Aromatherapy: features of the

Aromatherapy: features of the
Aromatherapy: features of the

Find out what is the benefit of such a pleasant procedure as aromatherapy and the features of its implementation. For many centuries, it has been known about the positive effect of certain odors on the human body. Since ancient times, the wound healing and antiseptic effect of natural essential oils has been widely used. Thanks to their effect, performance is enhanced, appetite and mood are improved. Today, aromatherapy is used as a technique that has a healing effect on the entire body.

What are the benefits of essential oils?

Aromatherapy oils
Aromatherapy oils

Back in the fifth century AD, people learned to extract aromatic preparations from a variety of plants. But the fragrant substances were volatile, so over time they began to dissolve in fats, thanks to which the aroma was preserved much better.

To retain the fragrance and ensure its long-term diffusion into the environment, the Arabs have mastered the technology of mixing essential oils with musk. The antimicrobial properties of incense have been widely used, as a prophylaxis for various infectious diseases, as well as for disinfecting a room by fumigating the air, which was widely used during religious rituals.

Essential oils were used for embalming, healers used them to eliminate various diseases, and during the construction of temples, they were added to building materials. Today, aromatherapy is based on the healing effect of essential oils on the human body through the sense of smell (inhalation, inhalation), internal intake and through the skin (compresses, massage, baths, etc.). Essential oils help to protect the body from viruses, microbes, bacteria, there is a positive effect on the biochemical processes in the body, the metabolism is normalized, and there is a positive effect on the whole body.

Essential oils have a large number of positive properties, therefore they are used in the field of cosmetology, including for performing a variety of home health procedures that help increase vitality.

Pleasant scents during aromatherapy have a positive effect on your emotional and physical well-being. Today, a fairly large number of different subtleties of this procedure are known, because each oil has unique properties.

Helpful hints: how to choose a quality essential oil?

Lavender, cornflower, orange oil
Lavender, cornflower, orange oil

For aromatherapy, only high quality essential oils should be used, which should not be diluted. Before buying an essential oil, you need to know some of the subtleties of its choice:

  1. At the time of purchase, it can be difficult to determine that a premium essential oil is essential. That is why you need to purchase these funds only from well-known brands.
  2. It is necessary to carefully study the inscription on the label, as it should have the name of the raw material in Latin, and the designation "100% natural essential oil". For the production of this product, only natural and environmentally friendly raw materials are used.
  3. The essential oil is sold and stored only in glass containers of a dark color to prevent damage to the product as a result of negative exposure to sunlight.
  4. The essential oil must be accompanied by instructions for its use.
  5. It is necessary to check the presence of a seal on the lid and the expiration date of the product.
  6. A high-quality and natural essential oil cannot be too cheap.

Features of using essential oils

A drop of oil in the bowl
A drop of oil in the bowl

A distinctive feature of essential oils is their high penetrating power, which is why they can be used in several ways, but certain nuances must be taken into account:

  • First you need to decide on the aroma of the oil - it is important to listen to your own feelings, because if you do not like the smell, the product will not have a positive effect.
  • Before using the essential oil, a little testing with minimal dosages is mandatory. If a positive effect is noticeable, you can gradually increase the level of oil concentration, but not exceed the permissible rate.
  • It is not recommended to use the same essential oil for more than 10 consecutive days.
  • Most of the natural essential oils, after being applied to the skin, are capable of provoking a rather severe burn, which is why it is useful to use intermediary agents, due to which the safe delivery of all useful substances will be ensured.
  • During testing to determine the sensitivity to essential oil, you need to take a few drops of the product and mix with? h. l. any cream to minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

How to carry out aromatherapy at home?

Girl sniffs aroma oil
Girl sniffs aroma oil

This procedure is a useful and completely natural way to calm the nervous system, with its help you can get rid of various types of ailments, create a comfortable and harmonious atmosphere to relieve tension and gain strength.

Carrying out aromatherapy at home is very simple - water is poured into a spray bottle and a few drops of essential oils are added. After that, the product is distributed throughout the room. Special aromatherapy devices can also be used.

One of the most popular and effective home aromatherapy methods is to inhale essential oils. You can carry out cold inhalations (used to flavor the room) and hot to treat a variety of diseases, which include respiratory diseases.

The aroma lamp is used to disinfect and aromatize the air in the room. The positive effect will extend to everyone in the room.

The aroma lamp has a special vessel into which water is poured and it is located on top, and below there is a candle that warms up the liquid. A small amount of the selected essential oil is poured into the water in the following proportions - for 5-6 square meters. m. 1 drop of oil is added. During evaporation, the pleasant and light aroma of the oils fills the room. But if an aroma lamp is used, it is necessary to ensure that it does not overheat and periodically wash it using laundry soap. This prevents mixing of different flavors.

You can also conduct individual therapy sessions, but for this you need a special medallion, into which a few drops of essential oil or a mixture of several are poured.

Aromaculons with the addition of essential oils are an excellent prophylaxis for a variety of viral infections. This method of therapy is recommended for children during an epidemic, of course, if the child is not allergic to the essential oil used. You can also use another method - a clean cotton pad is taken, on which a few drops of essential oil are applied and pinned to clothes. Do not apply oil directly to the fabric, as there is a risk of whitish spots.

Hot inhalation is no less effective, during which a few drops of essential oil are added to a container filled with boiled hot water. Then you need to bend over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for a few minutes. After the therapy, you need to rest a little. A full course of aromatherapy is 7 days.

For home aromatherapy, classic sachets can also be used - small aromatic pads filled with spices, aromatic herbs and petals.

Aromatherapy in cosmetology

A girl at a spa procedure together with aromatherapy
A girl at a spa procedure together with aromatherapy

Natural essential oils have a lot of useful qualities, therefore they have a fairly wide external application. In order for such medical and cosmetic procedures to bring only benefits, it is necessary to know some of the subtleties of their implementation.

You can add the essential oil in small amounts to shower gel, bubble bath, cream, and other products. However, it must be remembered that essential oils do not dissolve in water, therefore, an emulsifier must be used - cream, soda, liquid honey, baby shampoo, sea salt.

To prepare a bath, the temperature of the water cannot be very hot, and the duration of the procedures is no more than 20 minutes. After such a bath, you cannot take a shower using soap or other means, due to which the maximum amount of beneficial substances is retained on the skin.

Essential oils can be added to shampoos, body masks, and face masks. But all this is done immediately before using the product. Thanks to enrichment in this way, the cream can be taken within a week, but not longer. For skin care, it is useful to use avocado, grape seed, and almond essential oils. An excellent therapeutic massage agent is a baby cream with the addition of oil (for 1 teaspoon of the base, 4–5 drops of the extract are taken).

By combining several essential oils, unique aromatic compositions can be created that will have a positive effect on well-being and emotional well-being. Such remedies help to improve mood, get rid of depression and maintain peace of mind. To scent bed linen and clothes, you can put a sponge in the closet, on which a few drops of essential oil are applied.

Aromatherapy contraindications

Aromatherapy procedure
Aromatherapy procedure

Such a pleasant procedure as aromatherapy has a lot of positive qualities and has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, but it also has certain contraindications. Despite the fact that scientists have carefully studied the composition of essential oils and their effect, it is necessary to minimize their use in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • if there is a tendency to allergies;
  • with seasonal allergic rhinitis;
  • during therapy with homeopathic medicines;
  • with ischemic heart disease and thrombophlebitis, kidney disease.

If you have heart disease or asthmatic conditions, before using essential oils, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Natural essential oils are used with extreme care to care for delicate and sensitive skin, including those with high blood pressure. There is a certain category of essential oils that are contraindicated for use for children under 6 years old, otherwise they can cause increased nervous irritability and provoke the development of insomnia.

Natural essential oils can become indispensable helpers in maintaining beauty and health, but only if they are used correctly. In no case should the established dosage be exceeded, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

More on the benefits of essential oils and aromatherapy in this video:
