On the method of self-hypnosis in bodybuilding

On the method of self-hypnosis in bodybuilding
On the method of self-hypnosis in bodybuilding

Why does someone achieve great results in sports, while others do not. Psychology comes first here. How to set yourself up for constant progress in bodybuilding? All people differ in their habits and outlook on life, but from a physiological point of view, the differences are minimal. This has been proven in scientific research and is therefore non-negotiable. Why were famous bodybuilders able to achieve high results, but most athletes - not? A new scientific hypothesis assures that it's all about the human subconscious. Let's talk about the self-hypnosis method in bodybuilding.

The influence of psychology on bodybuilding

Sportswomen in swimsuits with dumbbells
Sportswomen in swimsuits with dumbbells

Previously, scientists believed that humans are very different from animals, whose behavior is not conscious. Agree that this judgment looks quite logical, although only 12 percent of the brain is engaged in conscious work, and the rest is assigned to the subconscious.

With the development of science, scientists have revised their opinion on this matter. They found that the subconscious behavior of people is approximately equal to the proportion of the physical volume that it occupies in the brain. This is not the most joyful discovery, since consciousness has little potential and cannot resist subconscious motives. Today, scientists believe that our subconscious mind is a kind of biological adding machine that takes in and evaluates all information, after which an answer is given. The main problem with this is that for many people today, most of the data entering the brain is negative. As a result, this leads to a decrease in mood and the appearance of depression.

In turn, mood, as scientists believe, is a type of human hormonal state. In a bad mood, the rate of synthesis of all important hormones is reduced. If the mood rises, then the situation is reversed. At the same time, joy is characterized not only by a high concentration of various hormones, but also by the presence of other substances that can reduce pain or increase muscle tone.

Thus, if positive emotions prevail in the life of an athlete, this contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of the training. Psychologists believe that positive emotions can increase the intensity of training by up to 15 percent. This can only mean that most athletes do not give their best in the classroom.

The uniqueness of bodybuilding stars can be attributed to their unique character. With all the differences between them, there is a common feature - they do not attach much importance to negative emotions. During classes, they are not tormented by fears and doubts. If you think that psychology is not of fundamental importance in bodybuilding, then let us inform you that when you are in a bad mood, more than a hundred different substances are formed in the body that have a depressing effect on all body systems. But this can be fought with the help of self-hypnosis.

How to use the self-hypnosis method in bodybuilding?

An athlete performs a standing dumbbell press
An athlete performs a standing dumbbell press

First, you need to take the most comfortable position for self-hypnosis. If you just lie on the bed, then very soon you will be overcome by a feeling of drowsiness. A deep and comfortable chair is best suited for self-hypnosis. You should feel comfortable and relaxed in it, but at the same time not fall asleep.

You should also take off your shoes and do not cross your limbs. After that, you need to find the key that will open the doors of your subconscious for you. Place your palm in front of your face and look closely at it. At some point, you will feel unusual sensations in the palm of your hand. It is important to identify what it is, such as a slight tingling sensation or coldness. This is the key to your subconscious mind.

Then you should place your hands on the upper thigh and listen to yourself, periodically repeating the keyword to yourself. In this case, you should focus on the sensations that have arisen in the muscles. Continue this pattern until you are completely relaxed.

Determine what kind of mood you feel after reaching a relaxed state. It can be, say, calmness, but here is the second key. You are probably wondering what these keys are for? Over time, with constant mental training, you will learn to achieve relaxation just by uttering keywords.

When you have identified all the keywords, focus on breathing. Make it dewy and deep by repeating the second key. Gradually, you will feel how you delve deeper into your subconscious. To fully enter it, say the following phrase: "I am deeply asleep."

You need to use this formula constantly during the first 10 or 12 sessions. Then repeat it every fourth session until it becomes natural for you.

For more information about the method of self-hypnosis and psychology in bodybuilding, you will learn from this video:
