to red. Treat them and only then carry out further beauty procedures.
How to change black hair color after dyeing with basma

Basma is a dye derived from the indigofer plant. Helps to give hair a beautiful dark shade. But the main condition is that it must be combined in the recommended proportion with henna in order to get exactly black, and not green, for example. Before you decide to repaint from a dark color after basma to any other, you should completely wash out the plant pigment from your hair. As with henna, basma in combination with a chemical dye can give unpredictable results.
To prevent this from happening, you need to withstand at least a month after the procedure for dyeing your hair with basma and only after that you should paint with a permanent chemical paint. Within a month, the basma will gradually be washed out of the hair and the shade will fade. On such hair, it is already possible to carry out bleaching and dyeing. You can also go through the pickling procedure in the salon. Its essence is in the use of a special washing composition, which washes out the pigment from the hair structure. However, it should be carried out only by a professional master so as not to harm the curls.
How to recolor from dark to light using a wash

It is almost impossible to repaint from a dark color to a light one on your own at home. Experiments like this at home are fraught with serious hair problems. Therefore, it is best to seek qualified help from a hairdresser.
If you are not a natural brunette and your hair has been dyed dark, then the situation becomes more complicated. First of all, in the salon you will be offered to go through the procedure for removing dye from your hair. In the process, a special compound is applied to the curls, which washes out the pigment from the cortex. As a result, as a rule, a reddish tint is obtained on the hair: the black dye is washed off, but the reddish one remains in the structure.
It should be noted that most often the wash is not enough to achieve the desired hair shade. If you are striving for pure light tones, then you will also have to go through the procedure for bleaching curls.
Unlike a wash, bleaching is a harsh chemical attack on the hair. After this procedure, artificial and natural pigment is completely etched from the hair structure. Sometimes one procedure is not enough, and you will have to carry out 2-3 at a certain time interval to completely get rid of pigments. Only after that you can dye your hair in a light shade.
After you change a dark color to a light one, you will definitely need professional treatment and hair restoration with masks, elixirs, creams, oils and balms.
How to dye from light brown to light blonde using bronding

To make your light brown hair 2-3 tones lighter, you cannot do without a bleaching procedure followed by dyeing. If you do not first etch the pigment from the structure of the curls, then by dyeing your hair a few tones lighter, you will most likely get a reddish tint.
However, discoloration is a procedure that deals a serious blow to the health of the hair. To solve the problem of light lightening on light brown hair, a modern way of dyeing - bronding will help. The essence of the method consists in a combination of dark and light shades on curls. Bronzing resembles classic highlighting, in which several tones are used. As a result, overall hair looks lighter. In addition, the hair visually seems more luxuriant, lively and natural. This is achieved due to the "sunny" play of shades in the hair, which are reminiscent of the strands that have burnt out in the open air. The indisputable advantage of bronzing is that it is much more gentle than complete staining with preliminary discoloration. In addition, from time to time you can only tint the roots without exposing the rest of the hair to the chemical attack.
How to repaint from dark to light brown using toning

Instead of completely bleaching the hair, highlighting can be done on dark hair. In this case, only individual strands will be lightened. This is the first step towards light brown hair.
After a month or two, you can repeat the highlighting procedure, but already discolor other strands. Thus, after a while, all your hair will be gently bleached and you can tint in a light brown shade.
Toning will fill the strands discolored during highlighting with pigments. In this case, ammonia-free paint is used, which does not injure the hair. As a result, in just a couple of months you can get a light brown tint of curls without resorting to aggressive methods of influencing them.
How to dye blonde hair with herbal dyes

Natural dyes can only produce a noticeable toning effect on blond hair. With the help of various plant pigments, many different shades can be obtained. For example, chamomile tea can be used to achieve a golden tone on blond hair. Additionally, you need to add a few drops of lemon juice and a couple of teaspoons of any vegetable oil to it. This mixture should be regularly applied to the hair and allowed to dry completely. After that, the composition is washed off with water. Rhubarb root allows for a straw shade on blonde hair. The broth of the crushed root should be rubbed into the hair and not washed off. The more often the procedure is carried out, the more noticeable the effect will be. You can also add white wine to the broth of rhubarb root. The mixture is boiled over a fire for several minutes and, after cooling, is applied to the hair. This way you can achieve a light blond hair shade.
How to dye black hair with herbal dye

Black hair significantly limits the use of natural pigments. However, if you do not plan to drastically change the color of your hair and do not want to discolor them, then you can give them a light shade with the help of vegetable dye.
A decoction of linden leaves and branches will help to add a brown tint to the hair. It needs to be rubbed into the hair roots and distributed evenly over all hair. To achieve a deeper chestnut tone, a linden decoction is used in combination with oak bark and nettle leaves. A strong broth is rubbed into the scalp and distributed through the hair. It does not need to be washed off. The more often you apply such a product to your hair, the more saturated the shade will be.
We dye hair from light to dark by coloring

Most women are characterized by frequent mood swings, which is reflected in the desire to change their appearance. Being a light brown-haired woman or blonde, it will not be difficult to repaint in a dark color. In this case, you do not even need to carry out a traumatic hair bleaching procedure. It is enough to dye the hair in the desired shade with a permanent paint or tinting agent. But if you suddenly do not like the resulting dark shade or quickly get bored, you will hardly be able to return the former light color without harming your hair. Therefore, before experimenting with curls, experts recommend making a less radical change of image - try coloring on light hair. Currently, there are a huge number of types of coloring. Their essence boils down to the fact that the paint is not applied to the entire mass of hair, but only to a separate part - strands, areas (ends, roots). In this case, there may be several shades used. All of them should be harmoniously combined with each other and give the hair a burnt-out effect in places.
Coloring on long hair looks especially impressive. It gives them additional volume and "liveliness". As a blonde, you can dye your hair in darker shades, paying special attention to the areas around your face to see if a dark color suits you. If you are satisfied with the result, then in the future you can carry out a full hair coloring. How to choose hair color - watch the video:

It is possible to change hair color at home, if we are not talking about complex repainting with bleaching or coloring. You should not experiment at home with blondoran, as well as hydrogen peroxide. This can cause irreparable damage to your curls. In addition, consult with professionals if you want to radically change your hair color - it must match your color type.