Learn how to properly develop explosive strength by running short and medium distances. Someone can always run faster than others. However, this feature is not an innate factor, and you can increase your running speed if you want. To do this, you need to understand the basics of mechanics and take into account all the factors that contribute to a fast run. Let's figure out how to develop your running speed.
Factors that prevent you from running fast

Of course, the ability to run fast is primarily necessary for professional athletes. However, ordinary lovers of this type of physical activity are also often interested in how to develop running speed. There are several factors that can significantly limit you, and now we will tell you about them.
Clothes and footwear

Much depends on what kind of shoes you are wearing. So that you can run faster, you should purchase special sneakers that are designed for this. Very often people think that such shoes are just a marketing ploy, but this is not entirely true.
If you compare a special running shoe with a regular one, you will notice differences in their construction. Shoes from well-known manufacturers are quite expensive and if you want to save money, you should get the right sneakers. This will reduce the stress on the joints and the spinal column. You should also use tight fitting clothing to reduce the air drag coefficient.
Energy reserves

You need a lot of energy to run fast. If you are going for a run, then it is worth eating a good meal a couple of hours before. The ideal choice would be foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in protein. Carbohydrates will be an excellent source of energy, and proteins will protect muscles.
But you shouldn't overeat either, since you can't run around with a full stomach. This is another argument in favor of the recommendation to eat a couple of hours before jogging. It is also worth remembering that to fight obesity, you need to force the body to use fats, and not the energy received from the last meal.
Running conditions

The best option for jogging is the rubber cover. The rubber has excellent shock absorption and your joints will not be heavily loaded. It is not for nothing that rubber coating is used on all treadmills, as it allows you to run faster.
Running on asphalt is not the best solution and there are several reasons for this:
- The hard surface increases the shock load on the joints.
- Asphalt often has a large number of holes and potholes, which can lead to injury.
- It is impossible to develop high speed on asphalt.
Correct breathing

It is very important to breathe correctly while running. Actually, this is important when doing any kind of sport, but cardio training imposes special conditions on breathing. You need to take deep breaths and slowly, then exhale air. In words, it seems very simple, but in practice, many have problems. Try to always exhale the air completely so that the diaphragm can relax. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Increased running speed

There are special exercises to increase your running speed. Moreover, some of them, at first glance, are not intended for this at all, but they are very effective.
- Interval running - during running, the pace changes from slow to fast, and the distance of the pace change should not exceed 100 meters.
- Sprint back and forth is what was called shuttle running in school lessons.
- Ladder Exercise - Place the rope ladder on the ground and run, stepping on each cell.
- Jumping - perform any kind of jumps.
Learn more about how to develop your running speed in this video: