Bodybuilding Success Strategy

Bodybuilding Success Strategy
Bodybuilding Success Strategy

Find out how to correctly schedule a diet and workout in bodybuilding in order to gain maximum muscle mass with a low percentage of fat in a short time. To continually progress, you must plan every step you take. Bodybuilding is not just weight lifting, as most ordinary people think. While most athletes are responsible for planning training, nutrition is often overlooked. When compiling a diet, you need to be guided by the following factors:

  • Maintain a balance of all essential nutrients.
  • Monitor the energy value of the diet.
  • Pay close attention to the amount of micronutrients consumed.
  • Observe the required frequency and time of meals.
  • Consider the degree and nature of physical activity in the classroom.
  • Plan meals and keep appropriate records.

Now we will talk in more detail about the strategy for success in bodybuilding.

The ingredients for bodybuilding success

Bodybuilder and child
Bodybuilder and child

Nutrient balance

Separation of products
Separation of products

Everyone knows that carbohydrates, protein compounds and fats form the basis of human nutrition. Most often they are used in various proportions, which vary according to the situation. For example, during a holiday, people consume more sweets.

Scientists have found that the right combination of nutrients can significantly increase the anabolic background. Moreover, it is necessary to consume nutrients in a certain proportion constantly, and not from time to time. This is the only way you can naturally increase the anabolic background. According to the results of numerous studies, the effectiveness of such nutrition can be equal to the strength of steroids, and in some cases even exceed it.

To achieve these results, you need to follow these tips:

  • Eat a minimum of fat. This nutrient in your diet should be no more than 30 percent of your total energy value.
  • During heavy exercise, you need to consume one gram of protein compounds for every kilogram of your body weight. During rest, the intake of the nutrient can be halved.
  • The amount of carbohydrates is directly related to the training goals set in front of you. When gaining mass, there should be more of them, and during drying - less.

Energy value of the diet

Food pyramid
Food pyramid

Each food product has a certain energy value and you should be aware of this. If you eat a lot of food, then the calorie content of the diet may be excessive. The body will transfer all excess calories to subcutaneous fat deposits. At the same time, lack of energy leads to the destruction of muscles.

Many people who want to lose fat believe fasting can help. However, in practice, everything happens completely differently, and this is due to a change in the energy balance in the body. As a result, the body does not use fat deposits as actively as it would like.

To avoid such a decrease in the lipolysis process, training should be used in conjunction with a low-calorie nutrition program. Thanks to this, energy costs will increase dramatically and the metabolism will accelerate. It is also not necessary to do bodybuilding to combat fat. Even dancing can be effective. However, great results can be obtained by combining strength training with cardio training. It is also important to remember that you should not be using carbohydrates to reduce calories in a weight loss diet. All manipulations with the nutrition program should be done with carbohydrates. But don't cut back too much on your carbs. When using low-carbohydrate nutrition programs, ketone bodies are formed in the body, which in large quantities can be hazardous to health.

Sports Supplements

Sports nutrition
Sports nutrition

If your health is dear to you, then you should pay a lot of attention to the intake of vitamins and minerals. The same can be said about protein compounds. However, this nutrient in food always coexists with fats, which, as you remember, should be limited in your diet.

You will have to use protein supplements to stay out of trouble. You will also need them when using low-carb nutrition programs, as carbohydrate metabolism requires certain amines. The higher their concentration, the more energy the body can receive from carbohydrates. All pro-athletes know that when using protein blends, low-carb nutrition programs can be used significantly longer.


Athlete eats
Athlete eats

When organizing proper nutrition for athletes, one of the most important questions is when to eat. In the course of scientific research, it has been proven that the longer the breaks between meals, the more intensively the body stores fat.

During the day, you need to eat at least five times and this is not discussed. It should also be remembered that foods containing protein compounds should be present in every meal. This is due not only and not so much to the growth of muscles. It has been found that amines stimulate energy metabolism, which significantly increases your tone.

There are also some more local technical nuances. About half an hour before training, a gainer should be used to increase insulin concentration. Also consume this type of sports nutrition every 15 minutes during training. About 20 minutes before the end of the session, you should consume from 50 to 100 grams of rapidly digestible carbohydrates. After completing the training for an hour or two, you should take a loading dose of carbohydrates, while not forgetting about proteins. It is also important to consume protein blends before bed (casein) and immediately after waking up.

Sports nutrition myths

The athlete drinks a protein shake
The athlete drinks a protein shake

Since when organizing proper nutrition, it is necessary to monitor not only the main nutrients, but also micronutrients, the myth about the complexity of nutrition for the builder has become very popular. In the history of bodybuilding, there was one period of time when many athletes were trying to find a magic nutrition program. But today everything has changed.

During the off-season, there are practically no dietary restrictions. Of course, such a campaign leads to the formation of body fat, which cardio training allows to cope with. This type of physical activity is more energy-intensive in comparison with strength training and even when using small loads, say on an exercise bike, fats are actively consumed by the body.

If you use the stationary bike once a day for no more than 40 minutes, then you will not have to spend a lot of time at the calculator calculating the energy value of the nutrition program. It is also important to remember that moderate cardio activity promotes muscle growth as it speeds up metabolism.



Through strength training, you speed up your metabolism, but most athletes spend no more than an hour in the gym, and rest the rest of the time. The higher the metabolism at this time, the faster the body will recover. All the same nutrition can help in this. To increase the speed of metabolic processes, on days free from exercise, you should increase the energy value of the diet, primarily due to carbohydrates.

For the nutritional features of athletes to achieve and maintain ideal shape, see this video:
