Powerlifting: the secrets of success

Powerlifting: the secrets of success
Powerlifting: the secrets of success

Each athlete has their own secrets to the effectiveness of training to improve performance. Learn the secrets to powerlifting success. Every athlete is familiar with the situation when at some point the effectiveness of his training falls. Also, with the constant use of the same scheme, the athlete gets tired mentally, which also does not contribute to the high effectiveness of training sessions. Today we're going to talk about the secrets to powerlifting success that will keep you progressing over time.

Secret # 1: Always stay as focused as possible

Athlete performing deadlift in competition
Athlete performing deadlift in competition

The main difference between the "Maximum Strength" technique from others is its focus on performing exercises. This suggests that it is aimed at enhancing the physical capabilities of the body. You should always focus on the execution of the movements, and not on other factors, say, changes in the appearance of the figure. This will allow you to achieve the assigned tasks much faster.

It is very important to focus on performance during training. It takes more than one year to achieve a significant level of physical development. If this goal is your top priority, then success will come much earlier.

Secret # 2: Constantly set yourself new challenges

The athlete performs a barbell snatch
The athlete performs a barbell snatch

A high concentration on the exercise goes hand in hand with setting new goals. The easiest way to measure these objectives is in numbers. For example, an increase in working weight. This is the simplest task an athlete can set for himself. Having a task in front of you, you motivate yourself to solve it. And you want to do it as quickly as possible.

Your tasks can be both short-term and long-term. However, the best option would be to set goals for different periods. At least one of them should be short-term.

Secret # 3: Pay attention to small details

Powerlifter holds a barbell
Powerlifter holds a barbell

The basis for increasing strength indicators is the musculoskeletal system. Its development should be a priority for you. Your body will only be as strong as the weakest point allows. For most athletes, this is precisely the musculoskeletal system. Your strength performance can be affected by low mobility, a crooked spine, or uneven muscle strength.

You need to continually identify and address these bottlenecks in a variety of ways. Stretching and mobility exercises are very effective for working on the musculoskeletal system. Those athletes who do not pay attention to the little things will not be able to achieve their goals. In sports, as well as in any other business, there can be no trifles.

Secret # 4: Add variety to your training program

Bodybuilder Performs Bench Press
Bodybuilder Performs Bench Press

Variety should be the backbone of any training system. Any minor change in exercise performance can be a decisive factor in improving the performance of the entire system. Using various exercises, you achieve balance of the musculoskeletal system.

The human body can move in a variety of ways, and your exercises as part of your training program should provide this variety. This will help you improve the effectiveness of your training. Some of the exercises necessarily serve as support for others.

For example, by doing a suitcase pull, you prepare your body for the stresses that await it when performing rotational movements that follow. With a variety of training programs, you can avoid muscle bottlenecks.

The more your training experience, the more varied the training program should be. If it is enough for novice athletes to use only basic exercises, then as the muscles develop, it is necessary to include other exercises in the training program. Each person has genetic boundaries and, as they approach them, it becomes more and more difficult to develop muscles. This is where variety comes to the rescue.

Secret # 5: More Pulling and Less Jogging

Schematic representation of the three basic exercises in powerlifting
Schematic representation of the three basic exercises in powerlifting

This is due to the fact that in modern life, people spend a lot of time sitting. Because of this, the muscles that perform the traction function are inferior in their development to the jerk ones. A similar balance in the overwhelming majority of cases is observed already from adolescence.

If your training program contains a large number of sensible movements, then this imbalance will only worsen. Therefore, you should include more pulls and fewer jerks in your training.

Secret number 6: change the load in the classroom

Deadlift scheme
Deadlift scheme

Most of the methods for the development of strength indicators suffer from insufficient variability of loads. Most athletes use heavy weights in every session, which can slow down progress. Your performance will skyrocket when you alternate between training sessions with different weights. This can be done every week.

When using a lot of weight, the body is heavily loaded, and thanks to subsequent exercises with a lower weight, it is much easier for it to adapt. This is what will lead to an increase in your physical performance.

Secret # 7: Don't Forget About Nutrition

Athlete eating meat on a fork
Athlete eating meat on a fork

We have already figured out that a variety of workouts are more effective. The same can be said for the nutrition program. Whichever diet program you use, you always need to make certain changes for variety. If it is effective, then you shouldn't change its base, just make slight changes. Of course, nutrition is a very important and difficult topic for athletes. But she needs to pay maximum attention.

Secret # 8: Don't Forget Energy Training

Athlete training in the gym
Athlete training in the gym

Energy training is not an obligatory attribute of almost any strength technique. This is due to the fact that they have different goals. However, their importance for increasing the effectiveness of classes should not be underestimated. At some point, you yourself will understand that energy training is necessary for you and should not be neglected.

About how difficult it is to succeed in powerlifting and what secrets you need to know, see this video interview:
